/** * @author Flo Edelmann * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license. */ 'use strict' // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const { defineTemplateBodyVisitor, isStringLiteral, getStringLiteralValue } = require('../utils') /** * @param {Expression | VForExpression | VOnExpression | VSlotScopeExpression | VFilterSequenceExpression} expressionNode * @returns {(Literal | TemplateLiteral | Identifier)[]} */ function findStaticClasses(expressionNode) { if (isStringLiteral(expressionNode)) { return [expressionNode] } if (expressionNode.type === 'ArrayExpression') { return expressionNode.elements.flatMap((element) => { if (element === null || element.type === 'SpreadElement') { return [] } return findStaticClasses(element) }) } if (expressionNode.type === 'ObjectExpression') { return expressionNode.properties.flatMap((property) => { if ( property.type === 'Property' && property.value.type === 'Literal' && property.value.value === true && (isStringLiteral(property.key) || (property.key.type === 'Identifier' && !property.computed)) ) { return [property.key] } return [] }) } return [] } /** * @param {VAttribute | VDirective} attributeNode * @returns {attributeNode is VAttribute & { value: VLiteral }} */ function isStaticClassAttribute(attributeNode) { return ( !attributeNode.directive && attributeNode.key.name === 'class' && attributeNode.value !== null ) } /** * Removes the node together with the comma before or after the node. * @param {RuleFixer} fixer * @param {ParserServices.TokenStore} tokenStore * @param {ASTNode} node */ function* removeNodeWithComma(fixer, tokenStore, node) { const prevToken = tokenStore.getTokenBefore(node) if (prevToken.type === 'Punctuator' && prevToken.value === ',') { yield fixer.removeRange([prevToken.range[0], node.range[1]]) return } const [nextToken, nextNextToken] = tokenStore.getTokensAfter(node, { count: 2 }) if ( nextToken.type === 'Punctuator' && nextToken.value === ',' && (nextNextToken.type !== 'Punctuator' || (nextNextToken.value !== ']' && nextNextToken.value !== '}')) ) { yield fixer.removeRange([node.range[0], nextNextToken.range[0]]) return } yield fixer.remove(node) } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module.exports = { meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'require static class names in template to be in a separate `class` attribute', categories: undefined, url: 'https://eslint.vuejs.org/rules/prefer-separate-static-class.html' }, fixable: 'code', schema: [], messages: { preferSeparateStaticClass: 'Static class "{{className}}" should be in a static `class` attribute.' } }, /** @param {RuleContext} context */ create(context) { return defineTemplateBodyVisitor(context, { /** @param {VDirectiveKey} directiveKeyNode */ "VAttribute[directive=true] > VDirectiveKey[name.name='bind'][argument.name='class']"( directiveKeyNode ) { const attributeNode = directiveKeyNode.parent if (!attributeNode.value || !attributeNode.value.expression) { return } const expressionNode = attributeNode.value.expression const staticClassNameNodes = findStaticClasses(expressionNode) for (const staticClassNameNode of staticClassNameNodes) { const className = staticClassNameNode.type === 'Identifier' ? staticClassNameNode.name : getStringLiteralValue(staticClassNameNode, true) if (className === null) { continue } context.report({ node: staticClassNameNode, messageId: 'preferSeparateStaticClass', data: { className }, *fix(fixer) { let dynamicClassDirectiveRemoved = false yield* removeFromClassDirective() yield* addToClassAttribute() /** * Remove class from dynamic `:class` directive. */ function* removeFromClassDirective() { if (isStringLiteral(expressionNode)) { yield fixer.remove(attributeNode) dynamicClassDirectiveRemoved = true return } const listElement = staticClassNameNode.parent.type === 'Property' ? staticClassNameNode.parent : staticClassNameNode const listNode = listElement.parent if ( listNode.type === 'ArrayExpression' || listNode.type === 'ObjectExpression' ) { const elements = listNode.type === 'ObjectExpression' ? listNode.properties : listNode.elements if (elements.length === 1 && listNode === expressionNode) { yield fixer.remove(attributeNode) dynamicClassDirectiveRemoved = true return } const tokenStore = context.parserServices.getTemplateBodyTokenStore() if (elements.length === 1) { yield* removeNodeWithComma(fixer, tokenStore, listNode) return } yield* removeNodeWithComma(fixer, tokenStore, listElement) } } /** * Add class to static `class` attribute. */ function* addToClassAttribute() { const existingStaticClassAttribute = attributeNode.parent.attributes.find(isStaticClassAttribute) if (existingStaticClassAttribute) { const literalNode = existingStaticClassAttribute.value yield fixer.replaceText( literalNode, `"${literalNode.value} ${className}"` ) return } // new static `class` attribute const separator = dynamicClassDirectiveRemoved ? '' : ' ' yield fixer.insertTextBefore( attributeNode, `class="${className}"${separator}` ) } } }) } } }) } }