/*! * * @author: diandian & alanzhang * @date: 2016/8/19 * @overview: [截屏后,按粘贴快捷键ctrl+v上传,] * @兼容性说明: IE11,Firefox,chrome * */ 'use strict'; (function(root, factory){ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD define([], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node, CommonJS-like module.exports = factory(); } else { // Browser globals (root is window) root.ctrlVUtil = factory(); } }(this, function(){ function ctrlVUtil(option){ // 鼠标在该元素上,使用ctrl+v键时上传 this.targetElement = null; // 用于响应paste事件的元素,如果页面不传递,则创建该元素,并位于targetElement前面 this.uploadInput = null; // 默认的上传地址 this.uploadUrl = "http://www.oa.com/screenshot/create-file"; // 对于读取的图片base64,前缀为 // isCompleteImg为false则去掉前缀直接上传内容部分,为true则上传完整的base64字符串 this.isCompleteImg = false; var that = this; // 合并参数 that.mixinConfig(option); // 鼠标移入和点击时上传,移出时失焦 that.targetElement.addEventListener("mouseover", function() { that.uploadInput.focus(); }); that.targetElement.addEventListener("click", function() { that.uploadInput.focus(); }); // 移除鼠标则input失去交掉 that.targetElement.addEventListener("mouseleave", function() { that.uploadInput.blur(); }); // 监听paste的事件 that.uploadInput.addEventListener('paste', function(e) { that.handlePaste(e); }); } /** * [mixinConfig 整合参数] * @param {[type]} option [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ ctrlVUtil.prototype.mixinConfig = function(option){ this.targetElement = option.targetElement || document.querySelector(".js-upload"); this.uploadInput = this.createInputTarget(); this.isCompleteImg = "isCompleteImg" in option ? option.isCompleteImg : this.isCompleteImg; // 上传地址 this.uploadUrl = option.uploadUrl || this.uploadUrl; // 除了图片内容以外的其他数据 this.data = option.data; // 上传成功时的回调函数 this.success = option.success || function(data) { console.log(data); }; // 上传失败时的回调函数 this.error = option.error || function(error) { console.log(error); }; }; /** * [createInputTarget 创建div元素,用于响应paste事件] * @return {Element} [description] */ ctrlVUtil.prototype.createInputTarget = function() { var imgContinaer = document.createElement("div"); // 使其不可见 imgContinaer.style.cssText = "border:none;margin:0;padding:0;font-size: 0;height:1px;width:1px;opacity:0;position:fixed;z-index:-1;"; // 让其可编辑,能响应paste事件 imgContinaer.contentEditable = true; imgContinaer.class = "ui-ctrlv-uploadInput"; // 插入targeElementn前面 this.targetElement.parentNode.insertBefore(imgContinaer, this.targetElement); return imgContinaer; }; /** * [handlePaste 处理粘贴行为] * @param {Event} e [粘贴事件] * @return {[type]} [description] */ ctrlVUtil.prototype.handlePaste = function(e){ var that = this; // webkit 内核支持items方法 if (e && e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.items) { // 获取item var item = e.clipboardData.items[0], that = this; if (item.type.indexOf('image') != -1) { var blob = item.getAsFile(); // 创建读取对象 var fileReader = new FileReader(); // 将文件读取为字符串 fileReader.readAsDataURL(blob); fileReader.addEventListener('load', function(e) { var file = e.target.result; that.send(file); }, false); } else { that.alertMsg("请粘贴image类型"); } // firefox无法使用items方法,在粘贴时,图片会作为img标签插入targetElement中, // 获取img标签的src内容进行上传 } else { setTimeout(function() { var $img = that.uploadInput.querySelector("img"); if ($img) { that.send($img.src); } else { that.alertMsg("浏览器不支持剪贴板操作"); return; } }, 200); } }; /** * [send 上传图片] * @param {string} imgcontent [图片内容base64格式] * @return {[type]} [description] */ ctrlVUtil.prototype.send = function(imgcontent) { var that = this; that.uploadInput.innerHTML = ""; var data = that.data || {}; // 根据sCompleteImg来决定上传的是整体的base64字符串还是仅仅为内容部分 data.content = this.isCompleteImg ? imgcontent : imgcontent.split(';')[1].split(',')[1]; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("post",that.uploadUrl,true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { var ret = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); that.success && that.success(ret); } else { that.error && that.error(e, xhr); } } }; xhr.onerror = function(e) { that.error && that.error(e, xhr); }; xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); var dataString = []; for(var key in data){ dataString.push(key+"="+encodeURIComponent(data[key])); } xhr.send(dataString.join("&")); }; ctrlVUtil.prototype.alertMsg = function(content){ alert(content); } // 暴露构造函数 return ctrlVUtil; }));