mirror of https://github.com/helloxz/imgurl.git
173 lines
5.9 KiB
173 lines
5.9 KiB
<?php |
class Install{ |
public $homedir; |
public $domain; |
//构造函数 |
public function __construct(){ |
//获取项目绝对路径 |
$thedir = __DIR__; |
$homedir = str_replace("\\","/",$thedir); |
$homedir = str_replace("functions/class","",$homedir); |
$this->homedir = $homedir; |
//获取当前域名 |
//获取当前端口 |
$port = $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]; |
//对端口进行判断 |
switch ( $port ) |
{ |
case 80: |
$protocol = "http://"; |
$port = ''; |
break; |
case 443: |
$protocol = "https://"; |
$port = ''; |
break; |
default: |
$protocol = "http://"; |
$port = ":".$port; |
break; |
} |
$uri = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; |
$uri = str_replace("check.php","",$uri); |
//组合为完整的URL |
$domain = $protocol.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port.$uri; |
$domain = str_replace("install.php?setup=2","",$domain); |
$this->domain = $domain; |
} |
//检查环境是否符合条件 |
public function check(){ |
$homedir = $this->homedir; |
//echo $homedir.'db'; |
//检查根目录是否可写,结果写入到一个数组 |
//echo $thedir; |
$checkarr['home'] = is_writable($homedir); |
if($checkarr['home']){ |
$statusarr['home'] = '通过'; |
} |
else{ |
$statusarr['home'] = '<span style = "color:red;">目录不可写!</span>'; |
} |
$checkarr['db'] = is_writable($homedir.'db'); |
if($checkarr['db']){ |
$statusarr['db'] = '通过'; |
} |
else{ |
$statusarr['db'] = '<span style = "color:red;">目录不可写!</span>'; |
} |
//检测组建是否支持 |
$ext = get_loaded_extensions(); |
if(array_search('pdo_sqlite',$ext)){ |
$statusarr['pdo'] = '支持'; |
} |
else{ |
$statusarr['pdo'] = '<span style = "color:red;">不支持!</span>'; |
} |
//return $checkarr; |
return $statusarr; |
} |
//获取站点信息 |
public function info(){ |
$homedir = $this->homedir; |
$info = array( |
"homedir" => $this->homedir, |
"domain" => $this->domain |
); |
return $info; |
} |
//验证函数 |
protected function verify($data,$type){ |
switch ($type) { |
//检查用户名 |
case 'user': |
$pattern = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/'; |
if($data == ''){ |
echo '请填写用户名!'; |
exit; |
} |
if(!preg_match($pattern,$data)){ |
echo '用户名格式有误!'; |
exit; |
} |
break; |
case 'pass': |
$pattern = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*.]+$/'; |
if(!preg_match($pattern,$data)){ |
echo '密码格式有误!'; |
exit; |
} |
break; |
case 'pass2': |
$pass1 = $data['pass1']; |
$pass2 = $data['pass2']; |
if($pass1 != $pass2){ |
echo '两次密码不一致!'; |
exit; |
} |
break; |
case 'domain': |
$domain = $data['domain']; |
if(!filter_var($domain, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)){ |
echo '域名格式有误!(需要包含https://)'; |
exit; |
} |
break; |
default: |
# code... |
break; |
} |
} |
//安装 |
public function setup($data){ |
$homedir = $this->homedir; |
$dbpath = $this->homedir.'db/'; |
$user = $data['user']; |
$pass1 = $data['pass1']; |
$pass2 = $data['pass2']; |
$this->verify($user,'user'); |
$this->verify($pass1,'pass'); |
$this->verify($data,'pass2'); |
$this->verify($data,'domain'); |
//复制一份数据库 |
copy($dbpath."imgurl-simple.db3",$dbpath."imgurl.db3"); |
//复制一份配置文件 |
if(copy($homedir."config-simple.php",$homedir."config.php")){ |
$configdir = $homedir."config.php"; |
$myfile = fopen($homedir."config.php", "r") or die("Unable to open file!"); |
$content = fread($myfile,filesize($configdir)); |
//执行替换 |
$content = str_replace("imguser",$user,$content); |
$content = str_replace("imgpass",$pass2,$content); |
$content = str_replace("homedir",$data['homedir'],$content); |
$content = str_replace("https://imgurl.org/",$data['domain'],$content); |
//var_dump($content); |
//写入文件 |
$myfile = fopen($homedir."config.php", "w+") or die("Unable to open file!"); |
fwrite($myfile, $content); |
//关闭 |
fclose($myfile); |
//更名安装文件 |
rename($homedir."install.php",$homedir."install.php.bak"); |
} |
} |
} |