{{ 'Value for the column "%s"'|trans|format(field) }}
{# The input field to which the final result should be added and corresponding null checkbox #}
{% if input_name is not null %}
{% endif %}
{{ get_hidden_inputs() }}
{# Visualization section #}
{{ visualization|raw }}
{# End of visualization section #}
{# Header section - Inclueds GIS type selector and input field for SRID #}
{# End of header section #}
{# Data section #}
{% if geom_type == 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION' %}
{% endif %}
{% for a in 0..geom_count - 1 %}
{% if gis_data[a] is not null %}
{% if geom_type == 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION' %}
{{ 'Geometry %d:'|trans|format(a + 1) }}
{% if gis_data[a]['gis_type'] is not null %}
{% set type = gis_data[a]['gis_type'] %}
{% else %}
{% set type = gis_types[0] %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set type = geom_type %}
{% endif %}
{% if type == 'POINT' %}
{% trans 'Point:' %}
{% elseif type == 'MULTIPOINT' or type == 'LINESTRING' %}
{% set no_of_points = gis_data[a][type]['no_of_points'] ?? 1 %}
{% if type == 'LINESTRING' and no_of_points < 2 %}
{% set no_of_points = 2 %}
{% endif %}
{% if type == 'MULTIPOINT' and no_of_points < 1 %}
{% set no_of_points = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if gis_data[a][type]['add_point'] is not null %}
{% set no_of_points = no_of_points + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% for i in 0..no_of_points - 1 %}
{{ 'Point %d:'|trans|format(i + 1) }}
{% endfor %}
{% elseif type == 'MULTILINESTRING' or type == 'POLYGON' %}
{% set no_of_lines = gis_data[a][type]['no_of_lines'] ?? 1 %}
{% if no_of_lines < 1 %}
{% set no_of_lines = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if gis_data[a][type]['add_line'] is not null %}
{% set no_of_lines = no_of_lines + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% for i in 0..no_of_lines - 1 %}
{% if type == 'MULTILINESTRING' %}
{{ 'Linestring %d:'|trans|format(i + 1) }}
{% elseif i == 0 %}
{% trans 'Outer ring:' %}
{% else %}
{{ 'Inner ring %d:'|trans|format(i) }}
{% endif %}
{% set no_of_points = gis_data[a][type][i]['no_of_points'] ?? 2 %}
{% if type == 'MULTILINESTRING' and no_of_points < 2 %}
{% set no_of_points = 2 %}
{% endif %}
{% if type == 'POLYGON' and no_of_points < 4 %}
{% set no_of_points = 4 %}
{% endif %}
{% if gis_data[a][type][i]['add_point'] is not null %}
{% set no_of_points = no_of_points + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% for j in 0..no_of_points - 1 %}
{{ 'Point %d:'|trans|format(j + 1) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% elseif type == 'MULTIPOLYGON' %}
{% set no_of_polygons = gis_data[a][type]['no_of_polygons'] ?? 1 %}
{% if no_of_polygons < 1 %}
{% set no_of_polygons = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if gis_data[a][type]['add_polygon'] is not null %}
{% set no_of_polygons = no_of_polygons + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% for k in 0..no_of_polygons - 1 %}
{{ 'Polygon %d:'|trans|format(k + 1) }}
{% set no_of_lines = gis_data[a][type][k]['no_of_lines'] ?? 1 %}
{% if no_of_lines < 1 %}
{% set no_of_lines = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if gis_data[a][type][k]['add_line'] is not null %}
{% set no_of_lines = no_of_lines + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% for i in 0..no_of_lines - 1 %}
{% if i == 0 %}
{% trans 'Outer ring:' %}
{% else %}
{{ 'Inner ring %d:'|trans|format(i) }}
{% endif %}
{% set no_of_points = gis_data[a][type][k][i]['no_of_points'] ?? 4 %}
{% if no_of_points < 4 %}
{% set no_of_points = 4 %}
{% endif %}
{% if gis_data[a][type][k][i]['add_point'] is not null %}
{% set no_of_points = no_of_points + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% for j in 0..no_of_points - 1 %}
{{ 'Point %d:'|trans|format(j + 1) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}