mirror of https://github.com/helloxz/onenav.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1285 lines
42 KiB
1285 lines
42 KiB
layui.config({ |
base: './static/module/' |
}).extend({ |
iconHhysFa: 'iconHhys/iconHhysFa' |
}); |
/** |
* 随机生成字符串 |
* 参考:https://blog.csdn.net/jiciqiang/article/details/121915750 |
* @param len 指定生成字符串长度 |
*/ |
function getRandomString(len){ |
let _charStr = 'abacdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789', |
min = 0, |
max = _charStr.length-1, |
_str = ''; //定义随机字符串 变量 |
//判断是否指定长度,否则默认长度为15 |
len = len || 15; |
//循环生成字符串 |
for(var i = 0, index; i < len; i++){ |
index = (function(randomIndexFunc, i){ |
return randomIndexFunc(min, max, i, randomIndexFunc); |
})(function(min, max, i, _self){ |
let indexTemp = Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min), |
numStart = _charStr.length - 10; |
if(i==0&&indexTemp >=numStart){ |
indexTemp = _self(min, max, i, _self); |
} |
return indexTemp ; |
}, i); |
_str += _charStr[index]; |
} |
return _str; |
} |
//生成6位随机数并存储到sessionStorage |
function set_icon_name(){ |
sessionStorage.icon_name = getRandomString(6); |
} |
//获取icon名称 |
function get_icon_name(){ |
// console.log('this?'); |
return getRandomString(6); |
} |
//获取老图标的完整路径 |
function get_old_pic() { |
let old_pic = $("#font_icon").val(); |
if( old_pic != undefined ) { |
return old_pic; |
} |
else{ |
return ''; |
} |
} |
// 2022014 |
layui.use(['element','table','layer','form','upload','iconHhysFa'], function(){ |
var element = layui.element; |
var table = layui.table; |
var form = layui.form; |
var upload = layui.upload; |
layer = layui.layer; |
//第一个实例 |
table.render({ |
elem: '#category_list', |
toolbar: '#catToolbar', |
height: 525 |
,url: 'index.php?c=api&method=category_list' //数据接口 |
,page: true //开启分页 |
,cols: [[ //表头 |
{type: 'checkbox', fixed: 'left'}, |
{field: 'id', title: 'ID', width:80, sort: true, fixed: 'left'} |
,{field: 'font_icon', title: '图标', width:60, templet: function(d){ |
return '<i class="fa-lg '+d.font_icon+'"></i>'; |
}} |
,{field: 'name', title: '分类名称', width:160} |
,{field: 'fname', title: '父级分类', width:160} |
,{field: 'link_num', title: '链接数量', width:110,sort:true} |
,{field: 'add_time', title: '添加时间', width:160, sort: true,templet:function(d){ |
var add_time = timestampToTime(d.add_time); |
return add_time; |
}} |
,{field: 'up_time', title: '修改时间', width:160,templet:function(d){ |
if(d.up_time != ''){ |
var up_time = timestampToTime(d.up_time); |
return up_time; |
} |
else{ |
return ''; |
} |
}} |
,{field: 'weight', title: '权重', width: 100} |
,{field: 'property', title: '是否私有', width: 120, sort: true,templet: function(d){ |
if(d.property == 1) { |
return '<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs">是</button>'; |
} |
else { |
return '<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-danger">否</button>'; |
} |
}} |
,{field: 'description', title: '描述'} |
,{fixed: 'right', title:'操作', toolbar: '#nav_operate', width:150} |
]] |
}); |
//监听行工具事件 |
table.on('tool(mycategory)', function(obj){ |
var data = obj.data; |
//console.log(obj); |
//console.log(obj) |
if(obj.event === 'del'){ |
layer.confirm('确认删除?',{icon: 3, title:'温馨提示!'}, function(index){ |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=del_category',{'id':obj.data.id},function(data,status){ |
if(data.code == 0){ |
obj.del(); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg); |
} |
}); |
layer.close(index); |
}); |
} else if(obj.event === 'edit'){ |
// 这是原来老的逻辑,跳转到新的页面进行编辑,不太友好 |
// window.location.href = '/index.php?c=admin&page=edit_category&id=' + obj.data.id; |
// 新的逻辑改为当前页面iframe编辑 |
layer.open({ |
type: 2, |
title: '编辑分类', |
shadeClose: true, |
maxmin: true, //开启最大化最小化按钮 |
area: ['900px', '660px'], |
content: '/index.php?c=admin&page=edit_category_new&id=' + obj.data.id |
}); |
} |
}); |
//渲染链接列表 |
table.render({ |
elem: '#link_list' |
,height: 530 |
,url: 'index.php?c=api&method=link_list' //数据接口 |
,method: 'post' |
,page: true //开启分页 |
,toolbar: '#linktool' |
,cols: [[ //表头 |
{type:'checkbox'} //开启复选框 |
,{field: 'id', title: 'ID', width:80, sort: true} |
,{field: 'font_icon', title: '图标', width:60, templet:function(d){ |
if(d.font_icon == null || d.font_icon == "") |
{ |
return '<img src="static/images/default.png" width="28" height="28">'; |
} |
else |
{ |
let random = getRandStr(4); |
let font_icon = d.font_icon; |
return `<img src="${font_icon}?random=${random}" width="28" height="28">`; |
} |
}} |
// ,{field: 'fid', title: '分类ID',sort:true, width:90} |
,{field: 'category_name', title: '所属分类',sort:true,width:120} |
,{field: 'url', title: 'URL',width:140,templet:function(d){ |
var url = '<a target = "_blank" href = "' + d.url + '" title = "' + d.url + '">' + d.url + '</a>'; |
return url; |
}} |
,{field: 'title', title: '链接标题', width:140,edit: 'text'} |
,{field: 'add_time', title: '添加时间', width:148, sort: true,templet:function(d){ |
var add_time = timestampToTime(d.add_time); |
return add_time; |
}} |
,{field: 'up_time', title: '修改时间', width:148,sort:true,templet:function(d){ |
if(d.up_time == null){ |
return ''; |
} |
else{ |
var up_time = timestampToTime(d.up_time); |
return up_time; |
} |
}} |
,{field: 'check_status', title: '状态', width: 80,sort:true,templet:function(d){ |
let title = `检测时间:${d.last_checked_time}`; |
if(d.check_status == 1) { |
return `<span title="${title}" class="link-status-text layui-badge layui-bg-green">正常</span>`; |
} |
else if(d.check_status == 2) { |
return `<span title="${title}" class="link-status-text layui-badge">异常</span>`; |
} |
else if(d.check_status == 3) { |
return `<span title="${title}" class="link-status-text layui-badge layui-bg-cyan">未知</span>`; |
} |
else { |
return `<span title="${title}" class="link-status-text layui-badge layui-bg-gray">未检测</span>`; |
} |
}} |
,{field: 'property', title: '私有', width: 80, sort: true,templet: function(d){ |
if(d.property == 1) { |
return '<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs">是</button>'; |
} |
else { |
return '<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-danger">否</button>'; |
} |
}} |
,{field: 'weight', title: '权重', width: 75,sort:true,edit: 'text'} |
,{field: 'click', title: '点击数',width:90,sort:true} |
,{fixed: 'right', title:'操作', toolbar: '#link_operate'} |
]] |
}); |
//头链接工具栏事件 |
table.on('toolbar(mylink)', function(obj){ |
var checkStatus = table.checkStatus(obj.config.id); |
switch(obj.event){ |
case 'getCheckData': |
var data = checkStatus.data; |
if( data.length == 0 ) { |
layer.msg('未选中任何数据!'); |
} |
//遍历删除数据 |
else{ |
layer.confirm('确认删除选中数据?',{icon: 3, title:'温馨提示!'}, function(index){ |
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { |
// $.post('/index.php?c=api&method=del_link',{'id':data[i].id},function(data,status){ |
// if(data.code == 0){ |
// } |
// else{ |
// layer.msg(data.err_msg); |
// } |
// }); |
$.ajax({ |
'url': '/index.php?c=api&method=del_link', |
'type': 'POST', |
'async': false, |
'data':{'id':data[i].id} |
}); |
} |
layer.open({ |
title: '温馨提醒' |
,content: '选中数据已删除!', |
yes: function(index, layero){ |
window.location.reload(); |
layer.close(index); //如果设定了yes回调,需进行手工关闭 |
} |
}); |
}); |
} |
//console.log(data[0].id); |
//刷新当前页面 |
//window.location.reload(); |
break; |
case 'readmoredata': |
var data = checkStatus.data; |
fidtext = $("#fid option:selected").text(); |
fid = $("#fid").val(); |
fid = parseInt(fid); |
if( data.length == 0 ) { |
layer.msg('未选中任何数据!'); |
return false; |
} |
if ( isNaN(fid) === true ){ |
layer.msg('请先选择分类!',{icon:5}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.confirm('确认将选中链接的分类修改为【' + fidtext + '】?',{icon: 3, title:'温馨提示!'}, function(index){ |
id = []; |
for(let i = 0;i < data.length;i++) { |
id.push(data[i].id); |
} |
$.post("/index.php?c=api&method=batch_modify_category",{id:id,fid:fid},function(data,status){ |
if (data.msg === "success") { |
layer.msg("修改成功!",{icon:1}); |
setTimeout(() => { |
window.location.reload(); |
}, 2000); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg,{icon:5}); |
} |
}); |
}); |
} |
//console.log(data); |
break; |
case "set_private": |
//用户点击设为私有按钮 |
var data = checkStatus.data; |
ids = []; |
//获取链接所有ID,并拼接为数组 |
for(let i = 0;i < data.length;i++) { |
ids.push(data[i].id); |
} |
//调用函数设为私有 |
set_link_attribute(ids,1); |
break; |
case "set_public": |
//用户点击设为私有按钮 |
var data = checkStatus.data; |
ids = []; |
//获取链接所有ID,并拼接为数组 |
for(let i = 0;i < data.length;i++) { |
ids.push(data[i].id); |
} |
//调用函数设为公有 |
set_link_attribute(ids,0); |
break; |
case 'isAll': |
layer.msg(checkStatus.isAll ? '全选': '未全选'); |
break; |
case "reset_query": |
reset_query(); |
break; |
//自定义头工具栏右侧图标 - 提示 |
layer.alert('这是工具栏右侧自定义的一个图标按钮'); |
break; |
}; |
}); |
//监听链接工具 |
table.on('tool(mylink)', function(obj){ |
var data = obj.data; |
//console.log(obj); |
//console.log(obj) |
if(obj.event === 'del'){ |
layer.confirm('确认删除?',{icon: 3, title:'温馨提示!'}, function(index){ |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=del_link',{'id':obj.data.id},function(data,status){ |
if(data.code == 0){ |
obj.del(); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg); |
} |
}); |
layer.close(index); |
}); |
} else if(obj.event === 'edit'){ |
// window.location.href = '/index.php?c=admin&page=edit_link&id=' + obj.data.id; |
let height = window.innerHeight; |
if( height >= 800 ) { |
height = 800; |
} |
else{ |
height = 700; |
} |
// 改成iframe编辑 |
layer.open({ |
type: 2, |
title: '编辑链接', |
shadeClose: true, |
maxmin: true, //开启最大化最小化按钮 |
area: ['1000px', height + 'px'], |
content: '/index.php?c=admin&page=edit_link_new&id=' + obj.data.id |
}); |
} |
}); |
//登录 |
form.on('submit(login)', function(data){ |
$.post('/index.php?c=login&check=login',data.field,function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
window.location.href = '/index.php?c=admin'; |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//新的登录 |
form.on('submit(new_login)', function(data){ |
//获取用户名 |
var user = $("#user").val(); |
//获取密码 |
var password = $("#password").val(); |
if ( user == '' || password == '' ) { |
layer.msg('用户名或密码不能为空!', {icon: 5}); |
return false; |
} |
$.post('/index.php?c=login&check=login',{user:user,password:password},function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
window.location.href = '/index.php?c=admin'; |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
//console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//初始化设置onenav密码 |
form.on('submit(init_onenav)', function(data){ |
//console.log(data.field.username); |
let username = data.field.username; |
let password = data.field.password; |
let password2 = data.field.password2; |
//正则验证用户名、密码 |
var u_patt = /^[0-9a-z]{3,32}$/; |
if ( !u_patt.test(username) ) { |
layer.msg("用户名需要3-32位的小写字母或数字组合!", {icon: 5}); |
return false; |
} |
//正则验证密码 |
let p_patt = /^[0-9a-zA-Z!@#%^*.()]{6,16}$/; |
if ( !p_patt.test(password) ) { |
layer.msg("密码需要6-16字母、数字或特殊字符!", {icon: 5}); |
return false; |
} |
if( password !== password2) { |
layer.msg("两次密码不一致!", {icon: 5}); |
return false; |
} |
$.post('/index.php?c=init',data.field,function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 200) { |
layer.msg(data.msg, {icon: 1}); |
setTimeout(() => { |
window.location.href = "/index.php?c=login"; |
}, 2000); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
//console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//手机登录 |
form.on('submit(mobile_login)', function(data){ |
$.post('/index.php?c=login&check=login',data.field,function(data,status){ |
//如果登录成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
window.location.href = '/'; |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//新的手机登录 |
form.on('submit(new_mobile_login)', function(data){ |
//获取用户名 |
var user = $("#m_user").val(); |
//获取密码 |
var password = $("#m_password").val(); |
if ( user == '' || password == '' ) { |
layer.msg('用户名或密码不能为空!', {icon: 5}); |
return false; |
} |
$.post('/index.php?c=login&check=login',{user:user,password:password},function(data,status){ |
//如果登录成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
window.location.href = '/index.php?c=mobile'; |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//筛选链接 |
form.on('submit(screen_link)', function(data){ |
fid = data.field.fid; |
if( fid == "" ) { |
layer.msg("请先选择分类!",{icon:5}); |
return false; |
} |
//表格重载 |
var tableIns = table.render({ |
elem: '#link_list' |
,height: 520 |
,url: 'index.php?c=api&method=q_category_link' //数据接口 |
,method: 'post' |
,page: true //开启分页 |
,toolbar: '#linktool' |
,where:{ |
category_id:fid |
} |
,cols: [[ //表头 |
{type:'checkbox'} //开启复选框 |
,{field: 'id', title: 'ID', width:80, sort: true} |
,{field: 'font_icon', title: '图标', width:60, templet:function(d){ |
if(d.font_icon == null || d.font_icon == "") |
{ |
return '<img src="static/images/default.png" width="28" height="28">'; |
} |
else |
{ |
let random = getRandStr(4); |
let font_icon = d.font_icon; |
return `<img src="${font_icon}?random=${random}" width="28" height="28">`; |
} |
}} |
// ,{field: 'fid', title: '分类ID',sort:true, width:90} |
,{field: 'category_name', title: '所属分类',sort:true,width:120} |
,{field: 'url', title: 'URL',width:140,templet:function(d){ |
var url = '<a target = "_blank" href = "' + d.url + '" title = "' + d.url + '">' + d.url + '</a>'; |
return url; |
}} |
,{field: 'title', title: '链接标题', width:140,edit: 'text'} |
,{field: 'add_time', title: '添加时间', width:148, sort: true,templet:function(d){ |
var add_time = timestampToTime(d.add_time); |
return add_time; |
}} |
,{field: 'up_time', title: '修改时间', width:148,sort:true,templet:function(d){ |
if(d.up_time == null){ |
return ''; |
} |
else{ |
var up_time = timestampToTime(d.up_time); |
return up_time; |
} |
}} |
,{field: 'check_status', title: '状态', width: 80,sort:true,templet:function(d){ |
let title = `检测时间:${d.last_checked_time}`; |
if(d.check_status == 1) { |
return `<span title="${title}" class="link-status-text layui-badge layui-bg-green">正常</span>`; |
} |
else if(d.check_status == 2) { |
return `<span title="${title}" class="link-status-text layui-badge">异常</span>`; |
} |
else if(d.check_status == 3) { |
return `<span title="${title}" class="link-status-text layui-badge layui-bg-cyan">未知</span>`; |
} |
else { |
return `<span title="${title}" class="link-status-text layui-badge layui-bg-gray">未检测</span>`; |
} |
}} |
,{field: 'property', title: '私有', width: 80, sort: true,templet: function(d){ |
if(d.property == 1) { |
return '<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs">是</button>'; |
} |
else { |
return '<button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-danger">否</button>'; |
} |
}} |
,{field: 'weight', title: '权重', width: 75,sort:true,edit: 'text'} |
,{field: 'click', title: '点击数',width:90,sort:true} |
,{fixed: 'right', title:'操作', toolbar: '#link_operate'} |
]] |
}); |
//console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//保存站点设置 |
form.on('submit(set_site)', function(data){ |
var index = layer.load(1); |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=set_site',data.field,function(data,status){ |
if(data.code == 0) { |
layer.closeAll('loading'); |
layer.msg(data.data, {icon: 1}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.closeAll('loading'); |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
//console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//保存订阅信息 |
form.on('submit(set_subscribe)', function(data){ |
var order_id = data.field.order_id; |
var index = layer.load(1); |
$.get('index.php?c=api&method=forward_order',data.field,function(data,status){ |
if(data.code == 200) { |
//order_id = data.data.order_id; |
email = data.data.email; |
end_time = data.data.end_time; |
//存储到数据库中 |
$.post("index.php?c=api&method=set_subscribe",{order_id:order_id,email:email,end_time:end_time},function(data,status){ |
if(data.code == 0) { |
layer.closeAll('loading'); |
layer.msg(data.data, {icon: 1}); |
setTimeout(() => { |
location.reload(); |
}, 2000); |
} |
else{ |
layer.closeAll('loading'); |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.closeAll('loading'); |
layer.msg(data.msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}) |
.error(function(xhr,status,error){ |
// 关闭加载 |
layer.closeAll('loading'); |
layer.msg("请求失败,请检查服务器网络或联系售后!",{icon:5}); |
}); |
// console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//清空订阅信息 |
form.on('submit(reset_subscribe)', function(data){ |
//存储到数据库中 |
$.post("index.php?c=api&method=set_subscribe",{order_id:'',email:'',end_time:null},function(data,status){ |
if(data.code == 0) { |
//清空表单 |
$("#order_id").val(''); |
$("#email").val(''); |
//$("#domain").val(''); |
$("#end_time").val(''); |
layer.msg(data.data, {icon: 1}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.closeAll('loading'); |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//保存站点设置 |
form.on('submit(set_transition_page)', function(data){ |
var index = layer.load(1); |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=set_transition_page',data.field,function(data,status){ |
if(data.code == 0) { |
layer.closeAll('loading'); |
layer.msg(data.data, {icon: 1}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.closeAll('loading'); |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
//console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//添加分类目录 |
form.on('submit(add_category)', function(data){ |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=add_category',data.field,function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
layer.msg('已添加!', {icon: 1}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//添加自定义js |
form.on('submit(add_js)', function(data){ |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=add_js',data.field,function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
layer.msg('已添加!', {icon: 1}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
//console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//修改分类目录 |
form.on('submit(edit_category)', function(data){ |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=edit_category',data.field,function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
layer.msg('已修改!', {icon: 1}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//生成token |
form.on('submit(create_sk)', function(data){ |
if( data.field.SecretKey == '' ) { |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=create_sk',data.field,function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
$("#SecretKey").val(data.data); |
layer.msg('SecretKey生成完毕!', {icon: 1}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg('SecretKey已经存在!', {icon: 5}); |
} |
//console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//更换token |
form.on('submit(change_sk)', function(data){ |
if( data.field.SecretKey != '' ) { |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=create_sk',data.field,function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
$("#SecretKey").val(data.data); |
layer.msg('SecretKey已更换!', {icon: 1}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg('请先生成SecretKey!', {icon: 5}); |
} |
//console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//计算token |
form.on('submit(cal_token)', function(data){ |
if( (data.field.SecretKey != '') && (data.field.username != '' ) ) { |
let username = data.field.username; |
let sk = data.field.SecretKey; |
let token = md5(username + sk); |
$("#token").val(token); |
layer.msg('token计算成功!', {icon: 1}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg('SecretKey为空,请先生成!', {icon: 5}); |
} |
//console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
// 一键复制 |
form.on('submit(one_copy)', function(data){ |
if( (data.field.SecretKey != '') && (data.field.username != '' ) ) { |
let username = data.field.username; |
let sk = data.field.SecretKey; |
let token = md5(username + sk); |
let api_domain = $("#api_domain").val(); |
let result = `${api_domain}|${token}`; |
lay.clipboard.writeText({ |
text: result, |
done: function() { |
layer.msg("已复制!",{icon:1}); |
}, |
error: function() { |
layer.msg("复制失败!",{icon:5}); |
} |
}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg('SecretKey为空,请先生成!', {icon: 5}); |
} |
//console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//添加链接 |
form.on('submit(add_link)', function(data){ |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=add_link',data.field,function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
//重新设置图标 |
set_icon_name(); |
layer.msg('已添加!', {icon: 1}); |
//禁用按钮 |
$("#add_link").addClass("layui-btn-disabled"); |
setTimeout(()=>{ |
window.location.reload(); |
},1500); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//识别链接信息 |
form.on('submit(get_link_info)', function(data){ |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=get_link_info',data.field.url,function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
console.log(data); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//更新链接 |
form.on('submit(edit_link)', function(data){ |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=edit_link&type=console',data.field,function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
layer.msg('已更新!', {icon: 1}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
// console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//识别链接信息 |
form.on('submit(get_link_info)', function(data){ |
//是用ajax异步加载 |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=get_link_info',data.field,function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
console.log(data); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//导入书签 |
//识别链接信息 |
form.on('submit(imp_link)', function(data){ |
//用ajax异步加载 |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=import_link',data.field,function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 200) { |
layer.open({ |
title: '导入完成' |
,content: "总数:" + data.msg.count + " 成功:" + data.msg.success + " 失败:" + data.msg.failed |
}); |
//layer.msg('已添加!', {icon: 1}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
} |
}); |
console.log(data.field) //当前容器的全部表单字段,名值对形式:{name: value} |
return false; //阻止表单跳转。如果需要表单跳转,去掉这段即可。 |
}); |
//书签上传 |
//执行实例 |
upload.render({ |
elem: '#up_html' //绑定元素 |
,url: 'index.php?c=api&method=upload' //上传接口 |
,accept:'file' |
,exts: 'html|HTML' |
,done: function(res){ |
//console.log(res); |
//上传完毕回调 |
if( res.code == 0 ) { |
$("#filename").val(res.file_name); |
} |
else if( res.code < 0) { |
layer.msg(res.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
layer.close(); |
} |
} |
,error: function(){ |
//请求异常回调 |
} |
}); |
upload.render({ |
elem: '#iconUpload' //绑定元素 |
,url: 'index.php?c=api&method=uploadImages' //上传接口 |
,accept:'file' |
,exts: 'ico|jpg|jpeg|png|bmp|svg', |
size:100 |
,data: { |
//传递图片名称 |
"icon_name":get_icon_name(), |
//传递老图片名称,接口先将老图片删除 |
"old_pic":get_old_pic() |
}, |
choose:function(obj){ |
this.data.old_pic = get_old_pic(); |
} |
,done: function(res){ |
//console.log(res); |
//上传完毕回调 |
if( res.code == 200 ) { |
$("#font_icon").val(res.data.file_name); |
//显示图标 |
$("#show_icon img").attr("src","/" + res.data.file_name + "?random" + getRandStr(4)); |
} |
else if( res.code < 0) { |
layer.msg(res.msg, {icon: 5}); |
layer.close(); |
} |
} |
,error: function(){ |
layer.msg("发生预料之外的错误!", {icon: 5}); |
layer.close(); |
} |
}); |
}); |
function get_link_info() { |
var url = $("#url").val(); |
var index = layer.load(1); |
$.post('/index.php?c=api&method=get_link_info',{url:url},function(data,status){ |
//如果添加成功 |
if(data.code == 0) { |
if(data.data.title != null) { |
$("#title").val(data.data.title); |
} |
if(data.data.description != null) { |
$("#description").val(data.data.description); |
} |
layer.close(index); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.err_msg, {icon: 5}); |
layer.close(index); |
} |
}); |
} |
function timestampToTime(timestamp) { |
// 将时间戳转换为毫秒 |
let timestampInMilliseconds = timestamp * 1000; |
// 创建新的Date对象 |
let date = new Date(timestampInMilliseconds); |
// 获取年、月、日、小时、分钟,月份需要+1,因为Date对象中月份从0开始计数 |
let year = date.getFullYear(); |
let month = ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2); |
let day = ("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2); |
let hours = ("0" + date.getHours()).slice(-2); |
let minutes = ("0" + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2); |
// 生成并返回格式化的日期字符串 |
return `${year}-${month}-${day} ${hours}:${minutes}`; |
} |
function del_category(id){ |
layer.confirm('确认删除这张图片?', {icon: 3, title:'温馨提示!'}, function(index){ |
$.post("/set/del_img",{imgid:imgid,path:path,thumbnail_path:thumbnail_path},function(data,status){ |
var re = JSON.parse(data); |
if(re.code == 200) { |
$("#img"+id).remove(); |
console.log("#img"+id); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data); |
} |
}); |
layer.close(index); |
}); |
} |
//弱密码检查 |
function check_weak_password(){ |
$.get("/index.php?c=api&method=check_weak_password",function(data,status){ |
if (data.err_msg === 'Weak password!') { |
layui.use('layer', function(){ |
var layer = layui.layer; |
layer.open({ |
title:'风险提示!', |
content: '系统检测到您使用的默认密码,请参考<a href = "https://dwz.ovh/ze1ts" target = "_blank" style = "color:#01AAED;">帮助文档</a>尽快修改!' //这里content是一个普通的String |
}); |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
//检测数据库是否可能被下载 |
function check_db_down(){ |
$("#console_log").append("检查数据库是否可被下载...<br />"); |
$.ajax({ |
type:"HEAD", |
async:false, |
url:"/data/onenav.db3", |
statusCode: { |
200: function() { |
let msg = `危险!!!危险!!!危险!!!数据库可被下载,请尽快参考帮助文档:<a target = "_blank" href = "https://dwz.ovh/jvr2t">https://dwz.ovh/jvr2t</a> 加固安全设置!<br /><br />`; |
$("#console_log").append(msg); |
}, |
403:function() { |
$("#console_log").append("您的数据库看起来是安全的!<br />"); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
//获取待更新数据库列表,http://onenav.com/index.php?c=api&method=exe_sql&name=on_db_logs.sql |
function get_sql_update_list() { |
$("#console_log").append("----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />"); |
$("#console_log").append("正在检查数据库更新...<br />"); |
$.get("index.php?c=api&method=get_sql_update_list",function(data,status){ |
if ( data.code == 0 ) { |
//如果没有可用更新,直接结束 |
if ( data.data.length == 0 ) { |
$("#console_log").append("当前无可用更新!<br />"); |
return false; |
} |
else{ |
$("#console_log").append("检查到可更新SQL列表:<br />"); |
$("#console_log").append("正在准备更新...<br />"); |
for(i in data.data) { |
sqlname = data.data[i]; |
//$("#console_log").append(data.data[i] + "\n"); |
exe_sql(sqlname); |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
//更新SQL函数 |
function exe_sql(sqlname) { |
$.ajax({ url: "index.php?c=api&method=exe_sql&name=" + sqlname, async:false, success: function(data,status){ |
if( data.code == 0 ){ |
$("#console_log").append(data.data + "\n" ); |
} |
else { |
$("#console_log").append(sqlname + "更新失败!\n"); |
} |
}}); |
} |
//获取GET参数,参考:https://www.runoob.com/w3cnote/js-get-url-param.html |
function getQueryVariable(variable) |
{ |
var query = window.location.search.substring(1); |
var vars = query.split("&"); |
for (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) { |
var pair = vars[i].split("="); |
if(pair[0] == variable){return pair[1];} |
} |
return(false); |
} |
//获取最新版本 |
function get_latest_version(){ |
$.post("/index.php?c=api&method=get_latest_version",function(data,status){ |
//console.log(data.data); |
//获取最新版本 |
let latest_version = data.data; |
$("#latest_version").text(latest_version); |
// 改变显示内容 |
let new_version = ` |
<a href="https://github.com/helloxz/onenav/releases" title="下载最新版OneNav" target="_blank" id="latest_version">${latest_version}</a> |
[<a href="/index.php?c=admin&page=setting/subscribe" title="订阅后可一键更新">一键更新</a>] |
`; |
$("#new_version").html(new_version); |
$("#new_version").show(); |
//获取当前版本 |
let current_version = $("#current_version").text(); |
let pattern = /[0-9]+\.[0-9\.]+/; |
current_version = pattern.exec(current_version)[0]; |
latest_version = pattern.exec(latest_version)[0]; |
//如果当前版本小于最新版本,则提示更新 |
if( current_version < latest_version ) { |
$("#update_msg").show(); |
} |
}); |
} |
//设置链接属性,公有或私有,接收一个链接id数组和一个链接属性 |
function set_link_attribute(ids,property) { |
if( ids.length === 0 ) { |
layer.msg("请先选择链接!",{icon:5}); |
} |
else{ |
$.post("/index.php?c=api&method=set_link_attribute",{ids:ids,property:property},function(data,status){ |
if( data.code == 200 ){ |
layer.msg("设置已更新!",{icon:1}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg("设置失败!",{icon:5}); |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
//导出所有链接 |
function export_link(url, fileName) { |
layer.confirm('导出的链接可以导入到浏览器也可以再次导入到OneNav!', {icon: 3, title:'确定导出所有链接?'}, function(index){ |
var date = new Date(); |
var current_time = date.toLocaleDateString(); |
current_time = current_time.replaceAll("/","."); |
var url = "index.php?c=api&method=export_link"; |
var fileName = "OneNav_Export_" + current_time + ".html"; |
var x = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
x.open("GET", url, true); |
x.responseType = 'blob'; |
x.onload=function(e) { |
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(x.response) |
var a = document.createElement('a'); |
a.href = url |
a.download = fileName; |
a.click() |
} |
x.send(); |
layer.close(index); |
}); |
} |
//删除主题 |
function delete_theme(name) { |
layer.confirm('确认删除此主题(' + name + ')?', {icon: 3, title:'重要提示'}, function(index){ |
$.post("index.php?c=api&method=delete_theme",{name:name},function(data,status){ |
if( data.code == 200 ) { |
layer.msg(data.msg,{icon:1}); |
setTimeout(() => { |
window.location.reload(); |
}, 2000); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.msg,{icon:5}); |
} |
}); |
}); |
} |
//验证是否订阅 |
function check_subscribe(msg) { |
$.get("/index.php?c=api&method=check_subscribe",function(data,status){ |
if( data.code == 200 ) { |
return true; |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(msg, {icon: 5}); |
return false; |
} |
}); |
} |
//随机数生成 |
function getRandStr(n) { |
var chars = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9', |
'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M', |
'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z']; |
var res = ""; |
for(var i = 0; i < n ; i++) { |
var id = Math.floor(Math.random()*36); |
res += chars[id]; |
} |
return res; |
} |
//删除图标 |
function del_link_icon(){ |
let icon_path = $("#font_icon").val(); |
//如果图标为空 |
if( icon_path == "" ) { |
layer.msg("图标为空,无需删除!",{icon:1}); |
return true; |
} |
console.log(icon_path.indexOf("http")); |
//如果图标包含http开头,则是网络图片,直接清空即可 |
if( icon_path.indexOf("http") >= 0 ) { |
//置空 |
$("#font_icon").val(""); |
$("#show_icon img").attr("src",""); |
layer.msg("图标已清空,请保存!",{icon:1}); |
return true; |
} |
$.post("/index.php?c=api&method=del_link_icon",{icon_path:icon_path},function(data,status){ |
if( data.code == 200 ) { |
$("#font_icon").val(""); |
$("#show_icon img").attr("src",""); |
layer.msg("图标已删除,请保存!",{icon:1}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(data.msg,{icon:5}); |
} |
}); |
} |
$(document).ready(function() { |
// 获取当前页面的 URL |
var currentUrl = window.location.href; |
// 遍历导航栏菜单的子菜单项 |
$('.layui-nav-child dd a').each(function() { |
var $this = $(this); |
var linkUrl = $this.attr('href'); |
// 如果子菜单项的链接与当前页面的 URL 匹配,则为该子菜单项添加 'layui-this' 类 |
if (currentUrl.indexOf(linkUrl) !== -1) { |
// 移除其他菜单项的 'layui-this' 类 |
$('.layui-nav-child dd').removeClass('layui-this'); |
// 为匹配的子菜单项添加 'layui-this' 类 |
$this.parent().addClass('layui-this'); |
// 结束遍历 |
return false; |
} |
}); |
}); |
// 获取当前域名 |
function getCurrentDomain() { |
// 获取协议(包括末尾的冒号和斜杠) |
var protocol = window.location.protocol; |
// 获取域名 |
var hostname = window.location.hostname; |
// 获取端口号 |
var port = window.location.port; |
// 检查端口号是否为80或443,并相应地调整URL |
if (port === "80" || port === "443" || port === "") { |
return protocol + "//" + hostname; |
} else { |
return protocol + "//" + hostname + ":" + port; |
} |
} |
// 技术支持函数 |
function support() { |
let domain = getCurrentDomain(); |
let description = "域名:" + domain; |
let support_url = "https://support.xiuping.net/service/index?lang=zh_CN&product_id=1&description=" + description; |
layer.open({ |
type: 2, |
title: false, |
shadeClose: true, |
shade: 0.8, |
area: ['700px', '780px'], |
content: support_url // iframe 的 url |
}); |
} |