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<!DOCTYPE html> |
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<title>ImgURL - 简单、纯粹的图床程序。</title> |
<meta name="generator" content="EverEdit" /> |
<meta name="author" content="xiaoz.me" /> |
<meta name="keywords" content="ImgURL,免费图床,图床程序,小z图床,XZ Pic" /> |
<meta name="description" content="ImgURL是一个简单、纯粹的图床程序,让个人图床多一个选择。" /> |
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<div class="msg"><i class="layui-icon"></i> 注意:您上传的图片将会公开显示,勿上传隐私图片。此项目依赖于:<a href="https://imgurl.org/" target = "_blank">https://imgurl.org/</a></div> |
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<div class="layui-tab layui-tab-brief" lay-filter="uptab"> |
<ul class="layui-tab-title"> |
<li class="layui-this">ImgURL</li> |
<li>SM.MS</li> |
<li>关于</li> |
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<!-- 上传图片表单 --> |
<div class="layui-upload-drag" id="upimg"> |
<i class="layui-icon"></i> |
<p>将图片拖拽到此处,或将鼠标移动到这里支持Ctrl + V上传</p> |
</div> |
<!-- 上传图片表单END --> |
</div> |
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<h1>ImgURL</h1> |
<p>ImgURL是一款简洁、纯粹的图床程序,使用PHP + Sqlite开发,开箱即用。</p> |
<br /><h2>主要功能</h2><br /> |
<ul> |
<li>拽拖上传图片、实时预览</li> |
<li>一键生成链接,一键复制</li> |
<li>图片管理</li> |
<li>TinyPNG图片压缩</li> |
<li>图片智能鉴黄</li> |
</ul> |
<br /><h2>使用说明</h2><br /> |
<ul> |
<li>图片最大上传限制为2M</li> |
<li>游客每天限制上传10张图片</li> |
<li>勿上传暴力、色情、反动图片,否则后果自负</li> |
<li>如果您使用ImgURL代表同意以上协议</li> |
</ul> |
<br /><h2>联系我</h2><br /> |
<ul> |
<li>Blog:<a href = "https://www.xiaoz.me/" target = "_blank">https://www.xiaoz.me/</a></li> |
<li>QQ:337003006</li> |
</ul> |
<br /> |
<p>扫描下方二维码请我喝一杯咖啡</p><br /> |
<p><img src="https://imgurl.org/upload/1712/cb349aa4a1b95997.png" alt=""></p> |
</div> |
<!--捐赠--> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!--选项卡END--> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div style = "clear:both;"></div> |
<!-- 图片上传成功 --> |
<div class="layui-row" id = "upok" style = "margin-top:1em;"> |
<div> |
<div id="showpic" class = "layui-col-lg5"><a href="" target = "_blank"><img src=""></a></div> |
<div id="piclink" class = "layui-col-lg6 layui-col-md-offset1"> |
<table class="layui-table" lay-skin="nob"> |
<colgroup> |
<col width="80"> |
<col width="400"> |
<col> |
</colgroup> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td>URL</td> |
<td><input type="text" class="layui-input" id = "url"></td> |
<td><a href="javascript:;" class = "layui-btn layui-btn-sm" onclick = "copy('url')">复制</a></td> |
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<td><a href="javascript:;" class = "layui-btn layui-btn-sm" onclick = "copy('html')">复制</a></td> |
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<td>MarkDown</td> |
<td><input type="text" class="layui-input" id = "markdown"></td> |
<td><a href="javascript:;" class = "layui-btn layui-btn-sm" onclick = "copy('markdown')">复制</a></td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td>BBcode</td> |
<td><input type="text" class="layui-input" id = "bbcode"></td> |
<td><a href="javascript:;" class = "layui-btn layui-btn-sm" onclick = "copy('bbcode')">复制</a></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- 图片上传成功END --> |
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//隐藏按钮 |
//setTimeout('$("#imgbtn").remove()',100) |
layui.use(['element','layer'],function(){ |
var element = layui.element; |
var layer = layui.layer; |
element.on('tab(uptab)', function(data){ |
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}); |
}); |
var load1 = document.querySelector("body"); |
// 实例化即可 |
new ctrlVUtil({ |
uploadUrl: "functions/cvupload.php", |
targetElement: load1, |
isCompleteImg:false, |
data:{ |
name:"alanzhang", |
}, |
success:function(data){ |
//转为对象 |
var res = data; |
//上传成功 |
if(res.code == 1){ |
layer.closeAll('loading'); |
$("#showpic a").attr('href',res.url); |
$("#showpic img").attr('src',res.url); |
$("#url").val(res.url); |
$("#html").val("<img src = '" + res.url + "' />"); |
$("#markdown").val(""); |
$("#bbcode").val("[img]" + res.url + "[/img]"); |
$("#upok").show(); |
//请求接口处理图片 |
$.get("./dispose.php?id="+res.id,function(data,status){ |
var obj = eval('(' + data + ')'); |
if(obj.level == 3){ |
layer.open({ |
title: '温馨提示' |
,content: '请勿上传违规图片!' |
}); |
} |
if(obj.level == null){ |
$.get("./dispose.php?id="+res.id,function(data,status){ |
var obj = eval('(' + data + ')'); |
if(obj.level == 3){ |
layer.open({ |
title: '温馨提示' |
,content: '请勿上传违规图片!' |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
}); |
} |
else{ |
layer.msg(res.msg); |
} |
}, |
error: function(error){ |
layer.closeAll('loading'); |
layer.msg('上传失败!'); |
} |
}); |
</script> |
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