vue hello world项目
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

164 lines
4.0 KiB

* @author Flo Edelmann
* See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.
'use strict'
const { defineTemplateBodyVisitor } = require('../utils')
* @typedef {object} RuleOption
* @property {string[]} additionalDirectives
* @param {VNode | Token} node
* @returns {boolean}
function isWhiteSpaceTextNode(node) {
return node.type === 'VText' && node.value.trim() === ''
* @param {Position} pos1
* @param {Position} pos2
* @returns {'less' | 'equal' | 'greater'}
function comparePositions(pos1, pos2) {
if (
pos1.line < pos2.line ||
(pos1.line === pos2.line && pos1.column < pos2.column)
) {
return 'less'
if (
pos1.line > pos2.line ||
(pos1.line === pos2.line && pos1.column > pos2.column)
) {
return 'greater'
return 'equal'
* @param {(VNode | Token)[]} nodes
* @returns {SourceLocation | undefined}
function getLocationRange(nodes) {
/** @type {Position | undefined} */
let start
/** @type {Position | undefined} */
let end
for (const node of nodes) {
if (!start || comparePositions(node.loc.start, start) === 'less') {
start = node.loc.start
if (!end || comparePositions(node.loc.end, end) === 'greater') {
end = node.loc.end
if (start === undefined || end === undefined) {
return undefined
return { start, end }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rule Definition
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
module.exports = {
meta: {
hasSuggestions: true,
type: 'problem',
docs: {
"disallow element's child contents which would be overwritten by a directive like `v-html` or `v-text`",
categories: undefined,
url: ''
fixable: null,
schema: [
type: 'object',
additionalProperties: false,
properties: {
additionalDirectives: {
type: 'array',
uniqueItems: true,
minItems: 1,
items: {
type: 'string'
required: ['additionalDirectives']
/** @param {RuleContext} context */
create(context) {
const directives = new Set(['html', 'text'])
/** @type {RuleOption | undefined} */
const option = context.options[0]
if (option !== undefined) {
for (const directive of option.additionalDirectives) {
return defineTemplateBodyVisitor(context, {
/** @param {VDirective} directiveNode */
'VAttribute[directive=true]'(directiveNode) {
const directiveName =
const elementNode = directiveNode.parent.parent
if (elementNode.endTag === null) {
const tokenStore = context.parserServices.getTemplateBodyTokenStore()
const elementComments = tokenStore.getTokensBetween(
includeComments: true,
filter: (token) => token.type === 'HTMLComment'
const childNodes = [...elementNode.children, ...elementComments]
if (
directives.has(directiveName) &&
childNodes.length > 0 &&
childNodes.some((childNode) => !isWhiteSpaceTextNode(childNode))
) {{
node: elementNode,
loc: getLocationRange(childNodes),
'Child content is disallowed because it will be overwritten by the v-{{ directiveName }} directive.',
data: { directiveName },
suggest: [
desc: 'Remove child content.',
*fix(fixer) {
for (const childNode of childNodes) {
yield fixer.remove(childNode)