{{ get_hidden_inputs(db, table) }}
{% trans 'Do a "query by example" (wildcard: "%")' %}
{% if geom_column_flag %} {% endif %} {% for column_index in 0..column_names|length - 1 %} {# If 'Function' column is present trying to change comment #} {% if geom_column_flag %} {# Displays 'Function' column if it is present #} {% endif %} {# Displays column's name, type, collation and value #} {% set properties = self.getColumnProperties(column_index, column_index) %} {# here, the data-type attribute is needed for a date/time picker #} {% endfor %}
{% trans 'Function' %}{% trans 'Column' %} {% trans 'Type' %} {% trans 'Collation' %} {% trans 'Operator' %} {% trans 'Value' %}
{% set geom_types = get_gis_datatypes() %} {% if column_types[column_index] in geom_types %} {% endif %} {#- Keep this without extra spaces because it is used for a request to build the BETWEEN modal -#} {{- column_names[column_index] -}} {{ properties['type'] }} {{ properties['collation'] }} {{ properties['func']|raw }} {{ properties['value']|raw }} {# Displays hidden fields #}
{% if default_sliders_state != 'disabled' %}
{% endif %} {# Displays columns select list for selecting distinct columns in the search #}
{# Displays input box for custom 'Where' clause to be used in the search #}
{# Displays option of changing default number of rows displayed per page #}
{# Displays option for ordering search results by a column value (Asc or Desc) #}
{% trans 'Display order:' %}
{% if default_sliders_state != 'disabled' %}
{% endif %}