'use strict'; const Assert = require('@hapi/hoek/lib/assert'); const internals = {}; exports.Sorter = class { constructor() { this._items = []; this.nodes = []; } add(nodes, options) { options = options || {}; // Validate rules const before = [].concat(options.before || []); const after = [].concat(options.after || []); const group = options.group || '?'; const sort = options.sort || 0; // Used for merging only Assert(!before.includes(group), `Item cannot come before itself: ${group}`); Assert(!before.includes('?'), 'Item cannot come before unassociated items'); Assert(!after.includes(group), `Item cannot come after itself: ${group}`); Assert(!after.includes('?'), 'Item cannot come after unassociated items'); if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) { nodes = [nodes]; } for (const node of nodes) { const item = { seq: this._items.length, sort, before, after, group, node }; this._items.push(item); } // Insert event if (!options.manual) { const valid = this._sort(); Assert(valid, 'item', group !== '?' ? `added into group ${group}` : '', 'created a dependencies error'); } return this.nodes; } merge(others) { if (!Array.isArray(others)) { others = [others]; } for (const other of others) { if (other) { for (const item of other._items) { this._items.push(Object.assign({}, item)); // Shallow cloned } } } // Sort items this._items.sort(internals.mergeSort); for (let i = 0; i < this._items.length; ++i) { this._items[i].seq = i; } const valid = this._sort(); Assert(valid, 'merge created a dependencies error'); return this.nodes; } sort() { const valid = this._sort(); Assert(valid, 'sort created a dependencies error'); return this.nodes; } _sort() { // Construct graph const graph = {}; const graphAfters = Object.create(null); // A prototype can bungle lookups w/ false positives const groups = Object.create(null); for (const item of this._items) { const seq = item.seq; // Unique across all items const group = item.group; // Determine Groups groups[group] = groups[group] || []; groups[group].push(seq); // Build intermediary graph using 'before' graph[seq] = item.before; // Build second intermediary graph with 'after' for (const after of item.after) { graphAfters[after] = graphAfters[after] || []; graphAfters[after].push(seq); } } // Expand intermediary graph for (const node in graph) { const expandedGroups = []; for (const graphNodeItem in graph[node]) { const group = graph[node][graphNodeItem]; groups[group] = groups[group] || []; expandedGroups.push(...groups[group]); } graph[node] = expandedGroups; } // Merge intermediary graph using graphAfters into final graph for (const group in graphAfters) { if (groups[group]) { for (const node of groups[group]) { graph[node].push(...graphAfters[group]); } } } // Compile ancestors const ancestors = {}; for (const node in graph) { const children = graph[node]; for (const child of children) { ancestors[child] = ancestors[child] || []; ancestors[child].push(node); } } // Topo sort const visited = {}; const sorted = []; for (let i = 0; i < this._items.length; ++i) { // Looping through item.seq values out of order let next = i; if (ancestors[i]) { next = null; for (let j = 0; j < this._items.length; ++j) { // As above, these are item.seq values if (visited[j] === true) { continue; } if (!ancestors[j]) { ancestors[j] = []; } const shouldSeeCount = ancestors[j].length; let seenCount = 0; for (let k = 0; k < shouldSeeCount; ++k) { if (visited[ancestors[j][k]]) { ++seenCount; } } if (seenCount === shouldSeeCount) { next = j; break; } } } if (next !== null) { visited[next] = true; sorted.push(next); } } if (sorted.length !== this._items.length) { return false; } const seqIndex = {}; for (const item of this._items) { seqIndex[item.seq] = item; } this._items = []; this.nodes = []; for (const value of sorted) { const sortedItem = seqIndex[value]; this.nodes.push(sortedItem.node); this._items.push(sortedItem); } return true; } }; internals.mergeSort = (a, b) => { return a.sort === b.sort ? 0 : (a.sort < b.sort ? -1 : 1); };