with load data */ public function loadavg() { $buf = file_get_contents('/proc/stat'); if ($buf === false) { $buf = ''; } $pos = mb_strpos($buf, "\n"); if ($pos === false) { $pos = 0; } $nums = preg_split( '/\s+/', mb_substr( $buf, 0, $pos ) ); if (! is_array($nums)) { return ['busy' => 0, 'idle' => 0]; } return [ 'busy' => (int) $nums[1] + (int) $nums[2] + (int) $nums[3], 'idle' => (int) $nums[4], ]; } /** * Checks whether class is supported in this environment */ public function supported(): bool { return @is_readable('/proc/meminfo') && @is_readable('/proc/stat'); } /** * Gets information about memory usage * * @return array with memory usage data */ public function memory() { $content = @file_get_contents('/proc/meminfo'); if ($content === false) { return []; } preg_match_all(SysInfo::MEMORY_REGEXP, $content, $matches); /** @var array|false $mem */ $mem = array_combine($matches[1], $matches[2]); if ($mem === false) { return []; } $defaults = [ 'MemTotal' => 0, 'MemFree' => 0, 'Cached' => 0, 'Buffers' => 0, 'SwapTotal' => 0, 'SwapFree' => 0, 'SwapCached' => 0, ]; $mem = array_merge($defaults, $mem); foreach ($mem as $idx => $value) { $mem[$idx] = intval($value); } $mem['MemUsed'] = $mem['MemTotal'] - $mem['MemFree'] - $mem['Cached'] - $mem['Buffers']; $mem['SwapUsed'] = $mem['SwapTotal'] - $mem['SwapFree'] - $mem['SwapCached']; return $mem; } }