available themes */ public $themes = []; /** @var string cookie name */ public $cookieName = 'pma_theme'; /** @var bool */ public $perServer = false; /** @var string name of active theme */ public $activeTheme = ''; /** @var Theme Theme active theme */ public $theme = null; /** @var string */ public $themeDefault; /** * @const string The name of the fallback theme */ public const FALLBACK_THEME = 'pmahomme'; public function __construct() { $this->themes = []; $this->themeDefault = self::FALLBACK_THEME; $this->activeTheme = ''; $this->themesPath = self::getThemesFsDir(); $this->themesPathUrl = self::getThemesDir(); $this->setThemePerServer($GLOBALS['cfg']['ThemePerServer']); $this->loadThemes(); $this->theme = new Theme(); $configThemeExists = true; if (! $this->checkTheme($GLOBALS['cfg']['ThemeDefault'])) { trigger_error( sprintf( __('Default theme %s not found!'), htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['cfg']['ThemeDefault']) ), E_USER_ERROR ); $configThemeExists = false; } else { $this->themeDefault = $GLOBALS['cfg']['ThemeDefault']; } // check if user have a theme cookie $cookieTheme = $this->getThemeCookie(); if ($cookieTheme && $this->setActiveTheme($cookieTheme)) { return; } if ($configThemeExists) { // otherwise use default theme $this->setActiveTheme($this->themeDefault); } else { // or fallback theme $this->setActiveTheme(self::FALLBACK_THEME); } } /** * Returns the singleton ThemeManager object * * @return ThemeManager The instance */ public static function getInstance(): ThemeManager { if (empty(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new ThemeManager(); } return self::$instance; } /** * sets if there are different themes per server * * @param bool $perServer Whether to enable per server flag */ public function setThemePerServer($perServer): void { $this->perServer = (bool) $perServer; } /** * Sets active theme * * @param string|null $theme theme name */ public function setActiveTheme(?string $theme): bool { if (! $this->checkTheme($theme)) { trigger_error( sprintf( __('Theme %s not found!'), htmlspecialchars((string) $theme) ), E_USER_ERROR ); return false; } $this->activeTheme = $theme; $this->theme = $this->themes[$theme]; // need to set later //$this->setThemeCookie(); return true; } /** * Returns name for storing theme * * @return string cookie name */ public function getThemeCookieName() { // Allow different theme per server if (isset($GLOBALS['server']) && $this->perServer) { return $this->cookieName . '-' . $GLOBALS['server']; } return $this->cookieName; } /** * returns name of theme stored in the cookie * * @return string|false theme name from cookie or false */ public function getThemeCookie() { global $config; $name = $this->getThemeCookieName(); if ($config->issetCookie($name)) { return $config->getCookie($name); } return false; } /** * save theme in cookie * * @return true */ public function setThemeCookie(): bool { $themeId = $this->theme !== null ? (string) $this->theme->id : ''; $GLOBALS['config']->setCookie( $this->getThemeCookieName(), $themeId, $this->themeDefault ); // force a change of a dummy session variable to avoid problems // with the caching of phpmyadmin.css.php $GLOBALS['config']->set('theme-update', $themeId); return true; } public function loadThemes(): void { $this->themes = []; $dirHandle = opendir($this->themesPath); if ($dirHandle === false) { trigger_error('Error: cannot open themes folder: ./themes', E_USER_WARNING); return; } while (($dir = readdir($dirHandle)) !== false) { if ($dir === '.' || $dir === '..' || ! @is_dir($this->themesPath . $dir)) { continue; } if (array_key_exists($dir, $this->themes)) { continue; } $newTheme = Theme::load($this->themesPathUrl . $dir, $this->themesPath . $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $dir); if (! $newTheme instanceof Theme) { continue; } $this->themes[$dir] = $newTheme; } closedir($dirHandle); ksort($this->themes); } /** * checks if given theme name is a known theme * * @param string|null $theme name fo theme to check for */ public function checkTheme(?string $theme): bool { return array_key_exists($theme ?? '', $this->themes); } public function getThemesArray(): array { $themes = []; foreach ($this->themes as $theme) { $themes[] = [ 'id' => $theme->getId(), 'name' => $theme->getName(), 'version' => $theme->getVersion(), 'is_active' => $theme->getId() === $this->activeTheme, ]; } return $themes; } public static function initializeTheme(): ?Theme { $themeManager = self::getInstance(); return $themeManager->theme; } /** * Return the themes directory with a trailing slash */ public static function getThemesFsDir(): string { return ROOT_PATH . 'themes' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } /** * Return the themes directory with a trailing slash as a relative public path */ public static function getThemesDir(): string { return './themes/';// This is an URL } }