{# JSON encode the data(query result) #}
{% if zoom_submit and data is not empty %}
{% endif %}
{# Displays rows in point edit form #}
{% trans 'Column' %} |
{% trans 'Null' %} |
{% trans 'Value' %} |
{% for column_index in 0..column_names|length - 1 %}
{% set field_popup = column_names[column_index] %}
{% set foreign_data = get_foreign_data(foreigners, field_popup, false, '', '') %}
{{ column_names[column_index] }} |
{# Null checkbox if column can be null #}
{% if column_null_flags[column_index] == 'YES' %}
{% endif %}
{# Column's Input box #}
{% include 'table/search/input_box.twig' with {
'str': '',
'column_type': column_types[column_index],
'column_id': column_types[column_index] ? 'edit_fieldID_' : 'fieldID_',
'in_zoom_search_edit': true,
'foreigners': foreigners,
'column_name': field_popup,
'column_name_hash': column_name_hashes[field_popup],
'foreign_data': foreign_data,
'table': table,
'column_index': column_index,
'foreign_max_limit': foreign_max_limit,
'criteria_values': '',
'db': db,
'in_fbs': false
} only %}
{% endfor %}