ImgURL Pro容器部署
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

211 lines
10 KiB

<div id="partitions">
<fieldset class="pma-fieldset">
{% trans 'Partitions' %}
{{ show_mysql_docu('partitioning') }}
{% if partitions is empty %}
{{ 'No partitioning defined!'|trans|notice }}
{% else %}
{% trans 'Partitioned by:' %}
<code>{{ partition_method }}({{ partition_expression }})</code>
{% if has_sub_partitions %}
{% trans 'Sub partitioned by:' %}
<code>{{ sub_partition_method }}({{ sub_partition_expression }})</code>
{% endif %}
<table class="table table-light table-striped table-hover table-sm">
<thead class="table-light">
<th colspan="2">#</th>
<th>{% trans 'Partition' %}</th>
{% if has_description %}
<th>{% trans 'Expression' %}</th>
{% endif %}
<th>{% trans 'Rows' %}</th>
<th>{% trans 'Data length' %}</th>
<th>{% trans 'Index length' %}</th>
<th>{% trans 'Comment' %}</th>
<th colspan="{{ range_or_list ? '7' : '6' }}">
{% trans 'Action' %}
{% for partition in partitions %}
<tr class="noclick{{ has_sub_partitions ? ' table-active' }}">
{% if has_sub_partitions %}
<td>{{ partition.getOrdinal() }}</td>
{% else %}
<td colspan="2">{{ partition.getOrdinal() }}</td>
{% endif %}
<th>{{ partition.getName() }}</th>
{% if has_description %}
{{- partition.getExpression() -}}
{{- partition.getMethod() == 'LIST' ? ' IN (' : ' < ' -}}
{{- partition.getDescription() -}}
{{- partition.getMethod() == 'LIST' ? ')' -}}
{% endif %}
<td class="value">{{ partition.getRows() }}</td>
<td class="value">
{% set data_length = format_byte_down(
) %}
<span>{{ data_length[0] }}</span>
<span class="unit">{{ data_length[1] }}</span>
<td class="value">
{% set index_length = format_byte_down(
) %}
<span>{{ index_length[0] }}</span>
<span class="unit">{{ index_length[1] }}</span>
<td>{{ partition.getComment() }}</td>
<a id="partition_action_ANALYZE" class="ajax" href="{{ url('/table/partition/analyze') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
'db': db,
'table': table,
'partition_name': partition.getName(),
}, '', false) }}">
{{ get_icon('b_search', 'Analyze'|trans) }}
<a id="partition_action_CHECK" class="ajax" href="{{ url('/table/partition/check') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
'db': db,
'table': table,
'partition_name': partition.getName(),
}, '', false) }}">
{{ get_icon('eye', 'Check'|trans) }}
<a id="partition_action_OPTIMIZE" class="ajax" href="{{ url('/table/partition/optimize') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
'db': db,
'table': table,
'partition_name': partition.getName(),
}, '', false) }}">
{{ get_icon('normalize', 'Optimize'|trans) }}
<a id="partition_action_REBUILD" class="ajax" href="{{ url('/table/partition/rebuild') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
'db': db,
'table': table,
'partition_name': partition.getName(),
}, '', false) }}">
{{ get_icon('s_tbl', 'Rebuild'|trans) }}
<a id="partition_action_REPAIR" class="ajax" href="{{ url('/table/partition/repair') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
'db': db,
'table': table,
'partition_name': partition.getName(),
}, '', false) }}">
{{ get_icon('b_tblops', 'Repair'|trans) }}
<a id="partition_action_TRUNCATE" class="ajax" href="{{ url('/table/partition/truncate') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
'db': db,
'table': table,
'partition_name': partition.getName(),
}, '', false) }}">
{{ get_icon('b_empty', 'Truncate'|trans) }}
{% if range_or_list %}
<a id="partition_action_DROP" class="ajax" href="{{ url('/table/partition/drop') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
'db': db,
'table': table,
'partition_name': partition.getName(),
}, '', false) }}">
{{ get_icon('b_drop', 'Drop'|trans) }}
{% endif %}
{% if has_sub_partitions %}
{% for sub_partition in partition.getSubPartitions() %}
<tr class="noclick">
<td>{{ sub_partition.getOrdinal() }}</td>
<td>{{ sub_partition.getName() }}</td>
{% if has_description %}
{% endif %}
<td class="value">{{ sub_partition.getRows() }}</td>
<td class="value">
{% set data_length = format_byte_down(
) %}
<span>{{ data_length[0] }}</span>
<span class="unit">{{ data_length[1] }}</span>
<td class="value">
{% set index_length = format_byte_down(
) %}
<span>{{ index_length[0] }}</span>
<span class="unit">{{ index_length[1] }}</span>
<td>{{ sub_partition.getComment() }}</td>
<td colspan="{{ range_or_list ? '7' : '6' }}"></td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<fieldset class="pma-fieldset tblFooters d-print-none">
<form action="{{ url('/table/structure/partitioning') }}" method="post">
{{ get_hidden_inputs(db, table) }}
{% if partitions is empty %}
<input class="btn btn-secondary" type="submit" value="{% trans 'Partition table' %}">
{% else %}
{{ link_or_button(
'db': db,
'table': table,
'sql_query': 'ALTER TABLE ' ~ backquote(table) ~ ' REMOVE PARTITIONING'
'Remove partitioning'|trans, {
'class': 'btn btn-secondary ajax',
'id': 'remove_partitioning'
}) }}
<input class="btn btn-secondary" type="submit" value="{% trans 'Edit partitioning' %}">
{% endif %}