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/** |
@Title: slider 滑块组件 |
@License:MIT |
*/ |
layui.define('jquery', function(exports){ |
"use strict"; |
var $ = layui.jquery |
//外部接口 |
,slider = { |
config: {} |
,index: layui.slider ? (layui.slider.index + 10000) : 0 |
//设置全局项 |
,set: function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); |
return that; |
} |
//事件 |
,on: function(events, callback){ |
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); |
} |
} |
//操作当前实例 |
,thisSlider = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
return { |
setValue: function(value, index){ //设置值 |
options.value = value; |
return that.slide('set', value, index || 0); |
} |
,config: options |
} |
} |
//字符常量 |
,MOD_NAME = 'slider', DISABLED = 'layui-disabled', ELEM_VIEW = 'layui-slider', SLIDER_BAR = 'layui-slider-bar', SLIDER_WRAP = 'layui-slider-wrap', SLIDER_WRAP_BTN = 'layui-slider-wrap-btn', SLIDER_TIPS = 'layui-slider-tips', SLIDER_INPUT = 'layui-slider-input', SLIDER_INPUT_TXT = 'layui-slider-input-txt', SLIDER_INPUT_BTN = 'layui-slider-input-btn', ELEM_HOVER = 'layui-slider-hover' |
//构造器 |
,Class = function(options){ |
var that = this; |
that.index = ++slider.index; |
that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, slider.config, options); |
that.render(); |
}; |
//默认配置 |
Class.prototype.config = { |
type: 'default' //滑块类型,垂直:vertical |
,min: 0 //最小值 |
,max: 100 //最大值,默认100 |
,value: 0 //初始值,默认为0 |
,step: 1 //间隔值 |
,showstep: false //间隔点开启 |
,tips: true //文字提示,开启 |
,input: false //输入框,关闭 |
,range: false //范围选择,与输入框不能同时开启,默认关闭 |
,height: 200 //配合 type:"vertical" 使用,默认200px |
,disabled: false //滑块禁用,默认关闭 |
,theme: '#009688' //主题颜色 |
}; |
//滑块渲染 |
Class.prototype.render = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
//间隔值不能小于 1 |
if(options.step < 1) options.step = 1; |
//最大值不能小于最小值 |
if(options.max < options.min) options.max = options.min + options.step; |
//判断是否开启双滑块 |
if(options.range){ |
options.value = typeof(options.value) == 'object' ? options.value : [options.min, options.value]; |
var minValue = Math.min(options.value[0], options.value[1]) |
,maxValue = Math.max(options.value[0], options.value[1]); |
options.value[0] = minValue > options.min ? minValue : options.min; |
options.value[1] = maxValue > options.min ? maxValue : options.min; |
options.value[0] = options.value[0] > options.max ? options.max : options.value[0]; |
options.value[1] = options.value[1] > options.max ? options.max : options.value[1]; |
var scaleFir = Math.floor((options.value[0] - options.min) / (options.max - options.min) * 100) |
,scaleSec = Math.floor((options.value[1] - options.min) / (options.max - options.min) * 100) |
,scale = scaleSec - scaleFir + '%'; |
scaleFir = scaleFir + '%'; |
scaleSec = scaleSec + '%'; |
} else { |
//如果初始值是一个数组,则获取数组的最小值 |
if(typeof options.value == 'object'){ |
options.value = Math.min.apply(null, options.value); |
} |
//初始值不能小于最小值且不能大于最大值 |
if(options.value < options.min) options.value = options.min; |
if(options.value > options.max) options.value = options.max; |
var scale = Math.floor((options.value - options.min) / (options.max - options.min) * 100) + '%'; |
}; |
//如果禁用,颜色为统一的灰色 |
var theme = options.disabled ? '#c2c2c2' : options.theme; |
//滑块 |
var temp = '<div class="layui-slider '+ (options.type === 'vertical' ? 'layui-slider-vertical' : '') +'">'+ (options.tips ? '<div class="layui-slider-tips"></div>' : '') + |
'<div class="layui-slider-bar" style="background:'+ theme +'; '+ (options.type === 'vertical' ? 'height' : 'width') +':'+ scale +';'+ (options.type === 'vertical' ? 'bottom' : 'left') +':'+ (scaleFir || 0) +';"></div><div class="layui-slider-wrap" style="'+ (options.type === 'vertical' ? 'bottom' : 'left') +':'+ (scaleFir || scale) +';">' + |
'<div class="layui-slider-wrap-btn" style="border: 2px solid '+ theme +';"></div></div>'+ (options.range ? '<div class="layui-slider-wrap" style="'+ (options.type === 'vertical' ? 'bottom' : 'left') +':'+ scaleSec +';"><div class="layui-slider-wrap-btn" style="border: 2px solid '+ theme +';"></div></div>' : '') +'</div>'; |
var othis = $(options.elem) |
,hasRender = othis.next('.' + ELEM_VIEW); |
//生成替代元素 |
hasRender[0] && hasRender.remove(); //如果已经渲染,则Rerender |
that.elemTemp = $(temp); |
//把数据缓存到滑块上 |
if(options.range){ |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP).eq(0).data('value', options.value[0]); |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP).eq(1).data('value', options.value[1]); |
}else{ |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP).data('value', options.value); |
}; |
//插入替代元素 |
othis.html(that.elemTemp); |
//垂直滑块 |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
that.elemTemp.height(options.height + 'px'); |
}; |
//显示间断点 |
if(options.showstep){ |
var number = (options.max - options.min) / options.step, item = ''; |
for(var i = 1; i < number + 1; i++) { |
var step = i * 100 / number; |
if(step < 100){ |
item += '<div class="layui-slider-step" style="'+ (options.type === 'vertical' ? 'bottom' : 'left') +':'+ step +'%"></div>' |
} |
}; |
that.elemTemp.append(item); |
}; |
//插入输入框 |
if(options.input && !options.range){ |
var elemInput = $('<div class="layui-slider-input layui-input"><div class="layui-slider-input-txt"><input type="text" class="layui-input"></div><div class="layui-slider-input-btn"><i class="layui-icon layui-icon-up"></i><i class="layui-icon layui-icon-down"></i></div></div>'); |
othis.css("position","relative"); |
othis.append(elemInput); |
othis.find('.' + SLIDER_INPUT_TXT).children('input').val(options.value); |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
elemInput.css({ |
left: 0 |
,top: -48 |
}); |
} else { |
that.elemTemp.css("margin-right", elemInput.outerWidth() + 15); |
} |
}; |
//给未禁止的滑块滑动事件 |
if(!options.disabled){ |
that.slide(); |
}else{ |
that.elemTemp.addClass(DISABLED); |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP_BTN).addClass(DISABLED); |
}; |
//划过滑块显示数值 |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP_BTN).on('mouseover', function(){ |
var sliderWidth = options.type === 'vertical' ? options.height : that.elemTemp[0].offsetWidth |
,sliderWrap = that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP) |
,tipsLeft = options.type === 'vertical' ? (sliderWidth - $(this).parent()[0].offsetTop - sliderWrap.height()) : $(this).parent()[0].offsetLeft |
,left = tipsLeft / sliderWidth * 100 |
,value = $(this).parent().data('value') |
,tipsTxt = options.setTips ? options.setTips(value) : value; |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).html(tipsTxt); |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).css({"bottom":left + '%', "margin-bottom":"20px", "display":"inline-block"}); |
}else{ |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).css({"left":left + '%', "display":"inline-block"}); |
}; |
}).on('mouseout', function(){ |
that.elemTemp.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).css("display", "none"); |
}); |
}; |
//滑块滑动 |
Class.prototype.slide = function(setValue, value, i){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config |
,sliderAct = that.elemTemp |
,sliderWidth = function(){ |
return options.type === 'vertical' ? options.height : sliderAct[0].offsetWidth |
} |
,sliderWrap = sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP) |
,sliderTxt = sliderAct.next('.' + SLIDER_INPUT) |
,inputValue = sliderTxt.children('.' + SLIDER_INPUT_TXT).children('input').val() |
,step = 100 / ((options.max - options.min) / Math.ceil(options.step)) |
,change = function(offsetValue, index){ |
if(Math.ceil(offsetValue) * step > 100){ |
offsetValue = Math.ceil(offsetValue) * step |
}else{ |
offsetValue = Math.round(offsetValue) * step |
}; |
offsetValue = offsetValue > 100 ? 100: offsetValue; |
sliderWrap.eq(index).css((options.type === 'vertical' ?'bottom':'left'), offsetValue + '%'); |
var firLeft = valueTo(sliderWrap[0].offsetLeft) |
,secLeft = options.range ? valueTo(sliderWrap[1].offsetLeft) : 0; |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).css({"bottom":offsetValue + '%', "margin-bottom":"20px"}); |
firLeft = valueTo(sliderWidth() - sliderWrap[0].offsetTop - sliderWrap.height()); |
secLeft = options.range ? valueTo(sliderWidth() - sliderWrap[1].offsetTop - sliderWrap.height()) : 0; |
}else{ |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).css("left",offsetValue + '%'); |
}; |
firLeft = firLeft > 100 ? 100: firLeft; |
secLeft = secLeft > 100 ? 100: secLeft; |
var minLeft = Math.min(firLeft, secLeft) |
,wrapWidth = Math.abs(firLeft - secLeft); |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_BAR).css({"height":wrapWidth + '%', "bottom":minLeft + '%'}); |
}else{ |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_BAR).css({"width":wrapWidth + '%', "left":minLeft + '%'}); |
}; |
var selfValue = options.min + Math.round((options.max - options.min) * offsetValue / 100); |
inputValue = selfValue; |
sliderTxt.children('.' + SLIDER_INPUT_TXT).children('input').val(inputValue); |
sliderWrap.eq(index).data('value', selfValue); |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).html(options.setTips ? options.setTips(selfValue) : selfValue); |
//如果开启范围选择,则返回数组值 |
if(options.range){ |
var arrValue = [ |
sliderWrap.eq(0).data('value') |
,sliderWrap.eq(1).data('value') |
]; |
if(arrValue[0] > arrValue[1]) arrValue.reverse(); //如果前面的圆点超过了后面的圆点值,则调换顺序 |
} |
//回调 |
options.change && options.change(options.range ? arrValue : selfValue); |
} |
,valueTo = function(value){ |
var oldLeft = value / sliderWidth() * 100 / step |
,left = Math.round(oldLeft) * step; |
if(value == sliderWidth()){ |
left = Math.ceil(oldLeft) * step; |
}; |
return left; |
} |
//拖拽元素 |
,elemMove = $(['<div class="layui-auxiliar-moving" id="LAY-slider-moving"></div'].join('')) |
,createMoveElem = function(move, up){ |
var upCall = function(){ |
up && up(); |
elemMove.remove(); |
}; |
$('#LAY-slider-moving')[0] || $('body').append(elemMove); |
elemMove.on('mousemove', move); |
elemMove.on('mouseup', upCall).on('mouseleave', upCall); |
}; |
//动态赋值 |
if(setValue === 'set') return change(value, i); |
//滑块滑动 |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_WRAP_BTN).each(function(index){ |
var othis = $(this); |
othis.on('mousedown', function(e){ |
e = e || window.event; |
var oldleft = othis.parent()[0].offsetLeft |
,oldx = e.clientX; |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
oldleft = sliderWidth() - othis.parent()[0].offsetTop - sliderWrap.height() |
oldx = e.clientY; |
}; |
var move = function(e){ |
e = e || window.event; |
var left = oldleft + (options.type === 'vertical' ? (oldx - e.clientY) : (e.clientX - oldx)); |
if(left < 0)left = 0; |
if(left > sliderWidth())left = sliderWidth(); |
var reaLeft = left / sliderWidth() * 100 / step; |
change(reaLeft, index); |
othis.addClass(ELEM_HOVER); |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).show(); |
e.preventDefault(); |
}; |
var up = function(){ |
othis.removeClass(ELEM_HOVER); |
sliderAct.find('.' + SLIDER_TIPS).hide(); |
}; |
createMoveElem(move, up) |
}); |
}); |
//点击滑块 |
sliderAct.on('click', function(e){ |
var main = $('.' + SLIDER_WRAP_BTN); |
if(!main.is(event.target) && main.has(event.target).length === 0 && main.length){ |
var left = options.type === 'vertical' ? (sliderWidth() - e.clientY + $(this).offset().top):(e.clientX - $(this).offset().left), index; |
if(left < 0)left = 0; |
if(left > sliderWidth())left = sliderWidth(); |
var reaLeft = left / sliderWidth() * 100 / step; |
if(options.range){ |
if(options.type === 'vertical'){ |
index = Math.abs(left - parseInt($(sliderWrap[0]).css('bottom'))) > Math.abs(left - parseInt($(sliderWrap[1]).css('bottom'))) ? 1 : 0; |
}else{ |
index = Math.abs(left - sliderWrap[0].offsetLeft) > Math.abs(left - sliderWrap[1].offsetLeft) ? 1 : 0; |
} |
}else{ |
index = 0; |
}; |
change(reaLeft, index); |
e.preventDefault(); |
} |
}); |
//点击加减输入框 |
sliderTxt.children('.' + SLIDER_INPUT_BTN).children('i').each(function(index){ |
$(this).on('click', function(){ |
inputValue = sliderTxt.children('.' + SLIDER_INPUT_TXT).children('input').val(); |
if(index == 1){ //减 |
inputValue = inputValue - options.step < options.min |
? options.min |
: Number(inputValue) - options.step; |
}else{ |
inputValue = Number(inputValue) + options.step > options.max |
? options.max |
: Number(inputValue) + options.step; |
}; |
var inputScale = (inputValue - options.min) / (options.max - options.min) * 100 / step; |
change(inputScale, 0); |
}); |
}); |
//获取输入框值 |
var getInputValue = function(){ |
var realValue = this.value; |
realValue = isNaN(realValue) ? 0 : realValue; |
realValue = realValue < options.min ? options.min : realValue; |
realValue = realValue > options.max ? options.max : realValue; |
this.value = realValue; |
var inputScale = (realValue - options.min) / (options.max - options.min) * 100 / step; |
change(inputScale, 0); |
}; |
sliderTxt.children('.' + SLIDER_INPUT_TXT).children('input').on('keydown', function(e){ |
if(e.keyCode === 13){ |
e.preventDefault(); |
getInputValue.call(this); |
} |
}).on('change', getInputValue); |
}; |
//事件处理 |
Class.prototype.events = function(){ |
var that = this |
,options = that.config; |
}; |
//核心入口 |
slider.render = function(options){ |
var inst = new Class(options); |
return thisSlider.call(inst); |
}; |
exports(MOD_NAME, slider); |
}) |