/** * @fileoverview JavaScript functions used on /table/search * * @requires jQuery * @requires js/functions.js */ /* global changeValueFieldType, verifyAfterSearchFieldChange */ // js/table/change.js /* global openGISEditor, gisEditorLoaded, loadJSAndGISEditor, loadGISEditor */ // js/gis_data_editor.js var TableSelect = {}; /** * Checks if given data-type is numeric or date. * * @param {string} dataType Column data-type * * @return {boolean | string} */ TableSelect.checkIfDataTypeNumericOrDate = function (dataType) { // To test for numeric data-types. var numericRegExp = new RegExp('TINYINT|SMALLINT|MEDIUMINT|INT|BIGINT|DECIMAL|FLOAT|DOUBLE|REAL', 'i'); // To test for date data-types. var dateRegExp = new RegExp('DATETIME|DATE|TIMESTAMP|TIME|YEAR', 'i'); // Return matched data-type if (numericRegExp.test(dataType)) { return numericRegExp.exec(dataType)[0]; } if (dateRegExp.test(dataType)) { return dateRegExp.exec(dataType)[0]; } return false; }; /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('table/select.js', function () { $('#togglesearchformlink').off('click'); $(document).off('submit', '#tbl_search_form.ajax'); $('select.geom_func').off('change'); $(document).off('click', 'span.open_search_gis_editor'); $('body').off('change', 'select[name*="criteriaColumnOperators"]'); // Fix for bug #13778, changed 'click' to 'change' }); AJAX.registerOnload('table/select.js', function () { /** * Prepare a div containing a link, otherwise it's incorrectly displayed * after a couple of clicks */ $('
').insertAfter('#tbl_search_form') // don't show it until we have results on-screen .hide(); $('#togglesearchformlink').html(Messages.strShowSearchCriteria).on('click', function () { var $link = $(this); $('#tbl_search_form').slideToggle(); if ($link.text() === Messages.strHideSearchCriteria) { $link.text(Messages.strShowSearchCriteria); } else { $link.text(Messages.strHideSearchCriteria); } // avoid default click action return false; }); var tableRows = $('#fieldset_table_qbe select.column-operator'); $.each(tableRows, function (index, item) { $(item).on('change', function () { changeValueFieldType(this, index); verifyAfterSearchFieldChange(index, '#tbl_search_form'); }); }); /** * Ajax event handler for Table search */ $(document).on('submit', '#tbl_search_form.ajax', function (event) { var unaryFunctions = ['IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL', '= \'\'', '!= \'\'']; var geomUnaryFunctions = ['IsEmpty', 'IsSimple', 'IsRing', 'IsClosed']; // jQuery object to reuse var $searchForm = $(this); event.preventDefault(); // empty previous search results while we are waiting for new results $('#sqlqueryresultsouter').empty(); var $msgbox = Functions.ajaxShowMessage(Messages.strSearching, false); Functions.prepareForAjaxRequest($searchForm); var values = {}; $searchForm.find(':input').each(function () { var $input = $(this); if ($input.attr('type') === 'checkbox' || $input.attr('type') === 'radio') { if ($input.is(':checked')) { values[this.name] = $input.val(); } } else { values[this.name] = $input.val(); } }); var columnCount = $('select[name="columnsToDisplay[]"] option').length; // Submit values only for the columns that have unary column operator or a search criteria for (var a = 0; a < columnCount; a++) { if ($.inArray(values['criteriaColumnOperators[' + a + ']'], unaryFunctions) >= 0) { continue; } if (values['geom_func[' + a + ']'] && $.inArray(values['geom_func[' + a + ']'], geomUnaryFunctions) >= 0) { continue; } if (values['criteriaValues[' + a + ']'] === '' || values['criteriaValues[' + a + ']'] === null) { delete values['criteriaValues[' + a + ']']; delete values['criteriaColumnOperators[' + a + ']']; delete values['criteriaColumnNames[' + a + ']']; delete values['criteriaColumnTypes[' + a + ']']; delete values['criteriaColumnCollations[' + a + ']']; } } // If all columns are selected, use a single parameter to indicate that if (values['columnsToDisplay[]'] !== null) { if (values['columnsToDisplay[]'].length === columnCount) { delete values['columnsToDisplay[]']; values.displayAllColumns = true; } } else { values.displayAllColumns = true; } $.post($searchForm.attr('action'), values, function (data) { Functions.ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) { if (typeof data.sql_query !== 'undefined') { // zero rows $('#sqlqueryresultsouter').html(data.sql_query); } else { // results found $('#sqlqueryresultsouter').html(data.message); $('.sqlqueryresults').trigger('makegrid'); } $('#tbl_search_form') // workaround for bug #3168569 - Issue on toggling the "Hide search criteria" in chrome. .slideToggle().hide(); $('#togglesearchformlink') // always start with the Show message .text(Messages.strShowSearchCriteria); $('#togglesearchformdiv') // now it's time to show the div containing the link .show(); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'fast'); } else { $('#sqlqueryresultsouter').html(data.error); } Functions.highlightSql($('#sqlqueryresultsouter')); }); // end $.post() }); // Following section is related to the 'function based search' for geometry data types. // Initially hide all the open_gis_editor spans $('span.open_search_gis_editor').hide(); $('select.geom_func').on('change', function () { var $geomFuncSelector = $(this); var binaryFunctions = ['Contains', 'Crosses', 'Disjoint', 'Equals', 'Intersects', 'Overlaps', 'Touches', 'Within', 'MBRContains', 'MBRDisjoint', 'MBREquals', 'MBRIntersects', 'MBROverlaps', 'MBRTouches', 'MBRWithin', 'ST_Contains', 'ST_Crosses', 'ST_Disjoint', 'ST_Equals', 'ST_Intersects', 'ST_Overlaps', 'ST_Touches', 'ST_Within']; var tempArray = ['Envelope', 'EndPoint', 'StartPoint', 'ExteriorRing', 'Centroid', 'PointOnSurface']; var outputGeomFunctions = binaryFunctions.concat(tempArray); // If the chosen function takes two geometry objects as parameters var $operator = $geomFuncSelector.parents('tr').find('td').eq(4).find('select'); if ($.inArray($geomFuncSelector.val(), binaryFunctions) >= 0) { $operator.prop('readonly', true); } else { $operator.prop('readonly', false); } // if the chosen function's output is a geometry, enable GIS editor var $editorSpan = $geomFuncSelector.parents('tr').find('span.open_search_gis_editor'); if ($.inArray($geomFuncSelector.val(), outputGeomFunctions) >= 0) { $editorSpan.show(); } else { $editorSpan.hide(); } }); $(document).on('click', 'span.open_search_gis_editor', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $span = $(this); // Current value var value = $span.parent('td').children('input[type=\'text\']').val(); // Field name var field = 'Parameter'; // Column type var geomFunc = $span.parents('tr').find('.geom_func').val(); var type; if (geomFunc === 'Envelope') { type = 'polygon'; } else if (geomFunc === 'ExteriorRing') { type = 'linestring'; } else { type = 'point'; } // Names of input field and null checkbox var inputName = $span.parent('td').children('input[type=\'text\']').attr('name'); // Token openGISEditor(); if (!gisEditorLoaded) { loadJSAndGISEditor(value, field, type, inputName); } else { loadGISEditor(value, field, type, inputName); } }); /** * Ajax event handler for Range-Search. */ $('body').on('change', 'select[name*="criteriaColumnOperators"]', function () { // Fix for bug #13778, changed 'click' to 'change' var $sourceSelect = $(this); // Get the column name. var columnName = $(this).closest('tr').find('th').first().text(); // Get the data-type of column excluding size. var dataType = $(this).closest('tr').find('td[data-type]').attr('data-type'); dataType = TableSelect.checkIfDataTypeNumericOrDate(dataType); // Get the operator. var operator = $(this).val(); if ((operator === 'BETWEEN' || operator === 'NOT BETWEEN') && dataType) { var $msgbox = Functions.ajaxShowMessage(); $.ajax({ url: 'index.php?route=/table/search', type: 'POST', data: { 'server': CommonParams.get('server'), 'ajax_request': 1, 'db': $('input[name="db"]').val(), 'table': $('input[name="table"]').val(), 'column': columnName, 'range_search': 1 }, success: function (response) { Functions.ajaxRemoveMessage($msgbox); if (response.success) { // Get the column min value. var min = response.column_data.min ? '(' + Messages.strColumnMin + ' ' + response.column_data.min + ')' : ''; // Get the column max value. var max = response.column_data.max ? '(' + Messages.strColumnMax + ' ' + response.column_data.max + ')' : ''; $('#rangeSearchModal').modal('show'); $('#rangeSearchLegend').first().html(operator); $('#rangeSearchMin').first().text(min); $('#rangeSearchMax').first().text(max); // Reset input values on reuse $('#min_value').first().val(''); $('#max_value').first().val(''); // Add datepicker wherever required. Functions.addDatepicker($('#min_value'), dataType); Functions.addDatepicker($('#max_value'), dataType); $('#rangeSearchModalGo').on('click', function () { var minValue = $('#min_value').val(); var maxValue = $('#max_value').val(); var finalValue = ''; if (minValue.length && maxValue.length) { finalValue = minValue + ', ' + maxValue; } var $targetField = $sourceSelect.closest('tr').find('[name*="criteriaValues"]'); // If target field is a select list. if ($targetField.is('select')) { $targetField.val(finalValue); var $options = $targetField.find('option'); var $closestMin = null; var $closestMax = null; // Find closest min and max value. $options.each(function () { if ($closestMin === null || Math.abs($(this).val() - minValue) < Math.abs($closestMin.val() - minValue)) { $closestMin = $(this); } if ($closestMax === null || Math.abs($(this).val() - maxValue) < Math.abs($closestMax.val() - maxValue)) { $closestMax = $(this); } }); $closestMin.attr('selected', 'selected'); $closestMax.attr('selected', 'selected'); } else { $targetField.val(finalValue); } $('#rangeSearchModal').modal('hide'); }); } else { Functions.ajaxShowMessage(response.error); } }, error: function () { Functions.ajaxShowMessage(Messages.strErrorProcessingRequest); } }); } }); var windowWidth = $(window).width(); $('.jsresponsive').css('max-width', windowWidth - 69 + 'px'); });