{{ column.Field_title|raw }} {% if show_field_types_in_data_edit_view %} {{ column.pma_type }} {% endif %} {% if show_function_fields %} {% if is_column_binary %} {% trans 'Binary' %} {% elseif 'enum' in column.True_Type or 'set' in column.True_Type %} -- {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if column.Null|upper == 'YES' and not read_only %} {% endif %} {# Will be used by table/change.js to set the default value for the "Continue insertion" feature. #} {{ special_chars|raw }} {% if transformed_value is not empty %} {{ transformed_value|raw }} {% else %} {% if is_value_foreign_link %} {{ backup_field|raw }} {{ get_icon('b_browse', 'Browse foreign values'|trans) }} {% elseif foreign_dropdown is not empty %} {{ backup_field|raw }} {% elseif (longtext_double_textarea and 'longtext' in column.pma_type) or 'json' in column.pma_type or 'text' in column.pma_type %} {{ backup_field|raw }} {% if 'text' in column.pma_type and special_chars|length > 32000 %} {% trans 'Because of its length,
this column might not be editable.' %} {% endif %} {% elseif column.pma_type == 'enum' %} {{ backup_field|raw }} {% if column.Type|length > 20 %} {% else %} {% for enum_value in column.values %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% elseif column.pma_type == 'set' %} {{ backup_field|raw }} {% elseif column.is_binary or column.is_blob %} {% if is_column_protected_blob %} {% trans 'Binary - do not edit' %} ({{ blob_value }} {{ blob_value_unit }}) {% elseif column.is_blob or (column.len > limit_chars) %} {{ backup_field|raw }} {% else %} {{ backup_field|raw }} {{ input_field_html|raw }} {% endif %} {% if is_upload and column.is_blob %}
{# We don't want to prevent users from using browser's default drag-drop feature on some page(s), so we add noDragDrop class to the input #} {{ max_upload_size }} {% endif %} {{ select_option_for_upload|raw }} {% else %} {{ value|raw }} {% endif %} {% if column.pma_type in gis_data_types %} {{ link_or_button('#', null, get_icon('b_edit', 'Edit/Insert'|trans), [], '_blank') }} {% endif %} {% endif %}