ImgURL Pro容器部署
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

72 lines
1.4 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = void 0;
var _control = require("ol/control.js");
var _coordinate = require("ol/coordinate.js");
var _extent = require("ol/extent.js");
var _geom = require("ol/geom.js");
var _layer = require("ol/layer.js");
var _proj = require("ol/proj.js");
var _source = require("ol/source.js");
var _style = require("ol/style.js");
var _ol = require("ol");
const ol = {
control: {
Attribution: _control.Attribution,
MousePosition: _control.MousePosition,
Zoom: _control.Zoom
coordinate: {
createStringXY: _coordinate.createStringXY
extent: {
boundingExtent: _extent.boundingExtent
geom: {
LineString: _geom.LineString,
LinearRing: _geom.LinearRing,
MultiLineString: _geom.MultiLineString,
MultiPoint: _geom.MultiPoint,
MultiPolygon: _geom.MultiPolygon,
Point: _geom.Point,
Polygon: _geom.Polygon
layer: {
Tile: _layer.Tile,
Vector: _layer.Vector
proj: {
fromLonLat: _proj.fromLonLat,
get: _proj.get,
transformExtent: _proj.transformExtent
source: {
OSM: _source.OSM,
Vector: _source.Vector
style: {
Circle: _style.Circle,
Fill: _style.Fill,
Stroke: _style.Stroke,
Style: _style.Style,
Text: _style.Text
Feature: _ol.Feature,
Map: _ol.Map,
View: _ol.View
var _default = ol;
exports.default = _default;