/** * @fileoverview enforce ordering of attributes * @author Erin Depew */ 'use strict' const utils = require('../utils') // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * @typedef { VDirective & { key: VDirectiveKey & { name: VIdentifier & { name: 'bind' } } } } VBindDirective */ const ATTRS = { DEFINITION: 'DEFINITION', LIST_RENDERING: 'LIST_RENDERING', CONDITIONALS: 'CONDITIONALS', RENDER_MODIFIERS: 'RENDER_MODIFIERS', GLOBAL: 'GLOBAL', UNIQUE: 'UNIQUE', SLOT: 'SLOT', TWO_WAY_BINDING: 'TWO_WAY_BINDING', OTHER_DIRECTIVES: 'OTHER_DIRECTIVES', OTHER_ATTR: 'OTHER_ATTR', EVENTS: 'EVENTS', CONTENT: 'CONTENT' } /** * Check whether the given attribute is `v-bind` directive. * @param {VAttribute | VDirective | undefined | null} node * @returns { node is VBindDirective } */ function isVBind(node) { return Boolean(node && node.directive && node.key.name.name === 'bind') } /** * Check whether the given attribute is `v-model` directive. * @param {VAttribute | VDirective | undefined | null} node * @returns { node is VDirective } */ function isVModel(node) { return Boolean(node && node.directive && node.key.name.name === 'model') } /** * Check whether the given attribute is plain attribute. * @param {VAttribute | VDirective | undefined | null} node * @returns { node is VAttribute } */ function isVAttribute(node) { return Boolean(node && !node.directive) } /** * Check whether the given attribute is plain attribute, `v-bind` directive or `v-model` directive. * @param {VAttribute | VDirective | undefined | null} node * @returns { node is VAttribute } */ function isVAttributeOrVBindOrVModel(node) { return isVAttribute(node) || isVBind(node) || isVModel(node) } /** * Check whether the given attribute is `v-bind="..."` directive. * @param {VAttribute | VDirective | undefined | null} node * @returns { node is VBindDirective } */ function isVBindObject(node) { return isVBind(node) && node.key.argument == null } /** * @param {VAttribute | VDirective} attribute * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode */ function getAttributeName(attribute, sourceCode) { if (attribute.directive) { if (isVBind(attribute)) { return attribute.key.argument ? sourceCode.getText(attribute.key.argument) : '' } else { return getDirectiveKeyName(attribute.key, sourceCode) } } else { return attribute.key.name } } /** * @param {VDirectiveKey} directiveKey * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode */ function getDirectiveKeyName(directiveKey, sourceCode) { let text = `v-${directiveKey.name.name}` if (directiveKey.argument) { text += `:${sourceCode.getText(directiveKey.argument)}` } for (const modifier of directiveKey.modifiers) { text += `.${modifier.name}` } return text } /** * @param {VAttribute | VDirective} attribute */ function getAttributeType(attribute) { let propName if (attribute.directive) { if (!isVBind(attribute)) { const name = attribute.key.name.name if (name === 'for') { return ATTRS.LIST_RENDERING } else if ( name === 'if' || name === 'else-if' || name === 'else' || name === 'show' || name === 'cloak' ) { return ATTRS.CONDITIONALS } else if (name === 'pre' || name === 'once') { return ATTRS.RENDER_MODIFIERS } else if (name === 'model') { return ATTRS.TWO_WAY_BINDING } else if (name === 'on') { return ATTRS.EVENTS } else if (name === 'html' || name === 'text') { return ATTRS.CONTENT } else if (name === 'slot') { return ATTRS.SLOT } else if (name === 'is') { return ATTRS.DEFINITION } else { return ATTRS.OTHER_DIRECTIVES } } propName = attribute.key.argument && attribute.key.argument.type === 'VIdentifier' ? attribute.key.argument.rawName : '' } else { propName = attribute.key.name } if (propName === 'is') { return ATTRS.DEFINITION } else if (propName === 'id') { return ATTRS.GLOBAL } else if (propName === 'ref' || propName === 'key') { return ATTRS.UNIQUE } else if (propName === 'slot' || propName === 'slot-scope') { return ATTRS.SLOT } else { return ATTRS.OTHER_ATTR } } /** * @param {VAttribute | VDirective} attribute * @param { { [key: string]: number } } attributePosition * @returns {number | null} If the value is null, the order is omitted. Do not force the order. */ function getPosition(attribute, attributePosition) { const attributeType = getAttributeType(attribute) return attributePosition[attributeType] != null ? attributePosition[attributeType] : null } /** * @param {VAttribute | VDirective} prevNode * @param {VAttribute | VDirective} currNode * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode */ function isAlphabetical(prevNode, currNode, sourceCode) { const prevName = getAttributeName(prevNode, sourceCode) const currName = getAttributeName(currNode, sourceCode) if (prevName === currName) { const prevIsBind = isVBind(prevNode) const currIsBind = isVBind(currNode) return prevIsBind <= currIsBind } return prevName < currName } /** * @param {RuleContext} context - The rule context. * @returns {RuleListener} AST event handlers. */ function create(context) { const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode() let attributeOrder = [ ATTRS.DEFINITION, ATTRS.LIST_RENDERING, ATTRS.CONDITIONALS, ATTRS.RENDER_MODIFIERS, ATTRS.GLOBAL, [ATTRS.UNIQUE, ATTRS.SLOT], ATTRS.TWO_WAY_BINDING, ATTRS.OTHER_DIRECTIVES, ATTRS.OTHER_ATTR, ATTRS.EVENTS, ATTRS.CONTENT ] if (context.options[0] && context.options[0].order) { attributeOrder = context.options[0].order } const alphabetical = Boolean( context.options[0] && context.options[0].alphabetical ) /** @type { { [key: string]: number } } */ const attributePosition = {} attributeOrder.forEach((item, i) => { if (Array.isArray(item)) { for (const attr of item) { attributePosition[attr] = i } } else attributePosition[item] = i }) /** * @param {VAttribute | VDirective} node * @param {VAttribute | VDirective} previousNode */ function reportIssue(node, previousNode) { const currentNode = sourceCode.getText(node.key) const prevNode = sourceCode.getText(previousNode.key) context.report({ node, message: `Attribute "${currentNode}" should go before "${prevNode}".`, data: { currentNode }, fix(fixer) { const attributes = node.parent.attributes /** @type { (node: VAttribute | VDirective | undefined) => boolean } */ let isMoveUp if (isVBindObject(node)) { // prev, v-bind:foo, v-bind -> v-bind:foo, v-bind, prev isMoveUp = isVAttributeOrVBindOrVModel } else if (isVAttributeOrVBindOrVModel(node)) { // prev, v-bind, v-bind:foo -> v-bind, v-bind:foo, prev isMoveUp = isVBindObject } else { isMoveUp = () => false } const previousNodes = attributes.slice( attributes.indexOf(previousNode), attributes.indexOf(node) ) const moveNodes = [node] for (const node of previousNodes) { if (isMoveUp(node)) { moveNodes.unshift(node) } else { moveNodes.push(node) } } return moveNodes.map((moveNode, index) => { const text = sourceCode.getText(moveNode) return fixer.replaceText(previousNodes[index] || node, text) }) } }) } return utils.defineTemplateBodyVisitor(context, { VStartTag(node) { const attributeAndPositions = getAttributeAndPositionList(node) if (attributeAndPositions.length <= 1) { return } let { attr: previousNode, position: previousPosition } = attributeAndPositions[0] for (let index = 1; index < attributeAndPositions.length; index++) { const { attr, position } = attributeAndPositions[index] let valid = previousPosition <= position if (valid && alphabetical && previousPosition === position) { valid = isAlphabetical(previousNode, attr, sourceCode) } if (valid) { previousNode = attr previousPosition = position } else { reportIssue(attr, previousNode) } } } }) /** * @param {VStartTag} node * @returns { { attr: ( VAttribute | VDirective ), position: number }[] } */ function getAttributeAndPositionList(node) { const attributes = node.attributes.filter((node, index, attributes) => { if ( isVBindObject(node) && (isVAttributeOrVBindOrVModel(attributes[index - 1]) || isVAttributeOrVBindOrVModel(attributes[index + 1])) ) { // In Vue 3, ignore `v-bind="object"`, which is // a pair of `v-bind:foo="..."` and `v-bind="object"` and // a pair of `v-model="..."` and `v-bind="object"`, // because changing the order behaves differently. return false } return true }) const results = [] for (let index = 0; index < attributes.length; index++) { const attr = attributes[index] const position = getPositionFromAttrIndex(index) if (position == null) { // The omitted order is skipped. continue } results.push({ attr, position }) } return results /** * @param {number} index * @returns {number | null} */ function getPositionFromAttrIndex(index) { const node = attributes[index] if (isVBindObject(node)) { // node is `v-bind ="object"` syntax // In Vue 3, if change the order of `v-bind:foo="..."`, `v-model="..."` and `v-bind="object"`, // the behavior will be different, so adjust so that there is no change in behavior. const len = attributes.length for (let nextIndex = index + 1; nextIndex < len; nextIndex++) { const next = attributes[nextIndex] if (isVAttributeOrVBindOrVModel(next) && !isVBindObject(next)) { // It is considered to be in the same order as the next bind prop node. return getPositionFromAttrIndex(nextIndex) } } } return getPosition(node, attributePosition) } } } module.exports = { meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'enforce order of attributes', categories: ['vue3-recommended', 'recommended'], url: 'https://eslint.vuejs.org/rules/attributes-order.html' }, fixable: 'code', schema: [ { type: 'object', properties: { order: { type: 'array', items: { anyOf: [ { enum: Object.values(ATTRS) }, { type: 'array', items: { enum: Object.values(ATTRS), uniqueItems: true, additionalItems: false } } ] }, uniqueItems: true, additionalItems: false }, alphabetical: { type: 'boolean' } }, additionalProperties: false } ] }, create }