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6 years ago
<div class="layui-container">
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<center style = "margin-bottom:2em;"><h1>ImgURL安装向导(1/3)</h1></center>
<!-- 检测结果表格 -->
<table class="layui-table">
<col width="220">
<col width="220">
<?php foreach($env as $value) { ?>
<?php foreach($value as $info) { ?>
if($info == FALSE){
echo '<span style = "color:red;">不支持!</span>';
echo $info;
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<!-- 检测结果表格EDN -->
<!-- 下一步按钮 -->
<!-- 对检测结果进行判断 -->
if($sum === NULL){
echo '<a href="/install/?setup=2" class="layui-btn" id = "next">下一步</a>';
elseif($sum === FALSE){
echo '<span style = "color:red;">您必须先解决上述问题才能进一步安装!</span>';
<!-- 下一步按钮END -->