['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'get_docu_link', [MySQLDocumentation::class, 'getDocumentationLink'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'get_list_navigator', [Generator::class, 'getListNavigator'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'show_docu', [MySQLDocumentation::class, 'showDocumentation'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'get_gis_datatypes', [Gis::class, 'getDataTypes'] ), new TwigFunction( 'get_gis_functions', [Gis::class, 'getFunctions'] ), new TwigFunction( 'get_icon', [Generator::class, 'getIcon'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'get_image', [Generator::class, 'getImage'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'get_supported_datatypes', [Util::class, 'getSupportedDatatypes'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'is_foreign_key_supported', [ForeignKey::class, 'isSupported'] ), new TwigFunction( 'link_or_button', [Generator::class, 'linkOrButton'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'link_to_var_documentation', [Generator::class, 'linkToVarDocumentation'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'localised_date', [Util::class, 'localisedDate'] ), new TwigFunction( 'show_hint', [Generator::class, 'showHint'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'show_icons', [Util::class, 'showIcons'] ), new TwigFunction( 'show_text', [Util::class, 'showText'] ), new TwigFunction( 'show_mysql_docu', [MySQLDocumentation::class, 'show'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'get_mysql_docu_url', [Util::class, 'getMySQLDocuURL'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'get_docu_url', [Util::class, 'getdocuURL'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'show_php_docu', [Generator::class, 'showPHPDocumentation'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'sortable_table_header', [Util::class, 'sortableTableHeader'], ['is_safe' => ['html']] ), new TwigFunction( 'timespan_format', [Util::class, 'timespanFormat'] ), new TwigFunction('parse_enum_set_values', 'PhpMyAdmin\Util::parseEnumSetValues'), ]; } /** * Returns a list of filters to add to the existing list. * * @return TwigFilter[] */ public function getFilters() { return [ new TwigFilter( 'convert_bit_default_value', [Util::class, 'convertBitDefaultValue'] ), new TwigFilter( 'escape_mysql_wildcards', [Util::class, 'escapeMysqlWildcards'] ), ]; } }