/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const NormalModule = require("./NormalModule"); const createHash = require("./util/createHash"); const memoize = require("./util/memoize"); /** @typedef {import("./ChunkGraph")} ChunkGraph */ /** @typedef {import("./Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {import("./RequestShortener")} RequestShortener */ /** @typedef {typeof import("./util/Hash")} Hash */ const ModuleFilenameHelpers = exports; // TODO webpack 6: consider removing these ModuleFilenameHelpers.ALL_LOADERS_RESOURCE = "[all-loaders][resource]"; ModuleFilenameHelpers.REGEXP_ALL_LOADERS_RESOURCE = /\[all-?loaders\]\[resource\]/gi; ModuleFilenameHelpers.LOADERS_RESOURCE = "[loaders][resource]"; ModuleFilenameHelpers.REGEXP_LOADERS_RESOURCE = /\[loaders\]\[resource\]/gi; ModuleFilenameHelpers.RESOURCE = "[resource]"; ModuleFilenameHelpers.REGEXP_RESOURCE = /\[resource\]/gi; ModuleFilenameHelpers.ABSOLUTE_RESOURCE_PATH = "[absolute-resource-path]"; // cSpell:words olute ModuleFilenameHelpers.REGEXP_ABSOLUTE_RESOURCE_PATH = /\[abs(olute)?-?resource-?path\]/gi; ModuleFilenameHelpers.RESOURCE_PATH = "[resource-path]"; ModuleFilenameHelpers.REGEXP_RESOURCE_PATH = /\[resource-?path\]/gi; ModuleFilenameHelpers.ALL_LOADERS = "[all-loaders]"; ModuleFilenameHelpers.REGEXP_ALL_LOADERS = /\[all-?loaders\]/gi; ModuleFilenameHelpers.LOADERS = "[loaders]"; ModuleFilenameHelpers.REGEXP_LOADERS = /\[loaders\]/gi; ModuleFilenameHelpers.QUERY = "[query]"; ModuleFilenameHelpers.REGEXP_QUERY = /\[query\]/gi; ModuleFilenameHelpers.ID = "[id]"; ModuleFilenameHelpers.REGEXP_ID = /\[id\]/gi; ModuleFilenameHelpers.HASH = "[hash]"; ModuleFilenameHelpers.REGEXP_HASH = /\[hash\]/gi; ModuleFilenameHelpers.NAMESPACE = "[namespace]"; ModuleFilenameHelpers.REGEXP_NAMESPACE = /\[namespace\]/gi; const getAfter = (strFn, token) => { return () => { const str = strFn(); const idx = str.indexOf(token); return idx < 0 ? "" : str.substr(idx); }; }; const getBefore = (strFn, token) => { return () => { const str = strFn(); const idx = str.lastIndexOf(token); return idx < 0 ? "" : str.substr(0, idx); }; }; const getHash = (strFn, hashFunction) => { return () => { const hash = createHash(hashFunction); hash.update(strFn()); const digest = /** @type {string} */ (hash.digest("hex")); return digest.substr(0, 4); }; }; const asRegExp = test => { if (typeof test === "string") { test = new RegExp("^" + test.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&")); } return test; }; const lazyObject = obj => { const newObj = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { const fn = obj[key]; Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, { get: () => fn(), set: v => { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, { value: v, enumerable: true, writable: true }); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } return newObj; }; const REGEXP = /\[\\*([\w-]+)\\*\]/gi; /** * * @param {Module | string} module the module * @param {TODO} options options * @param {Object} contextInfo context info * @param {RequestShortener} contextInfo.requestShortener requestShortener * @param {ChunkGraph} contextInfo.chunkGraph chunk graph * @param {string | Hash} contextInfo.hashFunction the hash function to use * @returns {string} the filename */ ModuleFilenameHelpers.createFilename = ( module = "", options, { requestShortener, chunkGraph, hashFunction = "md4" } ) => { const opts = { namespace: "", moduleFilenameTemplate: "", ...(typeof options === "object" ? options : { moduleFilenameTemplate: options }) }; let absoluteResourcePath; let hash; let identifier; let moduleId; let shortIdentifier; if (typeof module === "string") { shortIdentifier = memoize(() => requestShortener.shorten(module)); identifier = shortIdentifier; moduleId = () => ""; absoluteResourcePath = () => module.split("!").pop(); hash = getHash(identifier, hashFunction); } else { shortIdentifier = memoize(() => module.readableIdentifier(requestShortener) ); identifier = memoize(() => requestShortener.shorten(module.identifier())); moduleId = () => chunkGraph.getModuleId(module); absoluteResourcePath = () => module instanceof NormalModule ? module.resource : module.identifier().split("!").pop(); hash = getHash(identifier, hashFunction); } const resource = memoize(() => shortIdentifier().split("!").pop()); const loaders = getBefore(shortIdentifier, "!"); const allLoaders = getBefore(identifier, "!"); const query = getAfter(resource, "?"); const resourcePath = () => { const q = query().length; return q === 0 ? resource() : resource().slice(0, -q); }; if (typeof opts.moduleFilenameTemplate === "function") { return opts.moduleFilenameTemplate( lazyObject({ identifier: identifier, shortIdentifier: shortIdentifier, resource: resource, resourcePath: memoize(resourcePath), absoluteResourcePath: memoize(absoluteResourcePath), allLoaders: memoize(allLoaders), query: memoize(query), moduleId: memoize(moduleId), hash: memoize(hash), namespace: () => opts.namespace }) ); } // TODO webpack 6: consider removing alternatives without dashes /** @type {Map} */ const replacements = new Map([ ["identifier", identifier], ["short-identifier", shortIdentifier], ["resource", resource], ["resource-path", resourcePath], // cSpell:words resourcepath ["resourcepath", resourcePath], ["absolute-resource-path", absoluteResourcePath], ["abs-resource-path", absoluteResourcePath], // cSpell:words absoluteresource ["absoluteresource-path", absoluteResourcePath], // cSpell:words absresource ["absresource-path", absoluteResourcePath], // cSpell:words resourcepath ["absolute-resourcepath", absoluteResourcePath], // cSpell:words resourcepath ["abs-resourcepath", absoluteResourcePath], // cSpell:words absoluteresourcepath ["absoluteresourcepath", absoluteResourcePath], // cSpell:words absresourcepath ["absresourcepath", absoluteResourcePath], ["all-loaders", allLoaders], // cSpell:words allloaders ["allloaders", allLoaders], ["loaders", loaders], ["query", query], ["id", moduleId], ["hash", hash], ["namespace", () => opts.namespace] ]); // TODO webpack 6: consider removing weird double placeholders return opts.moduleFilenameTemplate .replace(ModuleFilenameHelpers.REGEXP_ALL_LOADERS_RESOURCE, "[identifier]") .replace( ModuleFilenameHelpers.REGEXP_LOADERS_RESOURCE, "[short-identifier]" ) .replace(REGEXP, (match, content) => { if (content.length + 2 === match.length) { const replacement = replacements.get(content.toLowerCase()); if (replacement !== undefined) { return replacement(); } } else if (match.startsWith("[\\") && match.endsWith("\\]")) { return `[${match.slice(2, -2)}]`; } return match; }); }; ModuleFilenameHelpers.replaceDuplicates = (array, fn, comparator) => { const countMap = Object.create(null); const posMap = Object.create(null); array.forEach((item, idx) => { countMap[item] = countMap[item] || []; countMap[item].push(idx); posMap[item] = 0; }); if (comparator) { Object.keys(countMap).forEach(item => { countMap[item].sort(comparator); }); } return array.map((item, i) => { if (countMap[item].length > 1) { if (comparator && countMap[item][0] === i) return item; return fn(item, i, posMap[item]++); } else { return item; } }); }; ModuleFilenameHelpers.matchPart = (str, test) => { if (!test) return true; test = asRegExp(test); if (Array.isArray(test)) { return test.map(asRegExp).some(regExp => regExp.test(str)); } else { return test.test(str); } }; ModuleFilenameHelpers.matchObject = (obj, str) => { if (obj.test) { if (!ModuleFilenameHelpers.matchPart(str, obj.test)) { return false; } } if (obj.include) { if (!ModuleFilenameHelpers.matchPart(str, obj.include)) { return false; } } if (obj.exclude) { if (ModuleFilenameHelpers.matchPart(str, obj.exclude)) { return false; } } return true; };