[ 1 => [ 'port' => 'integer', 'auth_type' => [ 'config', 'http', 'signon', 'cookie', ], 'AllowDeny' => [ 'order' => [ '', 'deny,allow', 'allow,deny', 'explicit', ], ], 'only_db' => 'array', ], ], 'RecodingEngine' => [ 'auto', 'iconv', 'recode', 'mb', 'none', ], 'OBGzip' => [ 'auto', true, false, ], 'MemoryLimit' => 'short_string', 'NavigationLogoLinkWindow' => [ 'main', 'new', ], 'NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable' => [ // fields list 'structure' => __('Structure'), // SQL form 'sql' => __('SQL'), // search page 'search' => __('Search'), // insert row page 'insert' => __('Insert'), // browse page 'browse' => __('Browse'), ], 'NavigationTreeDefaultTabTable2' => [ //don't display '' => '', // fields list 'structure' => __('Structure'), // SQL form 'sql' => __('SQL'), // search page 'search' => __('Search'), // insert row page 'insert' => __('Insert'), // browse page 'browse' => __('Browse'), ], 'NavigationTreeDbSeparator' => 'short_string', 'NavigationTreeTableSeparator' => 'short_string', 'NavigationWidth' => 'integer', 'TableNavigationLinksMode' => [ 'icons' => __('Icons'), 'text' => __('Text'), 'both' => __('Both'), ], 'MaxRows' => [ 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, ], 'Order' => [ 'ASC', 'DESC', 'SMART', ], 'RowActionLinks' => [ 'none' => __('Nowhere'), 'left' => __('Left'), 'right' => __('Right'), 'both' => __('Both'), ], 'TablePrimaryKeyOrder' => [ 'NONE' => __('None'), 'ASC' => __('Ascending'), 'DESC' => __('Descending'), ], 'ProtectBinary' => [ false, 'blob', 'noblob', 'all', ], 'CharEditing' => [ 'input', 'textarea', ], 'TabsMode' => [ 'icons' => __('Icons'), 'text' => __('Text'), 'both' => __('Both'), ], 'PDFDefaultPageSize' => [ 'A3' => 'A3', 'A4' => 'A4', 'A5' => 'A5', 'letter' => 'letter', 'legal' => 'legal', ], 'ActionLinksMode' => [ 'icons' => __('Icons'), 'text' => __('Text'), 'both' => __('Both'), ], 'GridEditing' => [ 'click' => __('Click'), 'double-click' => __('Double click'), 'disabled' => __('Disabled'), ], 'RelationalDisplay' => [ 'K' => __('key'), 'D' => __('display column'), ], 'DefaultTabServer' => [ // the welcome page (recommended for multiuser setups) 'welcome' => __('Welcome'), // list of databases 'databases' => __('Databases'), // runtime information 'status' => __('Status'), // MySQL server variables 'variables' => __('Variables'), // user management 'privileges' => __('Privileges'), ], 'DefaultTabDatabase' => [ // tables list 'structure' => __('Structure'), // SQL form 'sql' => __('SQL'), // search query 'search' => __('Search'), // operations on database 'operations' => __('Operations'), ], 'DefaultTabTable' => [ // fields list 'structure' => __('Structure'), // SQL form 'sql' => __('SQL'), // search page 'search' => __('Search'), // insert row page 'insert' => __('Insert'), // browse page 'browse' => __('Browse'), ], 'InitialSlidersState' => [ 'open' => __('Open'), 'closed' => __('Closed'), 'disabled' => __('Disabled'), ], 'FirstDayOfCalendar' => [ '1' => __('Monday'), '2' => __('Tuesday'), '3' => __('Wednesday'), '4' => __('Thursday'), '5' => __('Friday'), '6' => __('Saturday'), '7' => __('Sunday'), ], 'SendErrorReports' => [ 'ask' => __('Ask before sending error reports'), 'always' => __('Always send error reports'), 'never' => __('Never send error reports'), ], 'DefaultForeignKeyChecks' => [ 'default' => __('Server default'), 'enable' => __('Enable'), 'disable' => __('Disable'), ], 'Import' => [ 'format' => [ // CSV 'csv', // DocSQL 'docsql', // CSV using LOAD DATA 'ldi', // SQL 'sql', ], 'charset' => array_merge( [''], $GLOBALS['cfg']['AvailableCharsets'] ), 'sql_compatibility' => [ 'NONE', 'ANSI', 'DB2', 'MAXDB', 'MYSQL323', 'MYSQL40', 'MSSQL', 'ORACLE', // removed; in MySQL 5.0.33, this produces exports that // can't be read by POSTGRESQL (see our bug #1596328) //'POSTGRESQL', 'TRADITIONAL', ], 'csv_terminated' => 'short_string', 'csv_enclosed' => 'short_string', 'csv_escaped' => 'short_string', 'ldi_terminated' => 'short_string', 'ldi_enclosed' => 'short_string', 'ldi_escaped' => 'short_string', 'ldi_local_option' => [ 'auto', true, false, ], ], 'Export' => [ '_sod_select' => [ 'structure' => __('structure'), 'data' => __('data'), 'structure_and_data' => __('structure and data'), ], 'method' => [ 'quick' => __('Quick - display only the minimal options to configure'), 'custom' => __('Custom - display all possible options to configure'), 'custom-no-form' => __('Custom - like above, but without the quick/custom choice'), ], 'format' => [ 'codegen', 'csv', 'excel', 'htmlexcel', 'htmlword', 'latex', 'ods', 'odt', 'pdf', 'sql', 'texytext', 'xml', 'yaml', ], 'compression' => [ 'none', 'zip', 'gzip', ], 'charset' => array_merge( [''], $GLOBALS['cfg']['AvailableCharsets'] ), 'sql_compatibility' => [ 'NONE', 'ANSI', 'DB2', 'MAXDB', 'MYSQL323', 'MYSQL40', 'MSSQL', 'ORACLE', // removed; in MySQL 5.0.33, this produces exports that // can't be read by POSTGRESQL (see our bug #1596328) //'POSTGRESQL', 'TRADITIONAL', ], 'codegen_format' => [ '#', 'NHibernate C# DO', 'NHibernate XML', ], 'csv_separator' => 'short_string', 'csv_terminated' => 'short_string', 'csv_enclosed' => 'short_string', 'csv_escaped' => 'short_string', 'csv_null' => 'short_string', 'excel_null' => 'short_string', 'excel_edition' => [ 'win' => 'Windows', 'mac_excel2003' => 'Excel 2003 / Macintosh', 'mac_excel2008' => 'Excel 2008 / Macintosh', ], 'sql_structure_or_data' => [ 'structure' => __('structure'), 'data' => __('data'), 'structure_and_data' => __('structure and data'), ], 'sql_type' => [ 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'REPLACE', ], 'sql_insert_syntax' => [ 'complete' => __('complete inserts'), 'extended' => __('extended inserts'), 'both' => __('both of the above'), 'none' => __('neither of the above'), ], 'htmlword_structure_or_data' => [ 'structure' => __('structure'), 'data' => __('data'), 'structure_and_data' => __('structure and data'), ], 'htmlword_null' => 'short_string', 'ods_null' => 'short_string', 'odt_null' => 'short_string', 'odt_structure_or_data' => [ 'structure' => __('structure'), 'data' => __('data'), 'structure_and_data' => __('structure and data'), ], 'texytext_structure_or_data' => [ 'structure' => __('structure'), 'data' => __('data'), 'structure_and_data' => __('structure and data'), ], 'texytext_null' => 'short_string', ], 'Console' => [ 'Mode' => [ 'info', 'show', 'collapse', ], 'OrderBy' => [ 'exec', 'time', 'count', ], 'Order' => [ 'asc', 'desc', ], ], /** * Default values overrides * Use only full paths */ '_overrides' => [], /** * Basic validator assignments (functions from libraries/config/Validator.php * and 'validators' object in js/config.js) * Use only full paths and form ids */ '_validators' => [ 'Console/Height' => 'validateNonNegativeNumber', 'CharTextareaCols' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'CharTextareaRows' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'ExecTimeLimit' => 'validateNonNegativeNumber', 'Export/sql_max_query_size' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'FirstLevelNavigationItems' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'ForeignKeyMaxLimit' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'Import/csv_enclosed' => [ [ 'validateByRegex', '/^.?$/', ], ], 'Import/csv_escaped' => [ [ 'validateByRegex', '/^.$/', ], ], 'Import/csv_terminated' => [ [ 'validateByRegex', '/^.$/', ], ], 'Import/ldi_enclosed' => [ [ 'validateByRegex', '/^.?$/', ], ], 'Import/ldi_escaped' => [ [ 'validateByRegex', '/^.$/', ], ], 'Import/ldi_terminated' => [ [ 'validateByRegex', '/^.$/', ], ], 'Import/skip_queries' => 'validateNonNegativeNumber', 'InsertRows' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'NumRecentTables' => 'validateNonNegativeNumber', 'NumFavoriteTables' => 'validateNonNegativeNumber', 'LimitChars' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'LoginCookieValidity' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'LoginCookieStore' => 'validateNonNegativeNumber', 'MaxDbList' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'MaxNavigationItems' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'MaxRows' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'MaxSizeForInputField' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'MinSizeForInputField' => 'validateNonNegativeNumber', 'MaxTableList' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'MemoryLimit' => [ [ 'validateByRegex', '/^(-1|(\d+(?:[kmg])?))$/i', ], ], 'NavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'NavigationTreeTableLevel' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'NavigationWidth' => 'validateNonNegativeNumber', 'QueryHistoryMax' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'RepeatCells' => 'validateNonNegativeNumber', 'Server' => 'validateServer', 'Server_pmadb' => 'validatePMAStorage', 'Servers/1/port' => 'validatePortNumber', 'Servers/1/hide_db' => 'validateRegex', 'TextareaCols' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'TextareaRows' => 'validatePositiveNumber', 'TrustedProxies' => 'validateTrustedProxies', ], /** * Additional validators used for user preferences */ '_userValidators' => [ 'MaxDbList' => [ [ 'validateUpperBound', 'value:MaxDbList', ], ], 'MaxTableList' => [ [ 'validateUpperBound', 'value:MaxTableList', ], ], 'QueryHistoryMax' => [ [ 'validateUpperBound', 'value:QueryHistoryMax', ], ], ], ];