{{ get_icon('b_usredit') }} {% trans 'Edit privileges:' %} {% trans 'User account' %} {% if database is not empty %} '{{ username }}'@'{{ hostname }}' - {% if is_databases %} {% trans 'Databases' %} {% else %} {% trans 'Database' %} {% endif %} {% if table is not empty %} {{ database }} - {% trans 'Table' %} {{ table }} {% else %} {% if database is not iterable %} {% set database = [database] %} {% endif %} {{ database|join(', ') }} {% endif %} {% else %} '{{ username }}'@'{{ hostname }}' {% endif %}

{% if current_user == username ~ '@' ~ hostname %} {{ 'Note: You are attempting to edit privileges of the user with which you are currently logged in.'|trans|notice }} {% endif %} {% if user_does_not_exists %} {{ 'The selected user was not found in the privilege table.'|trans|error }} {{ login_information_fields|raw }} {% endif %} {{ table_specific_rights|raw }} {% if database is not iterable and database|length > 0 and not is_wildcard %} [ {% trans 'Database' %} {{ database|replace({'\\_': '_', '\\%': '%'}) }}: {{ database_url_title }} ] {% if table|length > 0 %} [ {% trans 'Table' %} {{ table }}: {{ table_url_title }} ] {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ change_password|raw }}