/** * @author tyankatsu * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license. */ 'use strict' // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const eslintUtils = require('eslint-utils') const utils = require('../utils') /** * @typedef {import('eslint').Scope.Scope} Scope * @typedef {import('../utils').ComponentObjectPropertyData} ComponentObjectPropertyData * @typedef {import('../utils').GroupName} GroupName */ /** * @typedef {object} CallMember * @property {string} name * @property {CallExpression} node */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** @type {Set} */ const GROUPS = new Set(['data', 'props', 'computed', 'methods']) const NATIVE_NOT_FUNCTION_TYPES = new Set([ 'String', 'Number', 'BigInt', 'Boolean', 'Object', 'Array', 'Symbol' ]) /** * @param {RuleContext} context * @param {Expression} node * @returns {Set} */ function resolvedExpressions(context, node) { /** @type {Map>} */ const resolvedMap = new Map() return resolvedExpressionsInternal(node) /** * @param {Expression} node * @returns {Set} */ function resolvedExpressionsInternal(node) { let resolvedSet = resolvedMap.get(node) if (!resolvedSet) { resolvedSet = new Set() resolvedMap.set(node, resolvedSet) for (const e of extractResolvedExpressions(node)) { resolvedSet.add(e) } } if (!resolvedSet.size) { resolvedSet.add(node) } return resolvedSet } /** * @param {Expression} node * @returns {Iterable} */ function* extractResolvedExpressions(node) { if (node.type === 'Identifier') { const variable = utils.findVariableByIdentifier(context, node) if (variable) { for (const ref of variable.references) { const id = ref.identifier if (id.parent.type === 'VariableDeclarator') { if (id.parent.id === id && id.parent.init) { yield* resolvedExpressionsInternal(id.parent.init) } } else if (id.parent.type === 'AssignmentExpression') { if (id.parent.left === id) { yield* resolvedExpressionsInternal(id.parent.right) } } } } } else if (node.type === 'ConditionalExpression') { yield* resolvedExpressionsInternal(node.consequent) yield* resolvedExpressionsInternal(node.alternate) } } } /** * Get type of props item. * Can't consider array props like: props: {propsA: [String, Number, Function]} * @param {RuleContext} context * @param {ComponentObjectPropertyData} prop * @return {string[] | null} * * @example * props: { * propA: String, // => String * propB: { * type: Number // => String * }, * } */ function getComponentPropsTypes(context, prop) { const result = [] for (const expr of resolvedExpressions(context, prop.property.value)) { const types = getComponentPropsTypesFromExpression(expr) if (types == null) { return null } result.push(...types) } return result /** * @param {Expression} expr */ function getComponentPropsTypesFromExpression(expr) { let typeExprs /** * Check object props `props: { objectProps: {...} }` */ if (expr.type === 'ObjectExpression') { const type = utils.findProperty(expr, 'type') if (type == null) return null typeExprs = resolvedExpressions(context, type.value) } else { typeExprs = [expr] } const result = [] for (const typeExpr of typeExprs) { const types = getComponentPropsTypesFromTypeExpression(typeExpr) if (types == null) { return null } result.push(...types) } return result } /** * @param {Expression} typeExpr */ function getComponentPropsTypesFromTypeExpression(typeExpr) { if (typeExpr.type === 'Identifier') { return [typeExpr.name] } if (typeExpr.type === 'ArrayExpression') { const types = [] for (const element of typeExpr.elements) { if (!element) { continue } if (element.type === 'SpreadElement') { return null } for (const elementExpr of resolvedExpressions(context, element)) { if (elementExpr.type !== 'Identifier') { return null } types.push(elementExpr.name) } } return types } return null } } /** * Check whether given expression may be a function. * @param {RuleContext} context * @param {Expression} node * @returns {boolean} */ function maybeFunction(context, node) { for (const expr of resolvedExpressions(context, node)) { if ( expr.type === 'ObjectExpression' || expr.type === 'ArrayExpression' || expr.type === 'Literal' || expr.type === 'TemplateLiteral' || expr.type === 'BinaryExpression' || expr.type === 'LogicalExpression' || expr.type === 'UnaryExpression' || expr.type === 'UpdateExpression' ) { continue } if (expr.type === 'ConditionalExpression') { if ( !maybeFunction(context, expr.consequent) && !maybeFunction(context, expr.alternate) ) { continue } } const evaluated = eslintUtils.getStaticValue( expr, utils.getScope(context, expr) ) if (!evaluated) { // It could be a function because we don't know what it is. return true } if (typeof evaluated.value === 'function') { return true } } return false } class FunctionData { /** * @param {string} name * @param {'methods' | 'computed'} kind * @param {FunctionExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression} node * @param {RuleContext} context */ constructor(name, kind, node, context) { this.context = context this.name = name this.kind = kind this.node = node /** @type {(Expression | null)[]} */ this.returnValues = [] /** @type {boolean | null} */ this.cacheMaybeReturnFunction = null } /** * @param {Expression | null} node */ addReturnValue(node) { this.returnValues.push(node) } /** * @param {ComponentStack} component */ maybeReturnFunction(component) { if (this.cacheMaybeReturnFunction != null) { return this.cacheMaybeReturnFunction } // Avoid infinite recursion. this.cacheMaybeReturnFunction = true return (this.cacheMaybeReturnFunction = this.returnValues.some( (returnValue) => returnValue && component.maybeFunctionExpression(returnValue) )) } } /** Component information class. */ class ComponentStack { /** * @param {ObjectExpression} node * @param {RuleContext} context * @param {ComponentStack | null} upper */ constructor(node, context, upper) { this.node = node this.context = context /** Upper scope component */ this.upper = upper /** @type {Map} */ const maybeFunctions = new Map() /** @type {FunctionData[]} */ const functions = [] // Extract properties for (const property of utils.iterateProperties(node, GROUPS)) { if (property.type === 'array') { continue } if (property.groupName === 'data') { maybeFunctions.set( property.name, maybeFunction(context, property.property.value) ) } else if (property.groupName === 'props') { const types = getComponentPropsTypes(context, property) maybeFunctions.set( property.name, !types || types.some((type) => !NATIVE_NOT_FUNCTION_TYPES.has(type)) ) } else if (property.groupName === 'computed') { let value = property.property.value if (value.type === 'ObjectExpression') { const getProp = utils.findProperty(value, 'get') if (getProp) { value = getProp.value } } processFunction(property.name, value, 'computed') } else if (property.groupName === 'methods') { const value = property.property.value processFunction(property.name, value, 'methods') maybeFunctions.set(property.name, true) } } this.maybeFunctions = maybeFunctions this.functions = functions /** @type {CallMember[]} */ this.callMembers = [] /** @type {Map} */ this.cacheMaybeFunctionExpressions = new Map() /** * @param {string} name * @param {Expression} value * @param {'methods' | 'computed'} kind */ function processFunction(name, value, kind) { if (value.type === 'FunctionExpression') { functions.push(new FunctionData(name, kind, value, context)) } else if (value.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression') { const data = new FunctionData(name, kind, value, context) if (value.expression) { data.addReturnValue(value.body) } functions.push(data) } } } /** * Adds the given return statement to the return value of the function. * @param {FunctionExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression | FunctionDeclaration} scopeFunction * @param {ReturnStatement} returnNode */ addReturnStatement(scopeFunction, returnNode) { for (const data of this.functions) { if (data.node === scopeFunction) { data.addReturnValue(returnNode.argument) break } } } verifyComponent() { for (const call of this.callMembers) { this.verifyCallMember(call) } } /** * @param {CallMember} call */ verifyCallMember(call) { const fnData = this.functions.find( (data) => data.name === call.name && data.kind === 'computed' ) if (!fnData) { // It is not computed, or unknown. return } if (!fnData.maybeReturnFunction(this)) { const prefix = call.node.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' ? 'this.' : '' this.context.report({ node: call.node, messageId: 'unexpected', data: { likeProperty: `${prefix}${call.name}`, likeMethod: `${prefix}${call.name}()` } }) } } /** * Check whether given expression may be a function. * @param {Expression} node * @returns {boolean} */ maybeFunctionExpression(node) { const cache = this.cacheMaybeFunctionExpressions.get(node) if (cache != null) { return cache } // Avoid infinite recursion. this.cacheMaybeFunctionExpressions.set(node, true) const result = maybeFunctionExpressionWithoutCache.call(this) this.cacheMaybeFunctionExpressions.set(node, result) return result /** * @this {ComponentStack} */ function maybeFunctionExpressionWithoutCache() { for (const expr of resolvedExpressions(this.context, node)) { if (!maybeFunction(this.context, expr)) { continue } if (expr.type === 'MemberExpression') { if (utils.isThis(expr.object, this.context)) { const name = utils.getStaticPropertyName(expr) if (name && !this.maybeFunctionProperty(name)) { continue } } } else if (expr.type === 'CallExpression') { if ( expr.callee.type === 'MemberExpression' && utils.isThis(expr.callee.object, this.context) ) { const name = utils.getStaticPropertyName(expr.callee) const fnData = this.functions.find((data) => data.name === name) if ( fnData && fnData.kind === 'methods' && !fnData.maybeReturnFunction(this) ) { continue } } } else if (expr.type === 'ConditionalExpression') { if ( !this.maybeFunctionExpression(expr.consequent) && !this.maybeFunctionExpression(expr.alternate) ) { continue } } // It could be a function because we don't know what it is. return true } return false } } /** * Check whether given property name may be a function. * @param {string} name * @returns {boolean} */ maybeFunctionProperty(name) { const cache = this.maybeFunctions.get(name) if (cache != null) { return cache } // Avoid infinite recursion. this.maybeFunctions.set(name, true) const result = maybeFunctionPropertyWithoutCache.call(this) this.maybeFunctions.set(name, result) return result /** * @this {ComponentStack} */ function maybeFunctionPropertyWithoutCache() { const fnData = this.functions.find((data) => data.name === name) if (fnData && fnData.kind === 'computed') { return fnData.maybeReturnFunction(this) } // It could be a function because we don't know what it is. return true } } } module.exports = { meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'disallow use computed property like method', categories: undefined, url: 'https://eslint.vuejs.org/rules/no-use-computed-property-like-method.html' }, fixable: null, schema: [], messages: { unexpected: 'Use {{ likeProperty }} instead of {{ likeMethod }}.' } }, /** @param {RuleContext} context */ create(context) { /** * @typedef {object} ScopeStack * @property {ScopeStack | null} upper * @property {FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression} scopeNode */ /** @type {ScopeStack | null} */ let scopeStack = null /** @type {ComponentStack | null} */ let componentStack = null /** @type {ComponentStack | null} */ let templateComponent = null return utils.compositingVisitors( {}, utils.defineVueVisitor(context, { onVueObjectEnter(node) { componentStack = new ComponentStack(node, context, componentStack) if (!templateComponent && utils.isInExportDefault(node)) { templateComponent = componentStack } }, onVueObjectExit() { if (componentStack) { componentStack.verifyComponent() componentStack = componentStack.upper } }, /** * @param {FunctionExpression | FunctionDeclaration | ArrowFunctionExpression} node */ ':function'(node) { scopeStack = { upper: scopeStack, scopeNode: node } }, ReturnStatement(node) { if (scopeStack && componentStack) { componentStack.addReturnStatement(scopeStack.scopeNode, node) } }, ':function:exit'() { scopeStack = scopeStack && scopeStack.upper }, /** * @param {ThisExpression | Identifier} node */ 'ThisExpression, Identifier'(node) { if ( !componentStack || node.parent.type !== 'MemberExpression' || node.parent.object !== node || node.parent.parent.type !== 'CallExpression' || node.parent.parent.callee !== node.parent || !utils.isThis(node, context) ) { return } const name = utils.getStaticPropertyName(node.parent) if (name) { componentStack.callMembers.push({ name, node: node.parent.parent }) } } }), utils.defineTemplateBodyVisitor(context, { /** * @param {VExpressionContainer} node */ VExpressionContainer(node) { if (!templateComponent) { return } for (const id of node.references .filter((ref) => ref.variable == null) .map((ref) => ref.id)) { if ( id.parent.type !== 'CallExpression' || id.parent.callee !== id ) { continue } templateComponent.verifyCallMember({ name: id.name, node: id.parent }) } } }) ) } }