mirror of https://github.com/helloxz/onenav.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2042 lines
67 KiB
2042 lines
67 KiB
/*! |
* layui.table |
* 数据表格组件 |
*/ |
layui.define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'layer', 'form', 'util'], function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.$ |
,laytpl = layui.laytpl |
,laypage = layui.laypage |
,layer = layui.layer |
,form = layui.form |
,util = layui.util |
,hint = layui.hint() |
,device = layui.device() |
//外部接口 |
,table = { |
config: { |
checkName: 'LAY_CHECKED' //是否选中状态的字段名 |
,indexName: 'LAY_TABLE_INDEX' //初始下标索引名,用于恢复排序 |
} //全局配置项 |
,cache: {} //数据缓存 |
,index: layui.table ? (layui.table.index + 10000) : 0 |
//设置全局项 |
,set: function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
return that; |
} |
//事件 |
,on: function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); |
} |
} |
//操作当前实例 |
,thisTable = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,id = options.id || options.index; |
if(id){ |
thisTable.that[id] = that; //记录当前实例对象 |
thisTable.config[id] = options; //记录当前实例配置项 |
} |
return { |
config: options |
,reload: function(options, deep){ |
that.reload.call(that, options, deep); |
} |
,setColsWidth: function(){ |
that.setColsWidth.call(that); |
} |
,resize: function(){ //重置表格尺寸/结构 |
that.resize.call(that); |
} |
} |
} |
//获取当前实例配置项 |
,getThisTableConfig = function(id){ |
var config = thisTable.config[id]; |
if(!config) hint.error(id ? ('The table instance with ID \''+ id +'\' not found') : 'ID argument required'); |
return config || null; |
} |
//解析自定义模板数据 |
,parseTempData = function(item3, content, tplData, text){ //表头数据、原始内容、表体数据、是否只返回文本 |
var options = this.config || {}; |
//是否防 xss |
if(options.escape) content = util.escape(content); |
//获取内容 |
var str = item3.templet ? function(){ |
return typeof item3.templet === 'function' |
? item3.templet(tplData) |
: laytpl($(item3.templet).html() || String(content)).render(tplData) |
}() : content; |
return text ? $('<div>'+ str +'</div>').text() : str; |
} |
//字符常量 |
,MOD_NAME = 'table', ELEM = '.layui-table', THIS = 'layui-this', SHOW = 'layui-show', HIDE = 'layui-hide', DISABLED = 'layui-disabled', NONE = 'layui-none' |
,ELEM_VIEW = 'layui-table-view', ELEM_TOOL = '.layui-table-tool', ELEM_BOX = '.layui-table-box', ELEM_INIT = '.layui-table-init', ELEM_HEADER = '.layui-table-header', ELEM_BODY = '.layui-table-body', ELEM_MAIN = '.layui-table-main', ELEM_FIXED = '.layui-table-fixed', ELEM_FIXL = '.layui-table-fixed-l', ELEM_FIXR = '.layui-table-fixed-r', ELEM_TOTAL = '.layui-table-total', ELEM_PAGE = '.layui-table-page', ELEM_SORT = '.layui-table-sort', ELEM_EDIT = 'layui-table-edit', ELEM_HOVER = 'layui-table-hover' |
//thead区域模板 |
,TPL_HEADER = function(options){ |
var rowCols = '{{#if(item2.colspan){}} colspan="{{item2.colspan}}"{{#} if(item2.rowspan){}} rowspan="{{item2.rowspan}}"{{#}}}'; |
options = options || {}; |
return ['<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="layui-table" ' |
,'{{# if(d.data.skin){ }}lay-skin="{{d.data.skin}}"{{# } }} {{# if(d.data.size){ }}lay-size="{{d.data.size}}"{{# } }} {{# if(d.data.even){ }}lay-even{{# } }}>' |
,'<thead>' |
,'{{# layui.each(d.data.cols, function(i1, item1){ }}' |
,'<tr>' |
,'{{# layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ }}' |
,'{{# if(item2.fixed && item2.fixed !== "right"){ left = true; } }}' |
,'{{# if(item2.fixed === "right"){ right = true; } }}' |
,function(){ |
if(options.fixed && options.fixed !== 'right'){ |
return '{{# if(item2.fixed && item2.fixed !== "right"){ }}'; |
} |
if(options.fixed === 'right'){ |
return '{{# if(item2.fixed === "right"){ }}'; |
} |
return ''; |
}() |
,'{{# var isSort = !(item2.colGroup) && item2.sort; }}' |
,'<th data-field="{{ item2.field||i2 }}" data-key="{{d.index}}-{{i1}}-{{i2}}" {{# if( item2.parentKey){ }}data-parentkey="{{ item2.parentKey }}"{{# } }} {{# if(item2.minWidth){ }}data-minwidth="{{item2.minWidth}}"{{# } }} '+ rowCols +' {{# if(item2.unresize || item2.colGroup){ }}data-unresize="true"{{# } }} class="{{# if(item2.hide){ }}layui-hide{{# } }}{{# if(isSort){ }} layui-unselect{{# } }}{{# if(!item2.field){ }} layui-table-col-special{{# } }}">' |
,'<div class="layui-table-cell laytable-cell-' |
,'{{# if(item2.colGroup){ }}' |
,'group' |
,'{{# } else { }}' |
,'{{d.index}}-{{i1}}-{{i2}}' |
,'{{# if(item2.type !== "normal"){ }}' |
,' laytable-cell-{{ item2.type }}' |
,'{{# } }}' |
,'{{# } }}' |
,'" {{#if(item2.align){}}align="{{item2.align}}"{{#}}}>' |
,'{{# if(item2.type === "checkbox"){ }}' //复选框 |
,'<input type="checkbox" name="layTableCheckbox" lay-skin="primary" lay-filter="layTableAllChoose" {{# if(item2[d.data.checkName]){ }}checked{{# }; }}>' |
,'{{# } else { }}' |
,'<span>{{item2.title||""}}</span>' |
,'{{# if(isSort){ }}' |
,'<span class="layui-table-sort layui-inline"><i class="layui-edge layui-table-sort-asc" title="升序"></i><i class="layui-edge layui-table-sort-desc" title="降序"></i></span>' |
,'{{# } }}' |
,'{{# } }}' |
,'</div>' |
,'</th>' |
,(options.fixed ? '{{# }; }}' : '') |
,'{{# }); }}' |
,'</tr>' |
,'{{# }); }}' |
,'</thead>' |
,'</table>'].join(''); |
} |
//tbody区域模板 |
,TPL_BODY = ['<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="layui-table" ' |
,'{{# if(d.data.skin){ }}lay-skin="{{d.data.skin}}"{{# } }} {{# if(d.data.size){ }}lay-size="{{d.data.size}}"{{# } }} {{# if(d.data.even){ }}lay-even{{# } }}>' |
,'<tbody></tbody>' |
,'</table>'].join('') |
//主模板 |
,TPL_MAIN = ['<div class="layui-form layui-border-box {{d.VIEW_CLASS}}{{# if(d.data.className){ }} {{ d.data.className }}{{# } }}" lay-filter="LAY-table-{{d.index}}" lay-id="{{ d.data.id }}" style="{{# if(d.data.width){ }}width:{{d.data.width}}px;{{# } }} {{# if(d.data.height){ }}height:{{d.data.height}}px;{{# } }}">' |
,'{{# if(d.data.toolbar){ }}' |
,'<div class="layui-table-tool">' |
,'<div class="layui-table-tool-temp"></div>' |
,'<div class="layui-table-tool-self"></div>' |
,'</div>' |
,'{{# } }}' |
,'<div class="layui-table-box">' |
,'{{# if(d.data.loading){ }}' |
,'<div class="layui-table-init" style="background-color: #fff;">' |
,'<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-loading layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop"></i>' |
,'</div>' |
,'{{# } }}' |
,'{{# var left, right; }}' |
,'<div class="layui-table-header">' |
,'</div>' |
,'<div class="layui-table-body layui-table-main">' |
,'</div>' |
,'{{# if(left){ }}' |
,'<div class="layui-table-fixed layui-table-fixed-l">' |
,'<div class="layui-table-header">' |
,TPL_HEADER({fixed: true}) |
,'</div>' |
,'<div class="layui-table-body">' |
,'</div>' |
,'</div>' |
,'{{# }; }}' |
,'{{# if(right){ }}' |
,'<div class="layui-table-fixed layui-table-fixed-r">' |
,'<div class="layui-table-header">' |
,TPL_HEADER({fixed: 'right'}) |
,'<div class="layui-table-mend"></div>' |
,'</div>' |
,'<div class="layui-table-body">' |
,'</div>' |
,'</div>' |
,'{{# }; }}' |
,'</div>' |
,'{{# if(d.data.totalRow){ }}' |
,'<div class="layui-table-total">' |
,'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="layui-table" ' |
,'{{# if(d.data.skin){ }}lay-skin="{{d.data.skin}}"{{# } }} {{# if(d.data.size){ }}lay-size="{{d.data.size}}"{{# } }} {{# if(d.data.even){ }}lay-even{{# } }}>' |
,'<tbody><tr><td><div class="layui-table-cell" style="visibility: hidden;">Total</div></td></tr></tbody>' |
, '</table>' |
,'</div>' |
,'{{# } }}' |
,'{{# if(d.data.page){ }}' |
,'<div class="layui-table-page">' |
,'<div id="layui-table-page{{d.index}}"></div>' |
,'</div>' |
,'{{# } }}' |
,'<style>' |
,'{{# layui.each(d.data.cols, function(i1, item1){' |
,'layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ }}' |
,'.laytable-cell-{{d.index}}-{{i1}}-{{i2}}{ ' |
,'{{# if(item2.width){ }}' |
,'width: {{item2.width}}px;' |
,'{{# } }}' |
,' }' |
,'{{# });' |
,'}); }}' |
,'</style>' |
,'</div>'].join('') |
,_WIN = $(window) |
,_DOC = $(document) |
//构造器 |
,Class = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.index = ++table.index; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, table.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
//初始默认配置 |
Class.prototype.config = { |
limit: 10 //每页显示的数量 |
,loading: true //请求数据时,是否显示 loading |
,cellMinWidth: 60 //所有单元格默认最小宽度 |
,defaultToolbar: ['filter', 'exports', 'print'] //工具栏右侧图标 |
,autoSort: true //是否前端自动排序。如果否,则需自主排序(通常为服务端处理好排序) |
,text: { |
none: '无数据' |
} |
}; |
//表格渲染 |
Class.prototype.render = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
options.elem = $(options.elem); |
options.where = options.where || {}; |
options.id = options.id || options.elem.attr('id') || that.index; |
//请求参数的自定义格式 |
options.request = $.extend({ |
pageName: 'page' |
,limitName: 'limit' |
}, options.request) |
//响应数据的自定义格式 |
options.response = $.extend({ |
statusName: 'code' //规定数据状态的字段名称 |
,statusCode: 0 //规定成功的状态码 |
,msgName: 'msg' //规定状态信息的字段名称 |
,dataName: 'data' //规定数据总数的字段名称 |
,totalRowName: 'totalRow' //规定数据统计的字段名称 |
,countName: 'count' |
}, options.response); |
//如果 page 传入 laypage 对象 |
if(typeof options.page === 'object'){ |
options.limit = options.page.limit || options.limit; |
options.limits = options.page.limits || options.limits; |
that.page = options.page.curr = options.page.curr || 1; |
delete options.page.elem; |
delete options.page.jump; |
} |
if(!options.elem[0]) return that; |
//高度铺满:full-差距值 |
if(options.height && /^full-\d+$/.test(options.height)){ |
that.fullHeightGap = options.height.split('-')[1]; |
options.height = _WIN.height() - that.fullHeightGap; |
} |
//初始化一些参数 |
that.setInit(); |
//开始插入替代元素 |
var othis = options.elem |
,hasRender = othis.next('.' + ELEM_VIEW) |
//主容器 |
,reElem = that.elem = $(laytpl(TPL_MAIN).render({ |
,data: options |
,index: that.index //索引 |
})); |
options.index = that.index; |
that.key = options.id || options.index; |
//生成替代元素 |
hasRender[0] && hasRender.remove(); //如果已经渲染,则Rerender |
othis.after(reElem); |
//各级容器 |
that.layTool = reElem.find(ELEM_TOOL); |
that.layBox = reElem.find(ELEM_BOX); |
that.layHeader = reElem.find(ELEM_HEADER); |
that.layMain = reElem.find(ELEM_MAIN); |
that.layBody = reElem.find(ELEM_BODY); |
that.layFixed = reElem.find(ELEM_FIXED); |
that.layFixLeft = reElem.find(ELEM_FIXL); |
that.layFixRight = reElem.find(ELEM_FIXR); |
that.layTotal = reElem.find(ELEM_TOTAL); |
that.layPage = reElem.find(ELEM_PAGE); |
//初始化工具栏 |
that.renderToolbar(); |
//让表格平铺 |
that.fullSize(); |
//如果多级表头,则填补表头高度 |
if(options.cols.length > 1){ |
//补全高度 |
var th = that.layFixed.find(ELEM_HEADER).find('th'); |
th.height(that.layHeader.height() - 1 - parseFloat(th.css('padding-top')) - parseFloat(th.css('padding-bottom'))); |
} |
that.pullData(that.page); //请求数据 |
that.events(); //事件 |
}; |
//根据列类型,定制化参数 |
Class.prototype.initOpts = function(item){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,initWidth = { |
checkbox: 48 |
,radio: 48 |
,space: 15 |
,numbers: 40 |
}; |
//让 type 参数兼容旧版本 |
if(item.checkbox) item.type = "checkbox"; |
if(item.space) item.type = "space"; |
if(!item.type) item.type = "normal"; |
if(item.type !== "normal"){ |
item.unresize = true; |
item.width = item.width || initWidth[item.type]; |
} |
}; |
//初始化一些参数 |
Class.prototype.setInit = function(type){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
options.clientWidth = options.width || function(){ //获取容器宽度 |
//如果父元素宽度为0(一般为隐藏元素),则继续查找上层元素,直到找到真实宽度为止 |
var getWidth = function(parent){ |
var width, isNone; |
parent = parent || options.elem.parent() |
width = parent.width(); |
try { |
isNone = parent.css('display') === 'none'; |
} catch(e){} |
if(parent[0] && (!width || isNone)) return getWidth(parent.parent()); |
return width; |
}; |
return getWidth(); |
}(); |
if(type === 'width') return options.clientWidth; |
//初始化列参数 |
layui.each(options.cols, function(i1, item1){ |
layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ |
//如果列参数为空,则移除 |
if(!item2){ |
item1.splice(i2, 1); |
return; |
} |
item2.key = i1 + '-' + i2; |
item2.hide = item2.hide || false; |
//设置列的父列索引 |
//如果是组合列,则捕获对应的子列 |
if(item2.colGroup || item2.colspan > 1){ |
var childIndex = 0; |
layui.each(options.cols[i1 + 1], function(i22, item22){ |
//如果子列已经被标注为{HAS_PARENT},或者子列累计 colspan 数等于父列定义的 colspan,则跳出当前子列循环 |
if(item22.HAS_PARENT || (childIndex > 1 && childIndex == item2.colspan)) return; |
item22.HAS_PARENT = true; |
item22.parentKey = i1 + '-' + i2; |
childIndex = childIndex + parseInt(item22.colspan > 1 ? item22.colspan : 1); |
}); |
item2.colGroup = true; //标注是组合列 |
} |
//根据列类型,定制化参数 |
that.initOpts(item2); |
}); |
}); |
}; |
//初始工具栏 |
Class.prototype.renderToolbar = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
//添加工具栏左侧模板 |
var leftDefaultTemp = [ |
'<div class="layui-inline" lay-event="add"><i class="layui-icon layui-icon-add-1"></i></div>' |
,'<div class="layui-inline" lay-event="update"><i class="layui-icon layui-icon-edit"></i></div>' |
,'<div class="layui-inline" lay-event="delete"><i class="layui-icon layui-icon-delete"></i></div>' |
].join('') |
,elemToolTemp = that.layTool.find('.layui-table-tool-temp'); |
if(options.toolbar === 'default'){ |
elemToolTemp.html(leftDefaultTemp); |
} else if(typeof options.toolbar === 'string'){ |
var toolbarHtml = $(options.toolbar).html() || ''; |
toolbarHtml && elemToolTemp.html( |
laytpl(toolbarHtml).render(options) |
); |
} |
//添加工具栏右侧面板 |
var layout = { |
filter: { |
title: '筛选列' |
,layEvent: 'LAYTABLE_COLS' |
,icon: 'layui-icon-cols' |
} |
,exports: { |
title: '导出' |
,layEvent: 'LAYTABLE_EXPORT' |
,icon: 'layui-icon-export' |
} |
,print: { |
title: '打印' |
,layEvent: 'LAYTABLE_PRINT' |
,icon: 'layui-icon-print' |
} |
}, iconElem = []; |
if(typeof options.defaultToolbar === 'object'){ |
layui.each(options.defaultToolbar, function(i, item){ |
var thisItem = typeof item === 'string' ? layout[item] : item; |
if(thisItem){ |
iconElem.push('<div class="layui-inline" title="'+ thisItem.title +'" lay-event="'+ thisItem.layEvent +'">' |
+'<i class="layui-icon '+ thisItem.icon +'"></i>' |
+'</div>'); |
} |
}); |
} |
that.layTool.find('.layui-table-tool-self').html(iconElem.join('')); |
} |
//同步表头父列的相关值 |
Class.prototype.setParentCol = function(hide, parentKey){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,parentTh = that.layHeader.find('th[data-key="'+ options.index +'-'+ parentKey +'"]') //获取父列元素 |
,parentColspan = parseInt(parentTh.attr('colspan')) || 0; |
if(parentTh[0]){ |
var arrParentKey = parentKey.split('-') |
,getThisCol = options.cols[arrParentKey[0]][arrParentKey[1]]; |
hide ? parentColspan-- : parentColspan++; |
parentTh.attr('colspan', parentColspan); |
parentTh[parentColspan < 1 ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](HIDE); |
getThisCol.colspan = parentColspan; //同步 colspan 参数 |
getThisCol.hide = parentColspan < 1; //同步 hide 参数 |
//递归,继续往上查询是否有父列 |
var nextParentKey = parentTh.data('parentkey'); |
nextParentKey && that.setParentCol(hide, nextParentKey); |
} |
}; |
//多级表头补丁 |
Class.prototype.setColsPatch = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
//同步表头父列的相关值 |
layui.each(options.cols, function(i1, item1){ |
layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ |
if(item2.hide){ |
that.setParentCol(item2.hide, item2.parentKey); |
} |
}); |
}); |
}; |
//动态分配列宽 |
Class.prototype.setColsWidth = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,colNums = 0 //列个数 |
,autoColNums = 0 //自动列宽的列个数 |
,autoWidth = 0 //自动列分配的宽度 |
,countWidth = 0 //所有列总宽度和 |
,cntrWidth = that.setInit('width'); |
//统计列个数 |
that.eachCols(function(i, item){ |
item.hide || colNums++; |
}); |
//减去边框差和滚动条宽 |
cntrWidth = cntrWidth - function(){ |
return (options.skin === 'line' || options.skin === 'nob') ? 2 : colNums + 1; |
}() - that.getScrollWidth(that.layMain[0]) - 1; |
//计算自动分配的宽度 |
var getAutoWidth = function(back){ |
//遍历所有列 |
layui.each(options.cols, function(i1, item1){ |
layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ |
var width = 0 |
,minWidth = item2.minWidth || options.cellMinWidth; //最小宽度 |
if(!item2){ |
item1.splice(i2, 1); |
return; |
} |
if(item2.colGroup || item2.hide) return; |
if(!back){ |
width = item2.width || 0; |
if(/\d+%$/.test(width)){ //列宽为百分比 |
width = Math.floor((parseFloat(width) / 100) * cntrWidth); |
width < minWidth && (width = minWidth); |
} else if(!width){ //列宽未填写 |
item2.width = width = 0; |
autoColNums++; |
} |
} else if(autoWidth && autoWidth < minWidth){ |
autoColNums--; |
width = minWidth; |
} |
if(item2.hide) width = 0; |
countWidth = countWidth + width; |
}); |
}); |
//如果未填充满,则将剩余宽度平分 |
(cntrWidth > countWidth && autoColNums) && ( |
autoWidth = (cntrWidth - countWidth) / autoColNums |
); |
} |
getAutoWidth(); |
getAutoWidth(true); //重新检测分配的宽度是否低于最小列宽 |
//记录自动列数 |
that.autoColNums = autoColNums; |
//设置列宽 |
that.eachCols(function(i3, item3){ |
var minWidth = item3.minWidth || options.cellMinWidth; |
if(item3.colGroup || item3.hide) return; |
//给位分配宽的列平均分配宽 |
if(item3.width === 0){ |
that.getCssRule(options.index +'-'+ item3.key, function(item){ |
item.style.width = Math.floor(autoWidth >= minWidth ? autoWidth : minWidth) + 'px'; |
}); |
} |
//给设定百分比的列分配列宽 |
else if(/\d+%$/.test(item3.width)){ |
that.getCssRule(options.index +'-'+ item3.key, function(item){ |
item.style.width = Math.floor((parseFloat(item3.width) / 100) * cntrWidth) + 'px'; |
}); |
} |
}); |
//填补 Math.floor 造成的数差 |
var patchNums = that.layMain.width() - that.getScrollWidth(that.layMain[0]) |
- that.layMain.children('table').outerWidth(); |
if(that.autoColNums && patchNums >= -colNums && patchNums <= colNums){ |
var getEndTh = function(th){ |
var field; |
th = th || that.layHeader.eq(0).find('thead th:last-child') |
field = th.data('field'); |
if(!field && th.prev()[0]){ |
return getEndTh(th.prev()) |
} |
return th |
} |
,th = getEndTh() |
,key = th.data('key'); |
that.getCssRule(key, function(item){ |
var width = item.style.width || th.outerWidth(); |
item.style.width = (parseFloat(width) + patchNums) + 'px'; |
//二次校验,如果仍然出现横向滚动条(通常是 1px 的误差导致) |
if(that.layMain.height() - that.layMain.prop('clientHeight') > 0){ |
item.style.width = (parseFloat(item.style.width) - 1) + 'px'; |
} |
}); |
} |
that.loading(!0); |
}; |
//重置表格尺寸/结构 |
Class.prototype.resize = function(){ |
var that = this; |
that.fullSize(); //让表格铺满 |
that.setColsWidth(); //自适应列宽 |
that.scrollPatch(); //滚动条补丁 |
}; |
//表格重载 |
Class.prototype.reload = function(options, deep){ |
var that = this; |
options = options || {}; |
delete that.haveInit; |
//防止数组深度合并 |
layui.each(options, function(key, item){ |
if(layui._typeof(item) === 'array') delete that.config[key]; |
}); |
//对参数进行深度或浅扩展 |
that.config = $.extend(deep, {}, that.config, options); |
//执行渲染 |
that.render(); |
}; |
//异常提示 |
Class.prototype.errorView = function(html){ |
var that = this |
,elemNone = that.layMain.find('.'+ NONE) |
,layNone = $('<div class="'+ NONE +'">'+ (html || 'Error') +'</div>'); |
if(elemNone[0]){ |
that.layNone.remove(); |
elemNone.remove(); |
} |
that.layFixed.addClass(HIDE); |
that.layMain.find('tbody').html(''); |
that.layMain.append(that.layNone = layNone); |
table.cache[that.key] = []; //格式化缓存数据 |
}; |
//页码 |
Class.prototype.page = 1; |
//获得数据 |
Class.prototype.pullData = function(curr){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,request = options.request |
,response = options.response |
,sort = function(){ |
if(typeof options.initSort === 'object'){ |
that.sort(options.initSort.field, options.initSort.type); |
} |
}; |
that.startTime = new Date().getTime(); //渲染开始时间 |
if(options.url){ //Ajax请求 |
var params = {}; |
params[request.pageName] = curr; |
params[request.limitName] = options.limit; |
//参数 |
var data = $.extend(params, options.where); |
if(options.contentType && options.contentType.indexOf("application/json") == 0){ //提交 json 格式 |
data = JSON.stringify(data); |
} |
that.loading(); |
$.ajax({ |
type: options.method || 'get' |
,url: options.url |
,contentType: options.contentType |
,data: data |
,dataType: 'json' |
,headers: options.headers || {} |
,success: function(res){ |
//如果有数据解析的回调,则获得其返回的数据 |
if(typeof options.parseData === 'function'){ |
res = options.parseData(res) || res; |
} |
//检查数据格式是否符合规范 |
if(res[response.statusName] != response.statusCode){ |
that.renderForm(); |
that.errorView( |
res[response.msgName] || |
('返回的数据不符合规范,正确的成功状态码应为:"'+ response.statusName +'": '+ response.statusCode) |
); |
} else { |
that.renderData(res, curr, res[response.countName]), sort(); |
options.time = (new Date().getTime() - that.startTime) + ' ms'; //耗时(接口请求+视图渲染) |
} |
that.setColsWidth(); |
typeof options.done === 'function' && options.done(res, curr, res[response.countName]); |
} |
,error: function(e, msg){ |
that.errorView('请求异常,错误提示:'+ msg); |
that.renderForm(); |
that.setColsWidth(); |
typeof options.error === 'function' && options.error(e, msg); |
} |
}); |
} else if(layui._typeof(options.data) === 'array'){ //已知数据 |
var res = {} |
,startLimit = curr*options.limit - options.limit |
res[response.dataName] = options.data.concat().splice(startLimit, options.limit); |
res[response.countName] = options.data.length; |
//记录合计行数据 |
if(typeof options.totalRow === 'object'){ |
res[response.totalRowName] = $.extend({}, options.totalRow); |
} |
that.renderData(res, curr, res[response.countName]), sort(); |
that.setColsWidth(); |
typeof options.done === 'function' && options.done(res, curr, res[response.countName]); |
} |
}; |
//遍历表头 |
Class.prototype.eachCols = function(callback){ |
var that = this; |
table.eachCols(null, callback, that.config.cols); |
return that; |
}; |
//数据渲染 |
Class.prototype.renderData = function(res, curr, count, sort){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,data = res[options.response.dataName] || [] //列表数据 |
,totalRowData = res[options.response.totalRowName] //合计行数据 |
,trs = [] |
,trs_fixed = [] |
,trs_fixed_r = [] |
//渲染视图 |
,render = function(){ //后续性能提升的重点 |
var thisCheckedRowIndex; |
if(!sort && that.sortKey){ |
return that.sort(that.sortKey.field, that.sortKey.sort, true); |
} |
layui.each(data, function(i1, item1){ |
var tds = [], tds_fixed = [], tds_fixed_r = [] |
,numbers = i1 + options.limit*(curr - 1) + 1; //序号 |
//若数据项为空数组,则不往下执行(因为删除数据时,会将原有数据设置为 []) |
if(layui._typeof(item1) === 'array' && item1.length === 0) return; |
//记录下标索引,用于恢复排序 |
if(!sort){ |
item1[table.config.indexName] = i1; |
} |
//遍历表头 |
that.eachCols(function(i3, item3){ |
var field = item3.field || i3 |
,key = options.index + '-' + item3.key |
,content = item1[field]; |
if(content === undefined || content === null) content = ''; |
if(item3.colGroup) return; |
//td内容 |
var td = ['<td data-field="'+ field +'" data-key="'+ key +'" '+ function(){ //追加各种属性 |
var attr = []; |
if(item3.edit) attr.push('data-edit="'+ item3.edit +'"'); //是否允许单元格编辑 |
if(item3.align) attr.push('align="'+ item3.align +'"'); //对齐方式 |
if(item3.templet) attr.push('data-content="'+ content +'"'); //自定义模板 |
if(item3.toolbar) attr.push('data-off="true"'); //行工具列关闭单元格事件 |
if(item3.event) attr.push('lay-event="'+ item3.event +'"'); //自定义事件 |
if(item3.style) attr.push('style="'+ item3.style +'"'); //自定义样式 |
if(item3.minWidth) attr.push('data-minwidth="'+ item3.minWidth +'"'); //单元格最小宽度 |
return attr.join(' '); |
}() +' class="'+ function(){ //追加样式 |
var classNames = []; |
if(item3.hide) classNames.push(HIDE); //插入隐藏列样式 |
if(!item3.field) classNames.push('layui-table-col-special'); //插入特殊列样式 |
return classNames.join(' '); |
}() +'">' |
,'<div class="layui-table-cell laytable-cell-'+ function(){ //返回对应的CSS类标识 |
return item3.type === 'normal' ? key |
: (key + ' laytable-cell-' + item3.type); |
}() +'">' + function(){ |
var tplData = $.extend(true, { |
LAY_INDEX: numbers |
,LAY_COL: item3 |
}, item1) |
,checkName = table.config.checkName; |
//渲染不同风格的列 |
switch(item3.type){ |
case 'checkbox': |
return '<input type="checkbox" name="layTableCheckbox" lay-skin="primary" '+ function(){ |
//如果是全选 |
if(item3[checkName]){ |
item1[checkName] = item3[checkName]; |
return item3[checkName] ? 'checked' : ''; |
} |
return tplData[checkName] ? 'checked' : ''; |
}() +'>'; |
break; |
case 'radio': |
if(tplData[checkName]){ |
thisCheckedRowIndex = i1; |
} |
return '<input type="radio" name="layTableRadio_'+ options.index +'" ' |
+ (tplData[checkName] ? 'checked' : '') +' lay-type="layTableRadio">'; |
break; |
case 'numbers': |
return numbers; |
break; |
}; |
//解析工具列模板 |
if(item3.toolbar){ |
return laytpl($(item3.toolbar).html()||'').render(tplData); |
} |
return parseTempData.call(that, item3, content, tplData); |
}() |
,'</div></td>'].join(''); |
tds.push(td); |
if(item3.fixed && item3.fixed !== 'right') tds_fixed.push(td); |
if(item3.fixed === 'right') tds_fixed_r.push(td); |
}); |
trs.push('<tr data-index="'+ i1 +'">'+ tds.join('') + '</tr>'); |
trs_fixed.push('<tr data-index="'+ i1 +'">'+ tds_fixed.join('') + '</tr>'); |
trs_fixed_r.push('<tr data-index="'+ i1 +'">'+ tds_fixed_r.join('') + '</tr>'); |
}); |
that.layBody.scrollTop(0); |
that.layMain.find('.'+ NONE).remove(); |
that.layMain.find('tbody').html(trs.join('')); |
that.layFixLeft.find('tbody').html(trs_fixed.join('')); |
that.layFixRight.find('tbody').html(trs_fixed_r.join('')); |
that.renderForm(); |
typeof thisCheckedRowIndex === 'number' && that.setThisRowChecked(thisCheckedRowIndex); |
that.syncCheckAll(); |
//滚动条补丁 |
that.haveInit ? that.scrollPatch() : setTimeout(function(){ |
that.scrollPatch(); |
}, 50); |
that.haveInit = true; |
layer.close(that.tipsIndex); |
//同步表头父列的相关值 |
options.HAS_SET_COLS_PATCH || that.setColsPatch(); |
options.HAS_SET_COLS_PATCH = true; |
}; |
table.cache[that.key] = data; //记录数据 |
//显示隐藏分页栏 |
that.layPage[(count == 0 || (data.length === 0 && curr == 1)) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](HIDE); |
//如果无数据 |
if(data.length === 0){ |
that.renderForm(); |
return that.errorView(options.text.none); |
} else { |
that.layFixed.removeClass(HIDE); |
} |
//如果执行初始排序 |
if(sort){ |
return render(); |
} |
//正常初始化数据渲染 |
render(); //渲染数据 |
that.renderTotal(data, totalRowData); //数据合计 |
//同步分页状态 |
if(options.page){ |
options.page = $.extend({ |
elem: 'layui-table-page' + options.index |
,count: count |
,limit: options.limit |
,limits: options.limits || [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90] |
,groups: 3 |
,layout: ['prev', 'page', 'next', 'skip', 'count', 'limit'] |
,prev: '<i class="layui-icon"></i>' |
,next: '<i class="layui-icon"></i>' |
,jump: function(obj, first){ |
if(!first){ |
//分页本身并非需要做以下更新,下面参数的同步,主要是因为其它处理统一用到了它们 |
//而并非用的是 options.page 中的参数(以确保分页未开启的情况仍能正常使用) |
that.page = obj.curr; //更新页码 |
options.limit = obj.limit; //更新每页条数 |
that.pullData(obj.curr); |
} |
} |
}, options.page); |
options.page.count = count; //更新总条数 |
laypage.render(options.page); |
} |
}; |
//数据合计行 |
Class.prototype.renderTotal = function(data, totalRowData){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,totalNums = {}; |
if(!options.totalRow) return; |
layui.each(data, function(i1, item1){ |
//若数据项为空数组,则不往下执行(因为删除数据时,会将原有数据设置为 []) |
if(layui._typeof(item1) === 'array' && item1.length === 0) return; |
that.eachCols(function(i3, item3){ |
var field = item3.field || i3 |
,content = item1[field]; |
if(item3.totalRow){ |
totalNums[field] = (totalNums[field] || 0) + (parseFloat(content) || 0); |
} |
}); |
}); |
that.dataTotal = {}; |
var tds = []; |
that.eachCols(function(i3, item3){ |
var field = item3.field || i3; |
//td 内容 |
var content = function(){ |
var text = item3.totalRowText || '' |
,thisTotalNum = parseFloat(totalNums[field]).toFixed(2) |
,tplData = {} |
,getContent; |
tplData[field] = thisTotalNum; |
//获取自动计算的合并内容 |
getContent = item3.totalRow ? (parseTempData.call(that, item3, thisTotalNum, tplData) || text) : text; |
//如果直接传入了合计行数据,则不输出自动计算的结果 |
return totalRowData ? (totalRowData[item3.field] || getContent) : getContent; |
}() |
,td = ['<td data-field="'+ field +'" data-key="'+ options.index + '-'+ item3.key +'" '+ function(){ |
var attr = []; |
if(item3.align) attr.push('align="'+ item3.align +'"'); //对齐方式 |
if(item3.style) attr.push('style="'+ item3.style +'"'); //自定义样式 |
if(item3.minWidth) attr.push('data-minwidth="'+ item3.minWidth +'"'); //单元格最小宽度 |
return attr.join(' '); |
}() +' class="'+ function(){ //追加样式 |
var classNames = []; |
if(item3.hide) classNames.push(HIDE); //插入隐藏列样式 |
if(!item3.field) classNames.push('layui-table-col-special'); //插入特殊列样式 |
return classNames.join(' '); |
}() +'">' |
,'<div class="layui-table-cell laytable-cell-'+ function(){ //返回对应的CSS类标识 |
var str = (options.index + '-' + item3.key); |
return item3.type === 'normal' ? str |
: (str + ' laytable-cell-' + item3.type); |
}() +'">' + function(){ |
var totalRow = item3.totalRow || options.totalRow; |
//如果 totalRow 参数为字符类型,则解析为自定义模版 |
if(typeof totalRow === 'string'){ |
return laytpl(totalRow).render($.extend({ |
TOTAL_NUMS: content |
}, item3)) |
} |
return content; |
}() |
,'</div></td>'].join(''); |
item3.field && (that.dataTotal[field] = content); |
tds.push(td); |
}); |
that.layTotal.find('tbody').html('<tr>' + tds.join('') + '</tr>'); |
}; |
//找到对应的列元素 |
Class.prototype.getColElem = function(parent, key){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
return parent.eq(0).find('.laytable-cell-'+ (options.index + '-' + key) + ':eq(0)'); |
}; |
//渲染表单 |
Class.prototype.renderForm = function(type){ |
form.render(type, 'LAY-table-'+ this.index); |
}; |
//标记当前行选中状态 |
Class.prototype.setThisRowChecked = function(index){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,ELEM_CLICK = 'layui-table-click' |
,tr = that.layBody.find('tr[data-index="'+ index +'"]'); |
tr.addClass(ELEM_CLICK).siblings('tr').removeClass(ELEM_CLICK); |
}; |
//数据排序 |
Class.prototype.sort = function(th, type, pull, formEvent){ |
var that = this |
,field |
,res = {} |
,options = that.config |
,filter = options.elem.attr('lay-filter') |
,data = table.cache[that.key], thisData; |
//字段匹配 |
if(typeof th === 'string'){ |
field = th; |
that.layHeader.find('th').each(function(i, item){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,_field = othis.data('field'); |
if(_field === th){ |
th = othis; |
field = _field; |
return false; |
} |
}); |
} |
try { |
var field = field || th.data('field') |
,key = th.data('key'); |
//如果欲执行的排序已在状态中,则不执行渲染 |
if(that.sortKey && !pull){ |
if(field === that.sortKey.field && type === that.sortKey.sort){ |
return; |
} |
} |
var elemSort = that.layHeader.find('th .laytable-cell-'+ key).find(ELEM_SORT); |
that.layHeader.find('th').find(ELEM_SORT).removeAttr('lay-sort'); //清除其它标题排序状态 |
elemSort.attr('lay-sort', type || null); |
that.layFixed.find('th') |
} catch(e){ |
hint.error('Table modules: sort field \''+ field +'\' not matched'); |
} |
//记录排序索引和类型 |
that.sortKey = { |
field: field |
,sort: type |
}; |
//默认为前端自动排序。如果否,则需自主排序(通常为服务端处理好排序) |
if(options.autoSort){ |
if(type === 'asc'){ //升序 |
thisData = layui.sort(data, field); |
} else if(type === 'desc'){ //降序 |
thisData = layui.sort(data, field, true); |
} else { //清除排序 |
thisData = layui.sort(data, table.config.indexName); |
delete that.sortKey; |
} |
} |
res[options.response.dataName] = thisData || data; |
that.renderData(res, that.page, that.count, true); |
if(formEvent){ |
layui.event.call(th, MOD_NAME, 'sort('+ filter +')', { |
field: field |
,type: type |
}); |
} |
}; |
//请求loading |
Class.prototype.loading = function(hide){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
if(options.loading){ |
if(hide){ |
that.layInit && that.layInit.remove(); |
delete that.layInit; |
that.layBox.find(ELEM_INIT).remove(); |
} else { |
that.layInit = $(['<div class="layui-table-init">' |
,'<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-loading layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop"></i>' |
,'</div>'].join('')); |
that.layBox.append(that.layInit); |
} |
} |
}; |
//同步选中值状态 |
Class.prototype.setCheckData = function(index, checked){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,thisData = table.cache[that.key]; |
if(!thisData[index]) return; |
if(layui._typeof(thisData[index]) === 'array') return; |
thisData[index][options.checkName] = checked; |
}; |
//同步全选按钮状态 |
Class.prototype.syncCheckAll = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,checkAllElem = that.layHeader.find('input[name="layTableCheckbox"]') |
,syncColsCheck = function(checked){ |
that.eachCols(function(i, item){ |
if(item.type === 'checkbox'){ |
item[options.checkName] = checked; |
} |
}); |
return checked; |
}; |
if(!checkAllElem[0]) return; |
if(table.checkStatus(that.key).isAll){ |
if(!checkAllElem[0].checked){ |
checkAllElem.prop('checked', true); |
that.renderForm('checkbox'); |
} |
syncColsCheck(true); |
} else { |
if(checkAllElem[0].checked){ |
checkAllElem.prop('checked', false); |
that.renderForm('checkbox'); |
} |
syncColsCheck(false); |
} |
}; |
//获取cssRule |
Class.prototype.getCssRule = function(key, callback){ |
var that = this |
,style = that.elem.find('style')[0] |
,sheet = style.sheet || style.styleSheet || {} |
,rules = sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules; |
layui.each(rules, function(i, item){ |
if(item.selectorText === ('.laytable-cell-'+ key)){ |
return callback(item), true; |
} |
}); |
}; |
//让表格铺满 |
Class.prototype.fullSize = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,height = options.height, bodyHeight; |
if(that.fullHeightGap){ |
height = _WIN.height() - that.fullHeightGap; |
if(height < 135) height = 135; |
that.elem.css('height', height); |
} |
if(!height) return; |
//减去列头区域的高度 |
bodyHeight = parseFloat(height) - (that.layHeader.outerHeight() || 38); //此处的数字常量是为了防止容器处在隐藏区域无法获得高度的问题,暂时只对默认尺寸的表格做支持。 |
//减去工具栏的高度 |
if(options.toolbar){ |
bodyHeight = bodyHeight - (that.layTool.outerHeight() || 50); |
} |
//减去统计朗的高度 |
if(options.totalRow){ |
bodyHeight = bodyHeight - (that.layTotal.outerHeight() || 40); |
} |
//减去分页栏的高度 |
if(options.page){ |
bodyHeight = bodyHeight - (that.layPage.outerHeight() || 41); |
} |
that.layMain.css('height', bodyHeight - 2); |
}; |
//获取滚动条宽度 |
Class.prototype.getScrollWidth = function(elem){ |
var width = 0; |
if(elem){ |
width = elem.offsetWidth - elem.clientWidth; |
} else { |
elem = document.createElement('div'); |
elem.style.width = '100px'; |
elem.style.height = '100px'; |
elem.style.overflowY = 'scroll'; |
document.body.appendChild(elem); |
width = elem.offsetWidth - elem.clientWidth; |
document.body.removeChild(elem); |
} |
return width; |
}; |
//滚动条补丁 |
Class.prototype.scrollPatch = function(){ |
var that = this |
,layMainTable = that.layMain.children('table') |
,scollWidth = that.layMain.width() - that.layMain.prop('clientWidth') //纵向滚动条宽度 |
,scollHeight = that.layMain.height() - that.layMain.prop('clientHeight') //横向滚动条高度 |
,getScrollWidth = that.getScrollWidth(that.layMain[0]) //获取主容器滚动条宽度,如果有的话 |
,outWidth = layMainTable.outerWidth() - that.layMain.width() //表格内容器的超出宽度 |
//添加补丁 |
,addPatch = function(elem){ |
if(scollWidth && scollHeight){ |
elem = elem.eq(0); |
if(!elem.find('.layui-table-patch')[0]){ |
var patchElem = $('<th class="layui-table-patch"><div class="layui-table-cell"></div></th>'); //补丁元素 |
patchElem.find('div').css({ |
width: scollWidth |
}); |
elem.find('tr').append(patchElem); |
} |
} else { |
elem.find('.layui-table-patch').remove(); |
} |
} |
addPatch(that.layHeader); |
addPatch(that.layTotal); |
//固定列区域高度 |
var mainHeight = that.layMain.height() |
,fixHeight = mainHeight - scollHeight; |
that.layFixed.find(ELEM_BODY).css('height', layMainTable.height() >= fixHeight ? fixHeight : 'auto'); |
//表格宽度小于容器宽度时,隐藏固定列 |
that.layFixRight[outWidth > 0 ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](HIDE); |
//操作栏 |
that.layFixRight.css('right', scollWidth - 1); |
}; |
//事件处理 |
Class.prototype.events = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,_BODY = $('body') |
,dict = {} |
,th = that.layHeader.find('th') |
,resizing |
,ELEM_CELL = '.layui-table-cell' |
,filter = options.elem.attr('lay-filter'); |
//工具栏操作事件 |
that.layTool.on('click', '*[lay-event]', function(e){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,events = othis.attr('lay-event') |
,openPanel = function(sets){ |
var list = $(sets.list) |
,panel = $('<ul class="layui-table-tool-panel"></ul>'); |
panel.html(list); |
//限制最大高度 |
if(options.height){ |
panel.css('max-height', options.height - (that.layTool.outerHeight() || 50)); |
} |
//插入元素 |
othis.find('.layui-table-tool-panel')[0] || othis.append(panel); |
that.renderForm(); |
panel.on('click', function(e){ |
layui.stope(e); |
}); |
sets.done && sets.done(panel, list) |
}; |
layui.stope(e); |
_DOC.trigger('table.tool.panel.remove'); |
layer.close(that.tipsIndex); |
switch(events){ |
case 'LAYTABLE_COLS': //筛选列 |
openPanel({ |
list: function(){ |
var lis = []; |
that.eachCols(function(i, item){ |
if(item.field && item.type == 'normal'){ |
lis.push('<li><input type="checkbox" name="'+ item.field +'" data-key="'+ item.key +'" data-parentkey="'+ (item.parentKey||'') +'" lay-skin="primary" '+ (item.hide ? '' : 'checked') +' title="'+ (item.title || item.field) +'" lay-filter="LAY_TABLE_TOOL_COLS"></li>'); |
} |
}); |
return lis.join(''); |
}() |
,done: function(){ |
form.on('checkbox(LAY_TABLE_TOOL_COLS)', function(obj){ |
var othis = $(obj.elem) |
,checked = this.checked |
,key = othis.data('key') |
,parentKey = othis.data('parentkey'); |
layui.each(options.cols, function(i1, item1){ |
layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ |
if(i1+ '-'+ i2 === key){ |
var hide = item2.hide; |
//同步勾选列的 hide 值和隐藏样式 |
item2.hide = !checked; |
that.elem.find('*[data-key="'+ options.index +'-'+ key +'"]') |
[checked ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](HIDE); |
//根据列的显示隐藏,同步多级表头的父级相关属性值 |
if(hide != item2.hide){ |
that.setParentCol(!checked, parentKey); |
} |
//重新适配尺寸 |
that.resize(); |
} |
}); |
}); |
}); |
} |
}); |
break; |
case 'LAYTABLE_EXPORT': //导出 |
if(device.ie){ |
layer.tips('导出功能不支持 IE,请用 Chrome 等高级浏览器导出', this, { |
tips: 3 |
}) |
} else { |
openPanel({ |
list: function(){ |
return [ |
'<li data-type="csv">导出到 Csv 文件</li>' |
,'<li data-type="xls">导出到 Excel 文件</li>' |
].join('') |
}() |
,done: function(panel, list){ |
list.on('click', function(){ |
var type = $(this).data('type') |
table.exportFile.call(that, options.id, null, type); |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
break; |
case 'LAYTABLE_PRINT': //打印 |
var printWin = window.open('打印窗口', '_blank') |
,style = ['<style>' |
,'body{font-size: 12px; color: #666;}' |
,'table{width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0;}' |
,'th,td{line-height: 20px; padding: 9px 15px; border: 1px solid #ccc; text-align: left; font-size: 12px; color: #666;}' |
,'a{color: #666; text-decoration:none;}' |
,'*.layui-hide{display: none}' |
,'</style>'].join('') |
,html = $(that.layHeader.html()); //输出表头 |
html.append(that.layMain.find('table').html()); //输出表体 |
html.append(that.layTotal.find('table').html()) //输出合计行 |
html.find('th.layui-table-patch').remove(); //移除补丁 |
html.find('.layui-table-col-special').remove(); //移除特殊列 |
printWin.document.write(style + html.prop('outerHTML')); |
printWin.document.close(); |
printWin.print(); |
printWin.close(); |
break; |
} |
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'toolbar('+ filter +')', $.extend({ |
event: events |
,config: options |
},{})); |
}); |
//拖拽调整宽度 |
th.on('mousemove', function(e){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,oLeft = othis.offset().left |
,pLeft = e.clientX - oLeft; |
if(othis.data('unresize') || dict.resizeStart){ |
return; |
} |
dict.allowResize = othis.width() - pLeft <= 10; //是否处于拖拽允许区域 |
_BODY.css('cursor', (dict.allowResize ? 'col-resize' : '')); |
}).on('mouseleave', function(){ |
var othis = $(this); |
if(dict.resizeStart) return; |
_BODY.css('cursor', ''); |
}).on('mousedown', function(e){ |
var othis = $(this); |
if(dict.allowResize){ |
var key = othis.data('key'); |
e.preventDefault(); |
dict.resizeStart = true; //开始拖拽 |
dict.offset = [e.clientX, e.clientY]; //记录初始坐标 |
that.getCssRule(key, function(item){ |
var width = item.style.width || othis.outerWidth(); |
dict.rule = item; |
dict.ruleWidth = parseFloat(width); |
dict.minWidth = othis.data('minwidth') || options.cellMinWidth; |
}); |
} |
}); |
//拖拽中 |
_DOC.on('mousemove', function(e){ |
if(dict.resizeStart){ |
e.preventDefault(); |
if(dict.rule){ |
var setWidth = dict.ruleWidth + e.clientX - dict.offset[0]; |
if(setWidth < dict.minWidth) setWidth = dict.minWidth; |
dict.rule.style.width = setWidth + 'px'; |
layer.close(that.tipsIndex); |
} |
resizing = 1 |
} |
}).on('mouseup', function(e){ |
if(dict.resizeStart){ |
dict = {}; |
_BODY.css('cursor', ''); |
that.scrollPatch(); |
} |
if(resizing === 2){ |
resizing = null; |
} |
}); |
//排序 |
th.on('click', function(e){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,elemSort = othis.find(ELEM_SORT) |
,nowType = elemSort.attr('lay-sort') |
,type; |
if(!elemSort[0] || resizing === 1) return resizing = 2; |
if(nowType === 'asc'){ |
type = 'desc'; |
} else if(nowType === 'desc'){ |
type = null; |
} else { |
type = 'asc'; |
} |
that.sort(othis, type, null, true); |
}).find(ELEM_SORT+' .layui-edge ').on('click', function(e){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,index = othis.index() |
,field = othis.parents('th').eq(0).data('field') |
layui.stope(e); |
if(index === 0){ |
that.sort(field, 'asc', null, true); |
} else { |
that.sort(field, 'desc', null, true); |
} |
}); |
//数据行中的事件返回的公共对象成员 |
var commonMember = function(sets){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,index = othis.parents('tr').eq(0).data('index') |
,tr = that.layBody.find('tr[data-index="'+ index +'"]') |
,data = table.cache[that.key] || []; |
data = data[index] || {}; |
return $.extend({ |
tr: tr //行元素 |
,data: table.clearCacheKey(data) //当前行数据 |
,del: function(){ //删除行数据 |
table.cache[that.key][index] = []; |
tr.remove(); |
that.scrollPatch(); |
} |
,update: function(fields){ //修改行数据 |
fields = fields || {}; |
layui.each(fields, function(key, value){ |
if(key in data){ |
var templet, td = tr.children('td[data-field="'+ key +'"]'); |
data[key] = value; |
that.eachCols(function(i, item2){ |
if(item2.field == key && item2.templet){ |
templet = item2.templet; |
} |
}); |
td.children(ELEM_CELL).html(parseTempData.call(that, { |
templet: templet |
}, value, data)); |
td.data('content', value); |
} |
}); |
} |
}, sets); |
}; |
//复选框选择 |
that.elem.on('click', 'input[name="layTableCheckbox"]+', function(){ //替代元素的 click 事件 |
var checkbox = $(this).prev() |
,childs = that.layBody.find('input[name="layTableCheckbox"]') |
,index = checkbox.parents('tr').eq(0).data('index') |
,checked = checkbox[0].checked |
,isAll = checkbox.attr('lay-filter') === 'layTableAllChoose'; |
//全选 |
if(isAll){ |
childs.each(function(i, item){ |
item.checked = checked; |
that.setCheckData(i, checked); |
}); |
that.syncCheckAll(); |
that.renderForm('checkbox'); |
} else { |
that.setCheckData(index, checked); |
that.syncCheckAll(); |
} |
layui.event.call(checkbox[0], MOD_NAME, 'checkbox('+ filter +')', commonMember.call(checkbox[0], { |
checked: checked |
,type: isAll ? 'all' : 'one' |
})); |
}); |
//单选框选择 |
that.elem.on('click', 'input[lay-type="layTableRadio"]+', function(){ |
var radio = $(this).prev() |
,checked = radio[0].checked |
,thisData = table.cache[that.key] |
,index = radio.parents('tr').eq(0).data('index'); |
//重置数据单选属性 |
layui.each(thisData, function(i, item){ |
if(index === i){ |
item[options.checkName] = true; |
} else { |
delete item[options.checkName]; |
} |
}); |
that.setThisRowChecked(index); |
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'radio('+ filter +')', commonMember.call(this, { |
checked: checked |
})); |
}); |
//行事件 |
that.layBody.on('mouseenter', 'tr', function(){ //鼠标移入行 |
var othis = $(this) |
,index = othis.index(); |
if(othis.data('off')) return; //不触发事件 |
that.layBody.find('tr:eq('+ index +')').addClass(ELEM_HOVER) |
}).on('mouseleave', 'tr', function(){ //鼠标移出行 |
var othis = $(this) |
,index = othis.index(); |
if(othis.data('off')) return; //不触发事件 |
that.layBody.find('tr:eq('+ index +')').removeClass(ELEM_HOVER) |
}).on('click', 'tr', function(){ //单击行 |
setRowEvent.call(this, 'row'); |
}).on('dblclick', 'tr', function(){ //双击行 |
setRowEvent.call(this, 'rowDouble'); |
}); |
//创建行单击、双击事件 |
var setRowEvent = function(eventType){ |
var othis = $(this); |
if(othis.data('off')) return; //不触发事件 |
layui.event.call(this, |
MOD_NAME, eventType + '('+ filter +')' |
,commonMember.call(othis.children('td')[0]) |
); |
}; |
//单元格编辑 |
that.layBody.on('change', '.'+ELEM_EDIT, function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,value = this.value |
,field = othis.parent().data('field') |
,index = othis.parents('tr').eq(0).data('index') |
,data = table.cache[that.key][index]; |
data[field] = value; //更新缓存中的值 |
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'edit('+ filter +')', commonMember.call(this, { |
value: value |
,field: field |
})); |
}).on('blur', '.'+ELEM_EDIT, function(){ |
var templet |
,othis = $(this) |
,thisElem = this |
,field = othis.parent().data('field') |
,index = othis.parents('tr').eq(0).data('index') |
,data = table.cache[that.key][index]; |
that.eachCols(function(i, item){ |
if(item.field == field && item.templet){ |
templet = item.templet; |
} |
}); |
othis.siblings(ELEM_CELL).html(function(value){ |
return parseTempData.call(that, { |
templet: templet |
}, value, data); |
}(thisElem.value)); |
othis.parent().data('content', thisElem.value); |
othis.remove(); |
}); |
//单元格单击事件 |
that.layBody.on('click', 'td', function(e){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,field = othis.data('field') |
,editType = othis.data('edit') |
,elemCell = othis.children(ELEM_CELL); |
if(othis.data('off')) return; //不触发事件 |
//显示编辑表单 |
if(editType){ |
var input = $('<input class="layui-input '+ ELEM_EDIT +'">'); |
input[0].value = othis.data('content') || elemCell.text(); |
othis.find('.'+ELEM_EDIT)[0] || othis.append(input); |
input.focus(); |
layui.stope(e); |
return; |
} |
}).on('mouseenter', 'td', function(){ |
gridExpand.call(this) |
}).on('mouseleave', 'td', function(){ |
gridExpand.call(this, 'hide'); |
}); |
//单元格展开图标 |
var ELEM_GRID = 'layui-table-grid', ELEM_GRID_DOWN = 'layui-table-grid-down', ELEM_GRID_PANEL = 'layui-table-grid-panel' |
,gridExpand = function(hide){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,elemCell = othis.children(ELEM_CELL); |
if(othis.data('off')) return; //不触发事件 |
if(hide){ |
othis.find('.layui-table-grid-down').remove(); |
} else if(elemCell.prop('scrollWidth') > elemCell.outerWidth()){ |
if(elemCell.find('.'+ ELEM_GRID_DOWN)[0]) return; |
othis.append('<div class="'+ ELEM_GRID_DOWN +'"><i class="layui-icon layui-icon-down"></i></div>'); |
} |
}; |
//单元格展开事件 |
that.layBody.on('click', '.'+ ELEM_GRID_DOWN, function(e){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,td = othis.parent() |
,elemCell = td.children(ELEM_CELL); |
that.tipsIndex = layer.tips([ |
'<div class="layui-table-tips-main" style="margin-top: -'+ (elemCell.height() + 16) +'px;'+ function(){ |
if(options.size === 'sm'){ |
return 'padding: 4px 15px; font-size: 12px;'; |
} |
if(options.size === 'lg'){ |
return 'padding: 14px 15px;'; |
} |
return ''; |
}() +'">' |
,elemCell.html() |
,'</div>' |
,'<i class="layui-icon layui-table-tips-c layui-icon-close"></i>' |
].join(''), elemCell[0], { |
tips: [3, ''] |
,time: -1 |
,anim: -1 |
,maxWidth: (device.ios || device.android) ? 300 : that.elem.width()/2 |
,isOutAnim: false |
,skin: 'layui-table-tips' |
,success: function(layero, index){ |
layero.find('.layui-table-tips-c').on('click', function(){ |
layer.close(index); |
}); |
} |
}); |
layui.stope(e); |
}); |
//行工具条操作事件 |
that.layBody.on('click', '*[lay-event]', function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,index = othis.parents('tr').eq(0).data('index'); |
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'tool('+ filter +')', commonMember.call(this, { |
event: othis.attr('lay-event') |
})); |
that.setThisRowChecked(index); |
}); |
//同步滚动条 |
that.layMain.on('scroll', function(){ |
var othis = $(this) |
,scrollLeft = othis.scrollLeft() |
,scrollTop = othis.scrollTop(); |
that.layHeader.scrollLeft(scrollLeft); |
that.layTotal.scrollLeft(scrollLeft); |
that.layFixed.find(ELEM_BODY).scrollTop(scrollTop); |
layer.close(that.tipsIndex); |
}); |
//自适应 |
_WIN.on('resize', function(){ |
that.resize(); |
}); |
}; |
//一次性事件 |
;(function(){ |
//全局点击 |
_DOC.on('click', function(){ |
_DOC.trigger('table.remove.tool.panel'); |
}); |
//工具面板移除事件 |
_DOC.on('table.remove.tool.panel', function(){ |
$('.layui-table-tool-panel').remove(); |
}); |
})(); |
//初始化 |
table.init = function(filter, settings){ |
settings = settings || {}; |
var that = this |
,inst = null |
,elemTable = filter ? $('table[lay-filter="'+ filter +'"]') : $(ELEM + '[lay-data]') |
,errorTips = 'Table element property lay-data configuration item has a syntax error: '; |
//遍历数据表格 |
elemTable.each(function(){ |
var othis = $(this), tableData = othis.attr('lay-data'); |
try { |
tableData = new Function('return '+ tableData)(); |
} catch(e) { |
hint.error(errorTips + tableData, 'error') |
} |
var cols = [], options = $.extend({ |
elem: this |
,cols: [] |
,data: [] |
,skin: othis.attr('lay-skin') //风格 |
,size: othis.attr('lay-size') //尺寸 |
,even: typeof othis.attr('lay-even') === 'string' //偶数行背景 |
}, table.config, settings, tableData); |
filter && othis.hide(); |
//获取表头数据 |
othis.find('thead>tr').each(function(i){ |
options.cols[i] = []; |
$(this).children().each(function(ii){ |
var th = $(this), itemData = th.attr('lay-data'); |
try{ |
itemData = new Function('return '+ itemData)(); |
} catch(e){ |
return hint.error(errorTips + itemData) |
} |
var row = $.extend({ |
title: th.text() |
,colspan: th.attr('colspan') || 0 //列单元格 |
,rowspan: th.attr('rowspan') || 0 //行单元格 |
}, itemData); |
if(row.colspan < 2) cols.push(row); |
options.cols[i].push(row); |
}); |
}); |
//获取表体数据 |
othis.find('tbody>tr').each(function(i1){ |
var tr = $(this), row = {}; |
//如果定义了字段名 |
tr.children('td').each(function(i2, item2){ |
var td = $(this) |
,field = td.data('field'); |
if(field){ |
return row[field] = td.html(); |
} |
}); |
//如果未定义字段名 |
layui.each(cols, function(i3, item3){ |
var td = tr.children('td').eq(i3); |
row[item3.field] = td.html(); |
}); |
options.data[i1] = row; |
}); |
//执行渲染 |
table.render(options); |
}); |
return that; |
}; |
//记录所有实例 |
thisTable.that = {}; //记录所有实例对象 |
thisTable.config = {}; //记录所有实例配置项 |
//遍历表头 |
table.eachCols = function(id, callback, cols){ |
var config = thisTable.config[id] || {} |
,arrs = [], index = 0; |
cols = $.extend(true, [], cols || config.cols); |
//重新整理表头结构 |
layui.each(cols, function(i1, item1){ |
layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ |
//如果是组合列,则捕获对应的子列 |
if(item2.colGroup){ |
var childIndex = 0; |
index++ |
item2.CHILD_COLS = []; |
layui.each(cols[i1 + 1], function(i22, item22){ |
//如果子列已经被标注为{PARENT_COL_INDEX},或者子列累计 colspan 数等于父列定义的 colspan,则跳出当前子列循环 |
if(item22.PARENT_COL_INDEX || (childIndex > 1 && childIndex == item2.colspan)) return; |
item22.PARENT_COL_INDEX = index; |
item2.CHILD_COLS.push(item22); |
childIndex = childIndex + parseInt(item22.colspan > 1 ? item22.colspan : 1); |
}); |
} |
if(item2.PARENT_COL_INDEX) return; //如果是子列,则不进行追加,因为已经存储在父列中 |
arrs.push(item2) |
}); |
}); |
//重新遍历列,如果有子列,则进入递归 |
var eachArrs = function(obj){ |
layui.each(obj || arrs, function(i, item){ |
if(item.CHILD_COLS) return eachArrs(item.CHILD_COLS); |
typeof callback === 'function' && callback(i, item); |
}); |
}; |
eachArrs(); |
}; |
//表格选中状态 |
table.checkStatus = function(id){ |
var nums = 0 |
,invalidNum = 0 |
,arr = [] |
,data = table.cache[id] || []; |
//计算全选个数 |
layui.each(data, function(i, item){ |
if(layui._typeof(item) === 'array'){ |
invalidNum++; //无效数据,或已删除的 |
return; |
} |
if(item[table.config.checkName]){ |
nums++; |
arr.push(table.clearCacheKey(item)); |
} |
}); |
return { |
data: arr //选中的数据 |
,isAll: data.length ? (nums === (data.length - invalidNum)) : false //是否全选 |
}; |
}; |
//获取表格当前页的所有行数据 |
table.getData = function(id){ |
var arr = [] |
,data = table.cache[id] || []; |
layui.each(data, function(i, item){ |
if(layui._typeof(item) === 'array'){ |
return; |
}; |
arr.push(table.clearCacheKey(item)); |
}); |
return arr; |
}; |
//表格导出 |
table.exportFile = function(id, data, type){ |
var that = this; |
data = data || table.clearCacheKey(table.cache[id]); |
type = type || 'csv'; |
var thatTable = thisTable.that[id] |
,config = thisTable.config[id] || {} |
,textType = ({ |
csv: 'text/csv' |
,xls: 'application/vnd.ms-excel' |
})[type] |
,alink = document.createElement("a"); |
if(device.ie) return hint.error('IE_NOT_SUPPORT_EXPORTS'); |
alink.href = 'data:'+ textType +';charset=utf-8,\ufeff'+ encodeURIComponent(function(){ |
var dataTitle = [], dataMain = [], dataTotal = []; |
//表头和表体 |
layui.each(data, function(i1, item1){ |
var vals = []; |
if(typeof id === 'object'){ //如果 id 参数直接为表头数据 |
layui.each(id, function(i, item){ |
i1 == 0 && dataTitle.push(item || ''); |
}); |
layui.each(table.clearCacheKey(item1), function(i2, item2){ |
vals.push('"'+ (item2 || '') +'"'); |
}); |
} else { |
table.eachCols(id, function(i3, item3){ |
if(item3.field && item3.type == 'normal' && !item3.hide){ |
var content = item1[item3.field]; |
if(content === undefined || content === null) content = ''; |
i1 == 0 && dataTitle.push(item3.title || ''); |
vals.push('"'+ parseTempData.call(thatTable, item3, content, item1, 'text') + '"'); |
} |
}); |
} |
dataMain.push(vals.join(',')); |
}); |
//表合计 |
layui.each(that.dataTotal, function(key, value){ |
dataTotal.push(value); |
}); |
return dataTitle.join(',') + '\r\n' + dataMain.join('\r\n') + '\r\n' + dataTotal.join(','); |
}()); |
alink.download = (config.title || 'table_'+ (config.index || '')) + '.' + type; |
document.body.appendChild(alink); |
alink.click(); |
document.body.removeChild(alink); |
}; |
//重置表格尺寸结构 |
table.resize = function(id){ |
//如果指定表格唯一 id,则只执行该 id 对应的表格实例 |
if(id){ |
var config = getThisTableConfig(id); //获取当前实例配置项 |
if(!config) return; |
thisTable.that[id].resize(); |
} else { //否则重置所有表格实例尺寸 |
layui.each(thisTable.that, function(){ |
this.resize(); |
}); |
} |
}; |
//表格重载 |
table.reload = function(id, options, deep){ |
var config = getThisTableConfig(id); //获取当前实例配置项 |
if(!config) return; |
var that = thisTable.that[id]; |
that.reload(options, deep); |
return thisTable.call(that); |
}; |
//核心入口 |
table.render = function(options){ |
var inst = new Class(options); |
return thisTable.call(inst); |
}; |
//清除临时Key |
table.clearCacheKey = function(data){ |
data = $.extend({}, data); |
delete data[table.config.checkName]; |
delete data[table.config.indexName]; |
return data; |
}; |
//自动完成渲染 |
$(function(){ |
table.init(); |
}); |
exports(MOD_NAME, table); |
}); |