"use strict"; const path = require("path"); const { findModuleById, evalModuleCode, AUTO_PUBLIC_PATH, ABSOLUTE_PUBLIC_PATH, BASE_URI, SINGLE_DOT_PATH_SEGMENT, stringifyRequest } = require("./utils"); const schema = require("./loader-options.json"); const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("./index"); /** @typedef {import("schema-utils/declarations/validate").Schema} Schema */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").Compiler} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").Compilation} Compilation */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").Chunk} Chunk */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").Module} Module */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").sources.Source} Source */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").AssetInfo} AssetInfo */ /** @typedef {import("webpack").NormalModule} NormalModule */ /** @typedef {import("./index.js").LoaderOptions} LoaderOptions */ /** @typedef {any} TODO */ /** * @typedef {Object} Dependency * @property {string} identifier * @property {string | null} context * @property {Buffer} content * @property {string} media * @property {string} [supports] * @property {string} [layer] * @property {Buffer} [sourceMap] */ /** * @param {string} content * @param {{ loaderContext: import("webpack").LoaderContext, options: LoaderOptions, locals: {[key: string]: string } | undefined }} context * @returns {string} */ function hotLoader(content, context) { const accept = context.locals ? "" : "module.hot.accept(undefined, cssReload);"; return `${content} if(module.hot) { // ${Date.now()} var cssReload = require(${stringifyRequest(context.loaderContext, path.join(__dirname, "hmr/hotModuleReplacement.js"))})(module.id, ${JSON.stringify({ ...context.options, locals: !!context.locals })}); module.hot.dispose(cssReload); ${accept} } `; } /** * @this {import("webpack").LoaderContext} * @param {string} request */ function pitch(request) { // @ts-ignore const options = this.getOptions( /** @type {Schema} */ schema); const callback = this.async(); const optionsFromPlugin = /** @type {TODO} */ this[MiniCssExtractPlugin.pluginSymbol]; if (!optionsFromPlugin) { callback(new Error("You forgot to add 'mini-css-extract-plugin' plugin (i.e. `{ plugins: [new MiniCssExtractPlugin()] }`), please read https://github.com/webpack-contrib/mini-css-extract-plugin#getting-started")); return; } const { webpack } = /** @type {Compiler} */ this._compiler; /** * @param {TODO} originalExports * @param {Compilation} [compilation] * @param {{ [name: string]: Source }} [assets] * @param {Map} [assetsInfo] * @returns {void} */ const handleExports = (originalExports, compilation, assets, assetsInfo) => { /** @type {{[key: string]: string } | undefined} */ let locals; let namedExport; const esModule = typeof options.esModule !== "undefined" ? options.esModule : true; /** * @param {Dependency[] | [null, object][]} dependencies */ const addDependencies = dependencies => { if (!Array.isArray(dependencies) && dependencies != null) { throw new Error(`Exported value was not extracted as an array: ${JSON.stringify(dependencies)}`); } const identifierCountMap = new Map(); const emit = typeof options.emit !== "undefined" ? options.emit : true; let lastDep; for (const dependency of dependencies) { if (! /** @type {Dependency} */ dependency.identifier || !emit) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-continue continue; } const count = identifierCountMap.get( /** @type {Dependency} */ dependency.identifier) || 0; const CssDependency = MiniCssExtractPlugin.getCssDependency(webpack); /** @type {NormalModule} */ this._module.addDependency(lastDep = new CssDependency( /** @type {Dependency} */ dependency, /** @type {Dependency} */ dependency.context, count)); identifierCountMap.set( /** @type {Dependency} */ dependency.identifier, count + 1); } if (lastDep && assets) { lastDep.assets = assets; lastDep.assetsInfo = assetsInfo; } }; try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle const exports = originalExports.__esModule ? originalExports.default : originalExports; namedExport = // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle originalExports.__esModule && (!originalExports.default || !("locals" in originalExports.default)); if (namedExport) { Object.keys(originalExports).forEach(key => { if (key !== "default") { if (!locals) { locals = {}; } locals[key] = originalExports[key]; } }); } else { locals = exports && exports.locals; } /** @type {Dependency[] | [null, object][]} */ let dependencies; if (!Array.isArray(exports)) { dependencies = [[null, exports]]; } else { dependencies = exports.map(([id, content, media, sourceMap, supports, layer]) => { let identifier = id; let context; if (compilation) { const module = /** @type {Module} */ findModuleById(compilation, id); identifier = module.identifier(); ({ context } = module); } else { // TODO check if this context is used somewhere context = this.rootContext; } return { identifier, context, content: Buffer.from(content), media, supports, layer, sourceMap: sourceMap ? Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)) : // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined undefined }; }); } addDependencies(dependencies); } catch (e) { callback( /** @type {Error} */ e); return; } const result = locals ? namedExport ? Object.keys(locals).map(key => `\nexport var ${key} = ${JSON.stringify( /** @type {{[key: string]: string }} */ locals[key])};`).join("") : `\n${esModule ? "export default" : "module.exports ="} ${JSON.stringify(locals)};` : esModule ? `\nexport {};` : ""; let resultSource = `// extracted by ${MiniCssExtractPlugin.pluginName}`; resultSource += this.hot ? hotLoader(result, { loaderContext: this, options, locals }) : result; callback(null, resultSource); }; let { publicPath } = /** @type {Compilation} */ this._compilation.outputOptions; if (typeof options.publicPath === "string") { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring publicPath = options.publicPath; } else if (typeof options.publicPath === "function") { publicPath = options.publicPath(this.resourcePath, this.rootContext); } if (publicPath === "auto") { publicPath = AUTO_PUBLIC_PATH; } if (typeof optionsFromPlugin.experimentalUseImportModule === "undefined" && typeof this.importModule === "function" || optionsFromPlugin.experimentalUseImportModule) { if (!this.importModule) { callback(new Error("You are using 'experimentalUseImportModule' but 'this.importModule' is not available in loader context. You need to have at least webpack 5.33.2.")); return; } let publicPathForExtract; if (typeof publicPath === "string") { const isAbsolutePublicPath = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d+\-.]*?:/.test(publicPath); publicPathForExtract = isAbsolutePublicPath ? publicPath : `${ABSOLUTE_PUBLIC_PATH}${publicPath.replace(/\./g, SINGLE_DOT_PATH_SEGMENT)}`; } else { publicPathForExtract = publicPath; } this.importModule(`${this.resourcePath}.webpack[javascript/auto]!=!!!${request}`, { layer: options.layer, publicPath: /** @type {string} */ publicPathForExtract, baseUri: `${BASE_URI}/` }, /** * @param {Error | null | undefined} error * @param {object} exports */ (error, exports) => { if (error) { callback(error); return; } handleExports(exports); }); return; } const loaders = this.loaders.slice(this.loaderIndex + 1); this.addDependency(this.resourcePath); const childFilename = "*"; const outputOptions = { filename: childFilename, publicPath }; const childCompiler = /** @type {Compilation} */ this._compilation.createChildCompiler(`${MiniCssExtractPlugin.pluginName} ${request}`, outputOptions); // The templates are compiled and executed by NodeJS - similar to server side rendering // Unfortunately this causes issues as some loaders require an absolute URL to support ES Modules // The following config enables relative URL support for the child compiler childCompiler.options.module = { ...childCompiler.options.module }; childCompiler.options.module.parser = { ...childCompiler.options.module.parser }; childCompiler.options.module.parser.javascript = { ...childCompiler.options.module.parser.javascript, url: "relative" }; const { NodeTemplatePlugin } = webpack.node; const { NodeTargetPlugin } = webpack.node; new NodeTemplatePlugin(outputOptions).apply(childCompiler); new NodeTargetPlugin().apply(childCompiler); const { EntryOptionPlugin } = webpack; const { library: { EnableLibraryPlugin } } = webpack; new EnableLibraryPlugin("commonjs2").apply(childCompiler); EntryOptionPlugin.applyEntryOption(childCompiler, this.context, { child: { library: { type: "commonjs2" }, import: [`!!${request}`] } }); const { LimitChunkCountPlugin } = webpack.optimize; new LimitChunkCountPlugin({ maxChunks: 1 }).apply(childCompiler); const { NormalModule } = webpack; childCompiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap(`${MiniCssExtractPlugin.pluginName} loader`, /** * @param {Compilation} compilation */ compilation => { const normalModuleHook = NormalModule.getCompilationHooks(compilation).loader; normalModuleHook.tap(`${MiniCssExtractPlugin.pluginName} loader`, (loaderContext, module) => { if (module.request === request) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign module.loaders = loaders.map(loader => { return { type: null, loader: loader.path, options: loader.options, ident: loader.ident }; }); } }); }); /** @type {string | Buffer} */ let source; childCompiler.hooks.compilation.tap(MiniCssExtractPlugin.pluginName, /** * @param {Compilation} compilation */ compilation => { compilation.hooks.processAssets.tap(MiniCssExtractPlugin.pluginName, () => { source = compilation.assets[childFilename] && compilation.assets[childFilename].source(); // Remove all chunk assets compilation.chunks.forEach(chunk => { chunk.files.forEach(file => { compilation.deleteAsset(file); }); }); }); }); childCompiler.runAsChild((error, entries, compilation) => { if (error) { callback(error); return; } if ( /** @type {Compilation} */ compilation.errors.length > 0) { callback( /** @type {Compilation} */ compilation.errors[0]); return; } /** @type {{ [name: string]: Source }} */ const assets = Object.create(null); /** @type {Map} */ const assetsInfo = new Map(); for (const asset of /** @type {Compilation} */ compilation.getAssets()) { assets[asset.name] = asset.source; assetsInfo.set(asset.name, asset.info); } /** @type {Compilation} */ compilation.fileDependencies.forEach(dep => { this.addDependency(dep); }, this); /** @type {Compilation} */ compilation.contextDependencies.forEach(dep => { this.addContextDependency(dep); }, this); if (!source) { callback(new Error("Didn't get a result from child compiler")); return; } let originalExports; try { originalExports = evalModuleCode(this, source, request); } catch (e) { callback( /** @type {Error} */ e); return; } handleExports(originalExports, compilation, assets, assetsInfo); }); } module.exports = { default: function loader() {}, pitch };