mirror of https://github.com/helloxz/onenav.git
309 lines
8.9 KiB
309 lines
8.9 KiB
3 years ago
@Name : laypage 分页组件
"use strict";
var doc = document
,id = 'getElementById'
,tag = 'getElementsByTagName'
,MOD_NAME = 'laypage', DISABLED = 'layui-disabled'
,Class = function(options){
var that = this;
that.config = options || {};
that.config.index = ++laypage.index;
Class.prototype.type = function(){
var config = this.config;
if(typeof config.elem === 'object'){
return config.elem.length === undefined ? 2 : 3;
Class.prototype.view = function(){
var that = this
,config = that.config
,groups = config.groups = 'groups' in config ? (config.groups|0) : 5; //连续页码个数
config.layout = typeof config.layout === 'object'
? config.layout
: ['prev', 'page', 'next'];
config.count = config.count|0; //数据总数
config.curr = (config.curr|0) || 1; //当前页
config.limits = typeof config.limits === 'object'
? config.limits
: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
config.limit = (config.limit|0) || 10; //默认条数
config.pages = Math.ceil(config.count/config.limit) || 1;
if(config.curr > config.pages){
config.curr = config.pages;
if(groups < 0){
groups = 1;
} else if (groups > config.pages){
groups = config.pages;
config.prev = 'prev' in config ? config.prev : '上一页'; //上一页文本
config.next = 'next' in config ? config.next : '下一页'; //下一页文本
var index = config.pages > groups
? Math.ceil( (config.curr + (groups > 1 ? 1 : 0)) / (groups > 0 ? groups : 1) )
: 1
,views = {
prev: function(){
return config.prev
? '<a href="javascript:;" class="layui-laypage-prev'+ (config.curr == 1 ? (' ' + DISABLED) : '') +'" data-page="'+ (config.curr - 1) +'">'+ config.prev +'</a>'
: '';
,page: function(){
var pager = [];
if(config.count < 1){
return '';
if(index > 1 && config.first !== false && groups !== 0){
pager.push('<a href="javascript:;" class="layui-laypage-first" data-page="1" title="首页">'+ (config.first || 1) +'</a>');
var halve = Math.floor((groups-1)/2) //页码数等分
,start = index > 1 ? config.curr - halve : 1
,end = index > 1 ? (function(){
var max = config.curr + (groups - halve - 1);
return max > config.pages ? config.pages : max;
}()) : groups;
if(end - start < groups - 1){
start = end - groups + 1;
if(config.first !== false && start > 2){
pager.push('<span class="layui-laypage-spr">…</span>')
for(; start <= end; start++){
if(start === config.curr){
pager.push('<span class="layui-laypage-curr"><em class="layui-laypage-em" '+ (/^#/.test(config.theme) ? 'style="background-color:'+ config.theme +';"' : '') +'></em><em>'+ start +'</em></span>');
} else {
pager.push('<a href="javascript:;" data-page="'+ start +'">'+ start +'</a>');
//输出输出右分隔符 & 末页
if(config.pages > groups && config.pages > end && config.last !== false){
if(end + 1 < config.pages){
pager.push('<span class="layui-laypage-spr">…</span>');
if(groups !== 0){
pager.push('<a href="javascript:;" class="layui-laypage-last" title="尾页" data-page="'+ config.pages +'">'+ (config.last || config.pages) +'</a>');
return pager.join('');
,next: function(){
return config.next
? '<a href="javascript:;" class="layui-laypage-next'+ (config.curr == config.pages ? (' ' + DISABLED) : '') +'" data-page="'+ (config.curr + 1) +'">'+ config.next +'</a>'
: '';
,count: '<span class="layui-laypage-count">共 '+ config.count +' 条</span>'
,limit: function(){
var options = ['<span class="layui-laypage-limits"><select lay-ignore>'];
layui.each(config.limits, function(index, item){
'<option value="'+ item +'"'
+(item === config.limit ? 'selected' : '')
+'>'+ item +' 条/页</option>'
return options.join('') +'</select></span>';
,refresh: ['<a href="javascript:;" data-page="'+ config.curr +'" class="layui-laypage-refresh">'
,'<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-refresh"></i>'
,skip: function(){
return ['<span class="layui-laypage-skip">到第'
,'<input type="text" min="1" value="'+ config.curr +'" class="layui-input">'
,'页<button type="button" class="layui-laypage-btn">确定</button>'
return ['<div class="layui-box layui-laypage layui-laypage-'+ (config.theme ? (
/^#/.test(config.theme) ? 'molv' : config.theme
) : 'default') +'" id="layui-laypage-'+ config.index +'">'
var plate = [];
layui.each(config.layout, function(index, item){
return plate.join('');
Class.prototype.jump = function(elem, isskip){
if(!elem) return;
var that = this
,config = that.config
,childs = elem.children
,btn = elem[tag]('button')[0]
,input = elem[tag]('input')[0]
,select = elem[tag]('select')[0]
,skip = function(){
var curr = input.value.replace(/\s|\D/g, '')|0;
config.curr = curr;
if(isskip) return skip();
for(var i = 0, len = childs.length; i < len; i++){
if(childs[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a'){
laypage.on(childs[i], 'click', function(){
var curr = this.getAttribute('data-page')|0;
if(curr < 1 || curr > config.pages) return;
config.curr = curr;
laypage.on(select, 'change', function(){
var value = this.value;
if(config.curr*value > config.count){
config.curr = Math.ceil(config.count/value);
config.limit = value;
laypage.on(btn, 'click', function(){
Class.prototype.skip = function(elem){
if(!elem) return;
var that = this, input = elem[tag]('input')[0];
if(!input) return;
laypage.on(input, 'keyup', function(e){
var value = this.value
,keyCode = e.keyCode;
if(/^(37|38|39|40)$/.test(keyCode)) return;
this.value = value.replace(/\D/, '');
if(keyCode === 13){
that.jump(elem, true)
Class.prototype.render = function(load){
var that = this
,config = that.config
,type = that.type()
,view = that.view();
if(type === 2){
config.elem && (config.elem.innerHTML = view);
} else if(type === 3){
} else {
doc[id](config.elem).innerHTML = view;
config.jump && config.jump(config, load);
var elem = doc[id]('layui-laypage-' + config.index);
if(config.hash && !load){
location.hash = '!'+ config.hash +'='+ config.curr;
var laypage = {
render: function(options){
var o = new Class(options);
return o.index;
,index: layui.laypage ? (layui.laypage.index + 10000) : 0
,on: function(elem, even, fn){
elem.attachEvent ? elem.attachEvent('on'+ even, function(e){ //for ie
e.target = e.srcElement;
fn.call(elem, e);
}) : elem.addEventListener(even, fn, false);
return this;
exports(MOD_NAME, laypage);