<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Found extends CI_Controller{ //构造函数 public function __construct(){ parent::__construct(); //加载模型 $this->load->model('query','',TRUE); //加载辅助函数 } //方法映射 public function _remap($type = 'all',$params = array()) { $page = @$params[0]; //var_dump($params); //exit; if(!isset($page)){ $page = 0; } $this->index($type,$page); } //探索发现页面 public function index($type = 'all',$page = 0){ //加载常用类 $this->load->library('basic'); //检测用户是否登录 $data['is_login'] = $this->basic->is_login(); $siteinfo = $this->query->site_setting(); $siteinfo = $siteinfo->values; $siteinfo = json_decode($siteinfo); //每页显示16张图片 $limit = 16; //echo $page; $siteinfo->title = '探索发现 - '.$siteinfo->title; //SQL语句 $sql_header = "SELECT a.id,a.imgid,a.path,a.thumb_path,a.date,a.compression,a.level,b.mime,b.width,b.height,b.views,b.ext,b.client_name FROM img_images AS a INNER JOIN img_imginfo AS b ON a.imgid = b.imgid AND a.user = 'visitor' AND a.level = 'everyone' "; //根据条件生成不同的SQL语句 switch($type){ case 'all': //查询游客上传图片总数 $num = $this->query->count_num('visitor')->num; $config['base_url'] = "/found/all/"; $sql = $sql_header."ORDER BY a.id DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET $page"; break; case 'gif': $num = $this->query->count_num('gif')->num; $config['base_url'] = "/found/gif/"; $sql = $sql_header."AND b.ext = '.gif' ORDER BY a.id DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET $page"; break; case 'views': $num = $this->query->count_num('visitor')->num; $config['base_url'] = "/found/views/"; $sql = $sql_header."ORDER BY b.views DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET $page"; break; case 'large': $num = $this->query->count_num('large')->num; $config['base_url'] = "/found/large/"; $sql = $sql_header."AND b.width >= 1920 AND b.height >= 1080 ORDER BY a.id DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET $page"; break; default: //查询游客上传图片总数 $num = $this->query->count_num('visitor')->num; $config['base_url'] = "/found/all/"; $sql = $sql_header."ORDER BY a.id DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET $page"; break; } //查询图片信息,返回对象 //$data['imgs'] = $this->query->found(96); $data['imgs'] = $this->db->query($sql)->result_array(); //查询域名 $data['domain'] = $this->query->domain('localhost'); //进行分页 //调用分页类 $this->load->library('pagination'); //$config['base_url'] = "/found/all/"; $config['total_rows'] = $num; $config['per_page'] = $limit; $config['first_url'] = 0; $config['first_link'] = '首页'; $config['last_link'] = '尾页'; $config['attributes'] = array('class' => 'paging'); //设置分页的class $config['next_link'] = '下一页'; //下一页文本 $config['prev_link'] = '上一页'; //上一页文本 $this->pagination->initialize($config); $data['page'] = $this->pagination->create_links(); //加载视图 $this->load->view('user/header',$siteinfo); $this->load->view('user/found',$data); $this->load->view('user/footer'); } //链接页面 public function link($id){ $id = strip_tags($id); $id = (int)$id; $siteinfo = $this->query->site_setting(); $siteinfo = $siteinfo->values; $siteinfo = json_decode($siteinfo); //查询图片信息,返回对象 $data['imgs'] = $this->query->found(32); //查询域名 $data['domain'] = $this->query->domain('localhost'); //加载视图 $this->load->view('user/header',$siteinfo); $this->load->view('user/link',$data); $this->load->view('user/footer'); } } ?>