* @fileoverview function used in table data manipulation pages
* @requires jQuery
* @requires jQueryUI
* @requires js/functions.js
/* global extendingValidatorMessages */
// templates/javascript/variables.twig
/* global openGISEditor, gisEditorLoaded, loadJSAndGISEditor, loadGISEditor */
// js/gis_data_editor.js
* Modify form controls when the "NULL" checkbox is checked
* @param {string} theType the MySQL field type
* @param {string} urlField the urlencoded field name - OBSOLETE
* @param {string} md5Field the md5 hashed field name
* @param {string} multiEdit the multi_edit row sequence number
* @return {boolean} always true
function nullify(theType, urlField, md5Field, multiEdit) {
var rowForm = document.forms.insertForm;
if (typeof rowForm.elements['funcs' + multiEdit + '[' + md5Field + ']'] !== 'undefined') {
rowForm.elements['funcs' + multiEdit + '[' + md5Field + ']'].selectedIndex = -1;
} // "ENUM" field with more than 20 characters
if (Number(theType) === 1) {
rowForm.elements['fields' + multiEdit + '[' + md5Field + ']'][1].selectedIndex = -1; // Other "ENUM" field
} else if (Number(theType) === 2) {
var elts = rowForm.elements['fields' + multiEdit + '[' + md5Field + ']']; // when there is just one option in ENUM:
if (elts.checked) {
elts.checked = false;
} else {
var eltsCnt = elts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < eltsCnt; i++) {
elts[i].checked = false;
} // end for
} // end if
// "SET" field
} else if (Number(theType) === 3) {
rowForm.elements['fields' + multiEdit + '[' + md5Field + '][]'].selectedIndex = -1; // Foreign key field (drop-down)
} else if (Number(theType) === 4) {
rowForm.elements['fields' + multiEdit + '[' + md5Field + ']'].selectedIndex = -1; // foreign key field (with browsing icon for foreign values)
} else if (Number(theType) === 6) {
rowForm.elements['fields' + multiEdit + '[' + md5Field + ']'].value = ''; // Other field types
} else
/* if (theType === 5)*/
rowForm.elements['fields' + multiEdit + '[' + md5Field + ']'].value = '';
} // end if... else if... else
return true;
} // end of the 'nullify()' function
* javascript DateTime format validation.
* its used to prevent adding default (0000-00-00 00:00:00) to database when user enter wrong values
* Start of validation part
// function checks the number of days in febuary
function daysInFebruary(year) {
return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0) ? 29 : 28;
} // function to convert single digit to double digit
function fractionReplace(number) {
var num = parseInt(number, 10);
return num >= 1 && num <= 9 ? '0' + num : '00';
/* function to check the validity of date
* The following patterns are accepted in this validation (accepted in mysql as well)
* 1) 2001-12-23
* 2) 2001-1-2
* 3) 02-12-23
* 4) And instead of using '-' the following punctuations can be used (+,.,*,^,@,/) All these are accepted by mysql as well. Therefore no issues
function isDate(val, tmstmp) {
var value = val.replace(/[.|*|^|+|//|@]/g, '-');
var arrayVal = value.split('-');
for (var a = 0; a < arrayVal.length; a++) {
if (arrayVal[a].length === 1) {
arrayVal[a] = fractionReplace(arrayVal[a]);
value = arrayVal.join('-');
var pos = 2;
var dtexp = new RegExp(/^([0-9]{4})-(((01|03|05|07|08|10|12)-((0[0-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1])))|((02|04|06|09|11)-((0[0-9])|([1-2][0-9])|30))|((00)-(00)))$/);
if (value.length === 8) {
pos = 0;
if (dtexp.test(value)) {
var month = parseInt(value.substring(pos + 3, pos + 5), 10);
var day = parseInt(value.substring(pos + 6, pos + 8), 10);
var year = parseInt(value.substring(0, pos + 2), 10);
if (month === 2 && day > daysInFebruary(year)) {
return false;
if (value.substring(0, pos + 2).length === 2) {
year = parseInt('20' + value.substring(0, pos + 2), 10);
if (tmstmp === true) {
if (year < 1978) {
return false;
if (year > 2038 || year > 2037 && day > 19 && month >= 1 || year > 2037 && month > 1) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
/* function to check the validity of time
* The following patterns are accepted in this validation (accepted in mysql as well)
* 1) 2:3:4
* 2) 2:23:43
* 3) 2:23:43.123456
function isTime(val) {
var arrayVal = val.split(':');
for (var a = 0, l = arrayVal.length; a < l; a++) {
if (arrayVal[a].length === 1) {
arrayVal[a] = fractionReplace(arrayVal[a]);
var newVal = arrayVal.join(':');
var tmexp = new RegExp(/^(-)?(([0-7]?[0-9][0-9])|(8[0-2][0-9])|(83[0-8])):((0[0-9])|([1-5][0-9])):((0[0-9])|([1-5][0-9]))(\.[0-9]{1,6}){0,1}$/);
return tmexp.test(newVal);
* To check whether insert section is ignored or not
* @param {string} multiEdit
* @return {boolean}
function checkForCheckbox(multiEdit) {
if ($('#insert_ignore_' + multiEdit).length) {
return $('#insert_ignore_' + multiEdit).is(':unchecked');
return true;
} // used in Search page mostly for INT fields
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function verifyAfterSearchFieldChange(index, searchFormId) {
var $thisInput = $('input[name=\'criteriaValues[' + index + ']\']'); // Add data-skip-validators attribute to skip validation in changeValueFieldType function
if ($('#fieldID_' + index).data('data-skip-validators')) {
} // validation for integer type
if ($thisInput.data('type') === 'INT' || $thisInput.data('type') === 'TINYINT') {
// Trim spaces if it's an integer
var hasMultiple = $thisInput.prop('multiple');
if (hasMultiple) {
// update errors as we write
onkeyup: function (element) {
}); // validator method for IN(...), NOT IN(...)
jQuery.validator.addMethod('validationFunctionForMultipleInt', function (value) {
return value.match(/^(?:(?:\d\s*)|\s*)+(?:,\s*\d+)*$/i) !== null;
}, Messages.strEnterValidNumber);
validateMultipleIntField($thisInput, true);
} else {
// update errors as we write
onkeyup: function (element) {
validateIntField($thisInput, true);
} // Update error on dropdown change
* Validate the an input contains multiple int values
* @param {jQuery} jqueryInput the Jquery object
* @param {boolean} returnValueIfFine the value to return if the validator passes
* @return {void}
function validateMultipleIntField(jqueryInput, returnValueIfFine) {
// removing previous rules
jqueryInput.rules('add', {
validationFunctionForMultipleInt: {
param: jqueryInput.value,
depends: function () {
return returnValueIfFine;
* Validate the an input contains an int value
* @param {jQuery} jqueryInput the Jquery object
* @param {boolean} returnValueIfIsNumber the value to return if the validator passes
* @return {void}
function validateIntField(jqueryInput, returnValueIfIsNumber) {
var mini = parseInt(jqueryInput.data('min'));
var maxi = parseInt(jqueryInput.data('max')); // removing previous rules
jqueryInput.rules('add', {
number: {
param: true,
depends: function () {
return returnValueIfIsNumber;
min: {
param: mini,
depends: function () {
if (isNaN(jqueryInput.val())) {
return false;
} else {
return returnValueIfIsNumber;
max: {
param: maxi,
depends: function () {
if (isNaN(jqueryInput.val())) {
return false;
} else {
return returnValueIfIsNumber;
function verificationsAfterFieldChange(urlField, multiEdit, theType) {
var evt = window.event || arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0];
var target = evt.target || evt.srcElement;
var $thisInput = $(':input[name^=\'fields[multi_edit][' + multiEdit + '][' + urlField + ']\']'); // the function drop-down that corresponds to this input field
var $thisFunction = $('select[name=\'funcs[multi_edit][' + multiEdit + '][' + urlField + ']\']');
var functionSelected = false;
if (typeof $thisFunction.val() !== 'undefined' && $thisFunction.val() !== null && $thisFunction.val().length > 0) {
functionSelected = true;
} // To generate the textbox that can take the salt
var newSaltBox = '
'; // If encrypting or decrypting functions that take salt as input is selected append the new textbox for salt
if (target.value === 'AES_ENCRYPT' || target.value === 'AES_DECRYPT' || target.value === 'DES_ENCRYPT' || target.value === 'DES_DECRYPT' || target.value === 'ENCRYPT') {
if (!$('#salt_' + target.id).length) {
} else {
// Remove the textbox for salt
$('#salt_' + target.id).prev('br').remove();
$('#salt_' + target.id).remove();
} // Remove possible blocking rules if the user changed functions
$('#' + target.id).rules('remove', 'validationFunctionForMd5');
$('#' + target.id).rules('remove', 'validationFunctionForAesDesEncrypt');
if (target.value === 'MD5') {
$('#' + target.id).rules('add', {
validationFunctionForMd5: {
param: $thisInput,
depends: function () {
return checkForCheckbox(multiEdit);
if (target.value === 'DES_ENCRYPT' || target.value === 'AES_ENCRYPT') {
$('#' + target.id).rules('add', {
validationFunctionForAesDesEncrypt: {
param: $thisInput,
depends: function () {
return checkForCheckbox(multiEdit);
if (target.value === 'HEX' && theType.substring(0, 3) === 'int') {
// Add note when HEX function is selected on a int
var newHexInfo = '
' + Messages.HexConversionInfo + '
'; if (!$('#note' + target.id).length) { $thisInput.after(newHexInfo); } } else { $('#note' + target.id).prev('br').remove(); $('#note' + target.id).remove(); } // Unchecks the corresponding "NULL" control $('input[name=\'fields_null[multi_edit][' + multiEdit + '][' + urlField + ']\']').prop('checked', false); // Unchecks the Ignore checkbox for the current row $('input[name=\'insert_ignore_' + multiEdit + '\']').prop('checked', false); var charExceptionHandling; if (theType.substring(0, 4) === 'char') { charExceptionHandling = theType.substring(5, 6); } else if (theType.substring(0, 7) === 'varchar') { charExceptionHandling = theType.substring(8, 9); } if (functionSelected) { $thisInput.removeAttr('min'); $thisInput.removeAttr('max'); // @todo: put back attributes if corresponding function is deselected } if ($thisInput.data('rulesadded') === null && !functionSelected) { // call validate before adding rules $($thisInput[0].form).validate(); // validate for date time if (theType === 'datetime' || theType === 'time' || theType === 'date' || theType === 'timestamp') { $thisInput.rules('add', { validationFunctionForDateTime: { param: theType, depends: function () { return checkForCheckbox(multiEdit); } } }); } // validation for integer type if ($thisInput.data('type') === 'INT') { validateIntField($thisInput, checkForCheckbox(multiEdit)); // validation for CHAR types } else if ($thisInput.data('type') === 'CHAR') { var maxlen = $thisInput.data('maxlength'); if (typeof maxlen !== 'undefined') { if (maxlen <= 4) { maxlen = charExceptionHandling; } $thisInput.rules('add', { maxlength: { param: maxlen, depends: function () { return checkForCheckbox(multiEdit); } } }); } // validate binary & blob types } else if ($thisInput.data('type') === 'HEX') { $thisInput.rules('add', { validationFunctionForHex: { param: true, depends: function () { return checkForCheckbox(multiEdit); } } }); } $thisInput.data('rulesadded', true); } else if ($thisInput.data('rulesadded') === true && functionSelected) { // remove any rules added $thisInput.rules('remove'); // remove any error messages $thisInput.removeClass('error').removeAttr('aria-invalid').siblings('.error').remove(); $thisInput.data('rulesadded', null); } } /* End of fields validation*/ /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('table/change.js', function () { $(document).off('click', 'span.open_gis_editor'); $(document).off('click', 'input[name^=\'insert_ignore_\']'); $(document).off('click', 'input[name=\'gis_data[save]\']'); $(document).off('click', 'input.checkbox_null'); $('select[name="submit_type"]').off('change'); $(document).off('change', '#insert_rows'); }); /** * Ajax handlers for Change Table page * * Actions Ajaxified here: * Submit Data to be inserted into the table. * Restart insertion with 'N' rows. */ AJAX.registerOnload('table/change.js', function () { if ($('#insertForm').length) { // validate the comment form when it is submitted $('#insertForm').validate(); jQuery.validator.addMethod('validationFunctionForHex', function (value) { return value.match(/^[a-f0-9]*$/i) !== null; }); jQuery.validator.addMethod('validationFunctionForMd5', function (value, element, options) { return !(value.substring(0, 3) === 'MD5' && typeof options.data('maxlength') !== 'undefined' && options.data('maxlength') < 32); }); jQuery.validator.addMethod('validationFunctionForAesDesEncrypt', function (value, element, options) { var funType = value.substring(0, 3); if (funType !== 'AES' && funType !== 'DES') { return false; } var dataType = options.data('type'); if (dataType === 'HEX' || dataType === 'CHAR') { return true; } return false; }); jQuery.validator.addMethod('validationFunctionForDateTime', function (value, element, options) { var dtValue = value; var theType = options; if (theType === 'date') { return isDate(dtValue); } else if (theType === 'time') { return isTime(dtValue); } else if (theType === 'datetime' || theType === 'timestamp') { var tmstmp = false; dtValue = dtValue.trim(); if (dtValue === 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' || dtValue === 'current_timestamp()') { return true; } if (theType === 'timestamp') { tmstmp = true; } if (dtValue === '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { return true; } var dv = dtValue.indexOf(' '); if (dv === -1) { // Only the date component, which is valid return isDate(dtValue, tmstmp); } return isDate(dtValue.substring(0, dv), tmstmp) && isTime(dtValue.substring(dv + 1)); } }); } /* * message extending script must be run * after initiation of functions */ extendingValidatorMessages(); $.datepicker.initialized = false; $(document).on('click', 'span.open_gis_editor', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var $span = $(this); // Current value var value = $span.parent('td').children('input[type=\'text\']').val(); // Field name var field = $span.parents('tr').children('td').first().find('input[type=\'hidden\']').val(); // Column type var type = $span.parents('tr').find('span.column_type').text(); // Names of input field and null checkbox var inputName = $span.parent('td').children('input[type=\'text\']').attr('name'); openGISEditor(); if (!gisEditorLoaded) { loadJSAndGISEditor(value, field, type, inputName); } else { loadGISEditor(value, field, type, inputName); } }); /** * Forced validation check of fields */ $(document).on('click', 'input[name^=\'insert_ignore_\']', function () { $('#insertForm').valid(); }); /** * Uncheck the null checkbox as geometry data is placed on the input field */ $(document).on('click', 'input[name=\'gis_data[save]\']', function () { var inputName = $('form#gis_data_editor_form').find('input[name=\'input_name\']').val(); var currentRow = $('input[name=\'' + inputName + '\']').parents('tr'); var $nullCheckbox = currentRow.find('.checkbox_null'); $nullCheckbox.prop('checked', false); var rowId = currentRow.find('.open_gis_editor').data('row-id'); // Unchecks the Ignore checkbox for the current row $('input[name=\'insert_ignore_' + rowId + '\']').prop('checked', false); }); /** * Handles all current checkboxes for Null; this only takes care of the * checkboxes on currently displayed rows as the rows generated by * "Continue insertion" are handled in the "Continue insertion" code * */ $(document).on('click', 'input.checkbox_null', function () { nullify( // use hidden fields populated by /table/change $(this).siblings('.nullify_code').val(), $(this).closest('tr').find('input:hidden').first().val(), $(this).siblings('.hashed_field').val(), $(this).siblings('.multi_edit').val()); }); /** * Reset the auto_increment column to 0 when selecting any of the * insert options in submit_type-dropdown. Only perform the reset * when we are in edit-mode, and not in insert-mode(no previous value * available). */ $('select[name="submit_type"]').on('change', function () { var thisElemSubmitTypeVal = $(this).val(); var $table = $('table.insertRowTable'); var autoIncrementColumn = $table.find('input[name^="auto_increment"]'); autoIncrementColumn.each(function () { var $thisElemAIField = $(this); var thisElemName = $thisElemAIField.attr('name'); var prevValueField = $table.find('input[name="' + thisElemName.replace('auto_increment', 'fields_prev') + '"]'); var valueField = $table.find('input[name="' + thisElemName.replace('auto_increment', 'fields') + '"]'); var previousValue = $(prevValueField).val(); if (previousValue !== undefined) { if (thisElemSubmitTypeVal === 'insert' || thisElemSubmitTypeVal === 'insertignore' || thisElemSubmitTypeVal === 'showinsert') { $(valueField).val(null); } else { $(valueField).val(previousValue); } } }); }); /** * Handle ENTER key when press on Continue insert with field */ $('#insert_rows').on('keypress', function (e) { var key = e.which; if (key === 13) { addNewContinueInsertionFields(e); } }); /** * Continue Insertion form */ $(document).on('change', '#insert_rows', addNewContinueInsertionFields); }); function addNewContinueInsertionFields(event) { event.preventDefault(); /** * @var columnCount Number of number of columns table has. */ var columnCount = $('table.insertRowTable').first().find('tr').has('input[name*=\'fields_name\']').length; /** * @var curr_rows Number of current insert rows already on page */ var currRows = $('table.insertRowTable').length; /** * @var target_rows Number of rows the user wants */ var targetRows = $('#insert_rows').val(); // remove all datepickers $('input.datefield, input.datetimefield').each(function () { $(this).datepicker('destroy'); }); if (currRows < targetRows) { var tempIncrementIndex = function () { var $thisElement = $(this); /** * Extract the index from the name attribute for all input/select fields and increment it * name is of format funcs[multi_edit][10][