vue hello world项目
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654 lines
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3 years ago
// Generated by dts-bundle v0.7.3
// Dependencies for this module:
// ../eslint-scope
// ../eslint-visitor-keys
declare module 'vue-eslint-parser' {
import * as AST from "vue-eslint-parser/ast";
export function parseForESLint(code: string, parserOptions: any): AST.ESLintExtendedProgram;
export function parse(code: string, options: any): AST.ESLintProgram;
export { AST };
declare module 'vue-eslint-parser/ast' {
export * from "vue-eslint-parser/ast/errors";
export * from "vue-eslint-parser/ast/locations";
export * from "vue-eslint-parser/ast/nodes";
export * from "vue-eslint-parser/ast/tokens";
export * from "vue-eslint-parser/ast/traverse";
declare module 'vue-eslint-parser/ast/errors' {
export class ParseError extends SyntaxError {
code?: ErrorCode;
index: number;
lineNumber: number;
column: number;
static fromCode(code: ErrorCode, offset: number, line: number, column: number): ParseError;
static normalize(x: any): ParseError | null;
constructor(message: string, code: ErrorCode | undefined, offset: number, line: number, column: number);
static isParseError(x: any): x is ParseError;
export type ErrorCode = "abrupt-closing-of-empty-comment" | "absence-of-digits-in-numeric-character-reference" | "cdata-in-html-content" | "character-reference-outside-unicode-range" | "control-character-in-input-stream" | "control-character-reference" | "eof-before-tag-name" | "eof-in-cdata" | "eof-in-comment" | "eof-in-tag" | "incorrectly-closed-comment" | "incorrectly-opened-comment" | "invalid-first-character-of-tag-name" | "missing-attribute-value" | "missing-end-tag-name" | "missing-semicolon-after-character-reference" | "missing-whitespace-between-attributes" | "nested-comment" | "noncharacter-character-reference" | "noncharacter-in-input-stream" | "null-character-reference" | "surrogate-character-reference" | "surrogate-in-input-stream" | "unexpected-character-in-attribute-name" | "unexpected-character-in-unquoted-attribute-value" | "unexpected-equals-sign-before-attribute-name" | "unexpected-null-character" | "unexpected-question-mark-instead-of-tag-name" | "unexpected-solidus-in-tag" | "unknown-named-character-reference" | "end-tag-with-attributes" | "duplicate-attribute" | "end-tag-with-trailing-solidus" | "non-void-html-element-start-tag-with-trailing-solidus" | "x-invalid-end-tag" | "x-invalid-namespace" | "x-missing-interpolation-end";
declare module 'vue-eslint-parser/ast/locations' {
export interface Location {
line: number;
column: number;
export interface LocationRange {
start: Location;
end: Location;
export type Offset = number;
export type OffsetRange = [Offset, Offset];
export interface HasLocation {
range: OffsetRange;
loc: LocationRange;
start?: number;
end?: number;
declare module 'vue-eslint-parser/ast/nodes' {
import type { ScopeManager } from "eslint-scope";
import type { ParseError } from "vue-eslint-parser/ast/errors";
import type { HasLocation } from "vue-eslint-parser/ast/locations";
import type { Token } from "vue-eslint-parser/ast/tokens";
export interface HasParent {
parent?: Node | null;
export type Node = ESLintNode | VNode | VForExpression | VOnExpression | VSlotScopeExpression | VFilterSequenceExpression | VFilter;
export type ESLintNode = ESLintIdentifier | ESLintLiteral | ESLintProgram | ESLintSwitchCase | ESLintCatchClause | ESLintVariableDeclarator | ESLintStatement | ESLintExpression | ESLintProperty | ESLintAssignmentProperty | ESLintSuper | ESLintTemplateElement | ESLintSpreadElement | ESLintPattern | ESLintClassBody | ESLintMethodDefinition | ESLintPropertyDefinition | ESLintStaticBlock | ESLintPrivateIdentifier | ESLintModuleDeclaration | ESLintModuleSpecifier | ESLintImportExpression | ESLintLegacyRestProperty;
export interface ESLintExtendedProgram {
ast: ESLintProgram;
services?: {};
visitorKeys?: {
[type: string]: string[];
scopeManager?: ScopeManager;
export interface ESLintProgram extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "Program";
sourceType: "script" | "module";
body: (ESLintStatement | ESLintModuleDeclaration)[];
templateBody?: VElement & HasConcreteInfo;
tokens?: Token[];
comments?: Token[];
errors?: ParseError[];
export type ESLintStatement = ESLintExpressionStatement | ESLintBlockStatement | ESLintEmptyStatement | ESLintDebuggerStatement | ESLintWithStatement | ESLintReturnStatement | ESLintLabeledStatement | ESLintBreakStatement | ESLintContinueStatement | ESLintIfStatement | ESLintSwitchStatement | ESLintThrowStatement | ESLintTryStatement | ESLintWhileStatement | ESLintDoWhileStatement | ESLintForStatement | ESLintForInStatement | ESLintForOfStatement | ESLintDeclaration;
export interface ESLintEmptyStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "EmptyStatement";
export interface ESLintBlockStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "BlockStatement";
body: ESLintStatement[];
export interface ESLintExpressionStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ExpressionStatement";
expression: ESLintExpression;
export interface ESLintIfStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "IfStatement";
test: ESLintExpression;
consequent: ESLintStatement;
alternate: ESLintStatement | null;
export interface ESLintSwitchStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "SwitchStatement";
discriminant: ESLintExpression;
cases: ESLintSwitchCase[];
export interface ESLintSwitchCase extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "SwitchCase";
test: ESLintExpression | null;
consequent: ESLintStatement[];
export interface ESLintWhileStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "WhileStatement";
test: ESLintExpression;
body: ESLintStatement;
export interface ESLintDoWhileStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "DoWhileStatement";
body: ESLintStatement;
test: ESLintExpression;
export interface ESLintForStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ForStatement";
init: ESLintVariableDeclaration | ESLintExpression | null;
test: ESLintExpression | null;
update: ESLintExpression | null;
body: ESLintStatement;
export interface ESLintForInStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ForInStatement";
left: ESLintVariableDeclaration | ESLintPattern;
right: ESLintExpression;
body: ESLintStatement;
export interface ESLintForOfStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ForOfStatement";
left: ESLintVariableDeclaration | ESLintPattern;
right: ESLintExpression;
body: ESLintStatement;
await: boolean;
export interface ESLintLabeledStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "LabeledStatement";
label: ESLintIdentifier;
body: ESLintStatement;
export interface ESLintBreakStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "BreakStatement";
label: ESLintIdentifier | null;
export interface ESLintContinueStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ContinueStatement";
label: ESLintIdentifier | null;
export interface ESLintReturnStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ReturnStatement";
argument: ESLintExpression | null;
export interface ESLintThrowStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ThrowStatement";
argument: ESLintExpression;
export interface ESLintTryStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "TryStatement";
block: ESLintBlockStatement;
handler: ESLintCatchClause | null;
finalizer: ESLintBlockStatement | null;
export interface ESLintCatchClause extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "CatchClause";
param: ESLintPattern | null;
body: ESLintBlockStatement;
export interface ESLintWithStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "WithStatement";
object: ESLintExpression;
body: ESLintStatement;
export interface ESLintDebuggerStatement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "DebuggerStatement";
export type ESLintDeclaration = ESLintFunctionDeclaration | ESLintVariableDeclaration | ESLintClassDeclaration;
export interface ESLintFunctionDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "FunctionDeclaration";
async: boolean;
generator: boolean;
id: ESLintIdentifier | null;
params: ESLintPattern[];
body: ESLintBlockStatement;
export interface ESLintVariableDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VariableDeclaration";
kind: "var" | "let" | "const";
declarations: ESLintVariableDeclarator[];
export interface ESLintVariableDeclarator extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VariableDeclarator";
id: ESLintPattern;
init: ESLintExpression | null;
export interface ESLintClassDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ClassDeclaration";
id: ESLintIdentifier | null;
superClass: ESLintExpression | null;
body: ESLintClassBody;
export interface ESLintClassBody extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ClassBody";
body: (ESLintMethodDefinition | ESLintPropertyDefinition | ESLintStaticBlock)[];
export interface ESLintMethodDefinition extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "MethodDefinition";
kind: "constructor" | "method" | "get" | "set";
computed: boolean;
static: boolean;
key: ESLintExpression | ESLintPrivateIdentifier;
value: ESLintFunctionExpression;
export interface ESLintPropertyDefinition extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "PropertyDefinition";
computed: boolean;
static: boolean;
key: ESLintExpression | ESLintPrivateIdentifier;
value: ESLintExpression | null;
export interface ESLintStaticBlock extends HasLocation, HasParent, Omit<ESLintBlockStatement, "type"> {
type: "StaticBlock";
body: ESLintStatement[];
export interface ESLintPrivateIdentifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "PrivateIdentifier";
name: string;
export type ESLintModuleDeclaration = ESLintImportDeclaration | ESLintExportNamedDeclaration | ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration | ESLintExportAllDeclaration;
export type ESLintModuleSpecifier = ESLintImportSpecifier | ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier | ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier | ESLintExportSpecifier;
export interface ESLintImportDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ImportDeclaration";
specifiers: (ESLintImportSpecifier | ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier | ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier)[];
source: ESLintLiteral;
export interface ESLintImportSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ImportSpecifier";
imported: ESLintIdentifier | ESLintStringLiteral;
local: ESLintIdentifier;
export interface ESLintImportDefaultSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ImportDefaultSpecifier";
local: ESLintIdentifier;
export interface ESLintImportNamespaceSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ImportNamespaceSpecifier";
local: ESLintIdentifier;
export interface ESLintImportExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ImportExpression";
source: ESLintExpression;
export interface ESLintExportNamedDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ExportNamedDeclaration";
declaration?: ESLintDeclaration | null;
specifiers: ESLintExportSpecifier[];
source?: ESLintLiteral | null;
export interface ESLintExportSpecifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ExportSpecifier";
local: ESLintIdentifier | ESLintStringLiteral;
exported: ESLintIdentifier | ESLintStringLiteral;
export interface ESLintExportDefaultDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ExportDefaultDeclaration";
declaration: ESLintDeclaration | ESLintExpression;
export interface ESLintExportAllDeclaration extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ExportAllDeclaration";
exported: ESLintIdentifier | ESLintStringLiteral | null;
source: ESLintLiteral;
export type ESLintExpression = ESLintThisExpression | ESLintArrayExpression | ESLintObjectExpression | ESLintFunctionExpression | ESLintArrowFunctionExpression | ESLintYieldExpression | ESLintLiteral | ESLintUnaryExpression | ESLintUpdateExpression | ESLintBinaryExpression | ESLintAssignmentExpression | ESLintLogicalExpression | ESLintMemberExpression | ESLintConditionalExpression | ESLintCallExpression | ESLintNewExpression | ESLintSequenceExpression | ESLintTemplateLiteral | ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression | ESLintClassExpression | ESLintMetaProperty | ESLintIdentifier | ESLintAwaitExpression | ESLintChainExpression;
export interface ESLintIdentifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "Identifier";
name: string;
interface ESLintLiteralBase extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "Literal";
value: string | boolean | null | number | RegExp | bigint;
raw: string;
regex?: {
pattern: string;
flags: string;
bigint?: string;
export interface ESLintStringLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {
value: string;
regex?: undefined;
bigint?: undefined;
export interface ESLintBooleanLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {
value: boolean;
regex?: undefined;
bigint?: undefined;
export interface ESLintNullLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {
value: null;
regex?: undefined;
bigint?: undefined;
export interface ESLintNumberLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {
value: number;
regex?: undefined;
bigint?: undefined;
export interface ESLintRegExpLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {
value: null | RegExp;
regex: {
pattern: string;
flags: string;
bigint?: undefined;
export interface ESLintBigIntLiteral extends ESLintLiteralBase {
value: null | bigint;
regex?: undefined;
bigint: string;
export type ESLintLiteral = ESLintStringLiteral | ESLintBooleanLiteral | ESLintNullLiteral | ESLintNumberLiteral | ESLintRegExpLiteral | ESLintBigIntLiteral;
export interface ESLintThisExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ThisExpression";
export interface ESLintArrayExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ArrayExpression";
elements: (ESLintExpression | ESLintSpreadElement)[];
export interface ESLintObjectExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ObjectExpression";
properties: (ESLintProperty | ESLintSpreadElement | ESLintLegacySpreadProperty)[];
export interface ESLintProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "Property";
kind: "init" | "get" | "set";
method: boolean;
shorthand: boolean;
computed: boolean;
key: ESLintExpression;
value: ESLintExpression | ESLintPattern;
export interface ESLintFunctionExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "FunctionExpression";
async: boolean;
generator: boolean;
id: ESLintIdentifier | null;
params: ESLintPattern[];
body: ESLintBlockStatement;
export interface ESLintArrowFunctionExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression";
async: boolean;
generator: boolean;
id: ESLintIdentifier | null;
params: ESLintPattern[];
body: ESLintBlockStatement;
export interface ESLintSequenceExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "SequenceExpression";
expressions: ESLintExpression[];
export interface ESLintUnaryExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "UnaryExpression";
operator: "-" | "+" | "!" | "~" | "typeof" | "void" | "delete";
prefix: boolean;
argument: ESLintExpression;
export interface ESLintBinaryExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "BinaryExpression";
operator: "==" | "!=" | "===" | "!==" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "<<" | ">>" | ">>>" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "**" | "|" | "^" | "&" | "in" | "instanceof";
left: ESLintExpression | ESLintPrivateIdentifier;
right: ESLintExpression;
export interface ESLintAssignmentExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "AssignmentExpression";
operator: "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "**=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | ">>>=" | "|=" | "^=" | "&=" | "||=" | "&&=" | "??=";
left: ESLintPattern;
right: ESLintExpression;
export interface ESLintUpdateExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "UpdateExpression";
operator: "++" | "--";
argument: ESLintExpression;
prefix: boolean;
export interface ESLintLogicalExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "LogicalExpression";
operator: "||" | "&&" | "??";
left: ESLintExpression;
right: ESLintExpression;
export interface ESLintConditionalExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ConditionalExpression";
test: ESLintExpression;
alternate: ESLintExpression;
consequent: ESLintExpression;
export interface ESLintCallExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "CallExpression";
optional: boolean;
callee: ESLintExpression | ESLintSuper;
arguments: (ESLintExpression | ESLintSpreadElement)[];
export interface ESLintSuper extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "Super";
export interface ESLintNewExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "NewExpression";
callee: ESLintExpression;
arguments: (ESLintExpression | ESLintSpreadElement)[];
export interface ESLintMemberExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "MemberExpression";
optional: boolean;
computed: boolean;
object: ESLintExpression | ESLintSuper;
property: ESLintExpression | ESLintPrivateIdentifier;
export interface ESLintYieldExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "YieldExpression";
delegate: boolean;
argument: ESLintExpression | null;
export interface ESLintAwaitExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "AwaitExpression";
argument: ESLintExpression;
export interface ESLintTemplateLiteral extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "TemplateLiteral";
quasis: ESLintTemplateElement[];
expressions: ESLintExpression[];
export interface ESLintTaggedTemplateExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "TaggedTemplateExpression";
tag: ESLintExpression;
quasi: ESLintTemplateLiteral;
export interface ESLintTemplateElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "TemplateElement";
tail: boolean;
value: {
cooked: string | null;
raw: string;
export interface ESLintClassExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ClassExpression";
id: ESLintIdentifier | null;
superClass: ESLintExpression | null;
body: ESLintClassBody;
export interface ESLintMetaProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "MetaProperty";
meta: ESLintIdentifier;
property: ESLintIdentifier;
export type ESLintPattern = ESLintIdentifier | ESLintObjectPattern | ESLintArrayPattern | ESLintRestElement | ESLintAssignmentPattern | ESLintMemberExpression | ESLintLegacyRestProperty;
export interface ESLintObjectPattern extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ObjectPattern";
properties: (ESLintAssignmentProperty | ESLintRestElement | ESLintLegacyRestProperty)[];
export interface ESLintAssignmentProperty extends ESLintProperty {
value: ESLintPattern;
kind: "init";
method: false;
export interface ESLintArrayPattern extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ArrayPattern";
elements: ESLintPattern[];
export interface ESLintRestElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "RestElement";
argument: ESLintPattern;
export interface ESLintSpreadElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "SpreadElement";
argument: ESLintExpression;
export interface ESLintAssignmentPattern extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "AssignmentPattern";
left: ESLintPattern;
right: ESLintExpression;
export type ESLintChainElement = ESLintCallExpression | ESLintMemberExpression;
export interface ESLintChainExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "ChainExpression";
expression: ESLintChainElement;
export interface ESLintLegacyRestProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "RestProperty" | "ExperimentalRestProperty";
argument: ESLintPattern;
export interface ESLintLegacySpreadProperty extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "SpreadProperty" | "ExperimentalSpreadProperty";
argument: ESLintExpression;
export const NS: Readonly<{
HTML: "";
MathML: "";
SVG: "";
XLink: "";
XML: "";
XMLNS: "";
export type Namespace = typeof NS.HTML | typeof NS.MathML | typeof NS.SVG | typeof NS.XLink | typeof NS.XML | typeof NS.XMLNS;
export interface Variable {
id: ESLintIdentifier;
kind: "v-for" | "scope";
references: Reference[];
export interface Reference {
id: ESLintIdentifier;
mode: "rw" | "r" | "w";
variable: Variable | null;
export interface VForExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VForExpression";
parent: VExpressionContainer;
left: ESLintPattern[];
right: ESLintExpression;
export interface VOnExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VOnExpression";
parent: VExpressionContainer;
body: ESLintStatement[];
export interface VSlotScopeExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VSlotScopeExpression";
parent: VExpressionContainer;
params: ESLintPattern[];
export interface VFilterSequenceExpression extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VFilterSequenceExpression";
parent: VExpressionContainer;
expression: ESLintExpression;
filters: VFilter[];
export interface VFilter extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VFilter";
parent: VFilterSequenceExpression;
callee: ESLintIdentifier;
arguments: (ESLintExpression | ESLintSpreadElement)[];
export type VNode = VAttribute | VDirective | VDirectiveKey | VDocumentFragment | VElement | VEndTag | VExpressionContainer | VIdentifier | VLiteral | VStartTag | VText;
export interface VText extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VText";
parent: VDocumentFragment | VElement;
value: string;
export interface VExpressionContainer extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VExpressionContainer";
parent: VDocumentFragment | VElement | VDirective | VDirectiveKey;
expression: ESLintExpression | VFilterSequenceExpression | VForExpression | VOnExpression | VSlotScopeExpression | null;
references: Reference[];
export interface VIdentifier extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VIdentifier";
parent: VAttribute | VDirectiveKey;
name: string;
rawName: string;
export interface VDirectiveKey extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VDirectiveKey";
parent: VDirective;
name: VIdentifier;
argument: VExpressionContainer | VIdentifier | null;
modifiers: VIdentifier[];
export interface VLiteral extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VLiteral";
parent: VAttribute;
value: string;
export interface VAttribute extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VAttribute";
parent: VStartTag;
directive: false;
key: VIdentifier;
value: VLiteral | null;
export interface VDirective extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VAttribute";
parent: VStartTag;
directive: true;
key: VDirectiveKey;
value: VExpressionContainer | null;
export interface VStartTag extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VStartTag";
parent: VElement;
selfClosing: boolean;
attributes: (VAttribute | VDirective)[];
export interface VEndTag extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VEndTag";
parent: VElement;
export interface HasConcreteInfo {
tokens: Token[];
comments: Token[];
errors: ParseError[];
export interface VElement extends HasLocation, HasParent {
type: "VElement";
parent: VDocumentFragment | VElement;
namespace: Namespace;
name: string;
rawName: string;
startTag: VStartTag;
children: (VElement | VText | VExpressionContainer)[];
endTag: VEndTag | null;
variables: Variable[];
export interface VDocumentFragment extends HasLocation, HasParent, HasConcreteInfo {
type: "VDocumentFragment";
parent: null;
children: (VElement | VText | VExpressionContainer | VStyleElement)[];
export interface VStyleElement extends VElement {
type: "VElement";
name: "style";
style: true;
children: (VText | VExpressionContainer)[];
export {};
declare module 'vue-eslint-parser/ast/tokens' {
import type { HasLocation } from "vue-eslint-parser/ast/locations";
export interface Token extends HasLocation {
type: string;
value: string;
declare module 'vue-eslint-parser/ast/traverse' {
import type { VisitorKeys } from "eslint-visitor-keys";
import type { Node } from "vue-eslint-parser/ast/nodes";
export const KEYS: Readonly<{
[type: string]: readonly string[] | undefined;
function getFallbackKeys(node: Node): string[];
export interface Visitor {
visitorKeys?: VisitorKeys;
enterNode(node: Node, parent: Node | null): void;
leaveNode(node: Node, parent: Node | null): void;
export function traverseNodes(node: Node, visitor: Visitor): void;
export { getFallbackKeys };