{# Tracked tables exists#} {% if head_version_exists %}

{% trans 'Tracked tables' %}

{{ get_hidden_inputs(db) }} {% for version in versions %} {% endfor %}
{% trans 'Table' %} {% trans 'Last version' %} {% trans 'Created' %} {% trans 'Updated' %} {% trans 'Status' %} {% trans 'Action' %} {% trans 'Show' %}
{{ version.version }} {{ version.date_created }} {{ version.date_updated }}
{{- url('/table/tracking', { 'db': version.db_name, 'table': version.table_name, 'version': version.version, 'toggle_activation': 'activate_now', }) -}}
{% trans 'active' %}
{{- url('/table/tracking', { 'db': version.db_name, 'table': version.table_name, 'version': version.version, 'toggle_activation': 'deactivate_now', }) -}}
{% trans 'not active' %}
{{ text_dir }}
{{ get_icon('b_drop', 'Delete tracking'|trans) }} {{ get_icon('b_versions', 'Versions'|trans) }} {{ get_icon('b_report', 'Tracking report'|trans) }} {{ get_icon('b_props', 'Structure snapshot'|trans) }}
{% include 'select_all.twig' with { 'text_dir': text_dir, 'form_name': 'trackedForm' } only %}
{% endif %} {% if untracked_tables_exists %}

{% trans 'Untracked tables' %}

{{ get_hidden_inputs(db) }} {% for table_name in untracked_tables %} {% if get_tracker_version(db, table_name) == -1 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% trans 'Table' %} {% trans 'Action' %}
{{ get_icon('eye', 'Track table'|trans) }}
{% include 'select_all.twig' with { 'text_dir': text_dir, 'form_name': 'untrackedForm' } only %}
{% endif %}