dbi = $dbi; $this->name = $tableName; $this->dbName = $dbName; $this->relation = new Relation($this->dbi); } /** * returns table name * * @see Table::getName() */ public function __toString(): string { return $this->getName(); } /** * Table getter * * @param string $tableName table name * @param string $dbName database name * @param DatabaseInterface|null $dbi database interface for the table * * @return Table */ public static function get($tableName, $dbName, ?DatabaseInterface $dbi = null) { return new Table($tableName, $dbName, $dbi); } /** * return the last error * * @return string the last error */ public function getLastError() { return end($this->errors); } /** * return the last message * * @return string the last message */ public function getLastMessage() { return end($this->messages); } /** * returns table name * * @param bool $backquoted whether to quote name with backticks `` * * @return string table name */ public function getName($backquoted = false) { if ($backquoted) { return Util::backquote($this->name); } return $this->name; } /** * returns database name for this table * * @param bool $backquoted whether to quote name with backticks `` * * @return string database name for this table */ public function getDbName($backquoted = false) { if ($backquoted) { return Util::backquote($this->dbName); } return $this->dbName; } /** * returns full name for table, including database name * * @param bool $backquoted whether to quote name with backticks `` * * @return string */ public function getFullName($backquoted = false) { return $this->getDbName($backquoted) . '.' . $this->getName($backquoted); } /** * Checks the storage engine used to create table * * @param array|string $engine Checks the table engine against an * array of engine strings or a single string, should be uppercase */ public function isEngine($engine): bool { $tableStorageEngine = $this->getStorageEngine(); if (is_array($engine)) { foreach ($engine as $e) { if ($e == $tableStorageEngine) { return true; } } return false; } return $tableStorageEngine == $engine; } /** * returns whether the table is actually a view */ public function isView(): bool { $db = $this->dbName; $table = $this->name; if (empty($db) || empty($table)) { return false; } // use cached data or load information with SHOW command if ( $this->dbi->getCache()->getCachedTableContent([$db, $table]) != null || $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS'] ) { $type = $this->getStatusInfo('TABLE_TYPE'); return $type === 'VIEW' || $type === 'SYSTEM VIEW'; } // information_schema tables are 'SYSTEM VIEW's if ($db === 'information_schema') { return true; } // query information_schema $result = $this->dbi->fetchResult( 'SELECT TABLE_NAME' . ' FROM information_schema.VIEWS' . ' WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString((string) $db) . '\'' . ' AND TABLE_NAME = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString((string) $table) . '\'' ); return (bool) $result; } /** * Returns whether the table is actually an updatable view */ public function isUpdatableView(): bool { if (empty($this->dbName) || empty($this->name)) { return false; } $result = $this->dbi->fetchResult( 'SELECT TABLE_NAME' . ' FROM information_schema.VIEWS' . ' WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->dbName) . '\'' . ' AND TABLE_NAME = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->name) . '\'' . ' AND IS_UPDATABLE = \'YES\'' ); return (bool) $result; } /** * Checks if this is a merge table * * If the ENGINE of the table is MERGE or MRG_MYISAM (alias), * this is a merge table. */ public function isMerge(): bool { return $this->isEngine(['MERGE', 'MRG_MYISAM']); } /** * Returns full table status info, or specific if $info provided * this info is collected from information_schema * * @param string $info specific information to be fetched * @param bool $forceRead read new rather than serving from cache * @param bool $disableError if true, disables error message * * @return mixed * * @todo DatabaseInterface::getTablesFull needs to be merged * somehow into this class or at least better documented */ public function getStatusInfo( $info = null, $forceRead = false, $disableError = false ) { $db = $this->dbName; $table = $this->name; if (! empty($_SESSION['is_multi_query'])) { $disableError = true; } $cachedResult = $this->dbi->getCache()->getCachedTableContent([$db, $table]); // sometimes there is only one entry (ExactRows) so // we have to get the table's details if ($cachedResult === null || $forceRead || count($cachedResult) === 1) { $this->dbi->getTablesFull($db, $table); $cachedResult = $this->dbi->getCache()->getCachedTableContent([$db, $table]); } if ($cachedResult === null) { // happens when we enter the table creation dialog // or when we really did not get any status info, for example // when $table === 'TABLE_NAMES' after the user tried SHOW TABLES return ''; } if ($info === null) { return $cachedResult; } // array_key_exists allows for null values if (! array_key_exists($info, $cachedResult)) { if (! $disableError) { trigger_error( __('Unknown table status:') . ' ' . $info, E_USER_WARNING ); } return false; } return $this->dbi->getCache()->getCachedTableContent([$db, $table, $info]); } /** * Returns the Table storage Engine for current table. * * @return string Return storage engine info if it is set for * the selected table else return blank. */ public function getStorageEngine(): string { $tableStorageEngine = $this->getStatusInfo('ENGINE', false, true); if ($tableStorageEngine === false) { return ''; } return strtoupper((string) $tableStorageEngine); } /** * Returns the comments for current table. * * @return string Return comment info if it is set for the selected table or return blank. */ public function getComment() { $tableComment = $this->getStatusInfo('TABLE_COMMENT', false, true); if ($tableComment === false) { return ''; } return $tableComment; } /** * Returns the collation for current table. * * @return string Return blank if collation is empty else return the collation info from table info. */ public function getCollation() { $tableCollation = $this->getStatusInfo('TABLE_COLLATION', false, true); if ($tableCollation === false) { return ''; } return $tableCollation; } /** * Returns the info about no of rows for current table. * * @return int Return no of rows info if it is not null for the selected table or return 0. */ public function getNumRows() { $tableNumRowInfo = $this->getStatusInfo('TABLE_ROWS', false, true); if ($tableNumRowInfo === false) { $tableNumRowInfo = $this->dbi->getTable($this->dbName, $GLOBALS['showtable']['Name']) ->countRecords(true); } return $tableNumRowInfo ?: 0; } /** * Returns the Row format for current table. * * @return string Return table row format info if it is set for the selected table or return blank. */ public function getRowFormat() { $tableRowFormat = $this->getStatusInfo('ROW_FORMAT', false, true); if ($tableRowFormat === false) { return ''; } return $tableRowFormat; } /** * Returns the auto increment option for current table. * * @return int Return auto increment info if it is set for the selected table or return blank. */ public function getAutoIncrement() { $tableAutoIncrement = $this->getStatusInfo('AUTO_INCREMENT', false, true); return $tableAutoIncrement ?? ''; } /** * Returns the array for CREATE statement for current table. * * @return array Return options array info if it is set for the selected table or return blank. */ public function getCreateOptions() { $tableOptions = $this->getStatusInfo('CREATE_OPTIONS', false, true); $createOptionsTmp = empty($tableOptions) ? [] : explode(' ', $tableOptions); $createOptions = []; // export create options by its name as variables into global namespace // f.e. pack_keys=1 becomes available as $pack_keys with value of '1' // unset($pack_keys); foreach ($createOptionsTmp as $eachCreateOption) { $eachCreateOption = explode('=', $eachCreateOption); if (! isset($eachCreateOption[1])) { continue; } // ensure there is no ambiguity for PHP 5 and 7 $createOptions[$eachCreateOption[0]] = $eachCreateOption[1]; } // we need explicit DEFAULT value here (different from '0') $hasPackKeys = isset($createOptions['pack_keys']) && strlen($createOptions['pack_keys']) > 0; $createOptions['pack_keys'] = $hasPackKeys ? $createOptions['pack_keys'] : 'DEFAULT'; return $createOptions; } /** * generates column specification for ALTER or CREATE TABLE syntax * * @param string $name name * @param string $type type ('INT', 'VARCHAR', 'BIT', ...) * @param string $length length ('2', '5,2', '', ...) * @param string $attribute attribute * @param string $collation collation * @param bool|string $null with 'NULL' or 'NOT NULL' * @param string $defaultType whether default is CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, * NULL, NONE, USER_DEFINED * @param string $defaultValue default value for USER_DEFINED * default type * @param string $extra 'AUTO_INCREMENT' * @param string $comment field comment * @param string $virtuality virtuality of the column * @param string $expression expression for the virtual column * @param string $moveTo new position for column * @param array $columnsWithIndex Fields having PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY indexes * @param string $oldColumnName Old column name * * @return string field specification * * @todo move into class PMA_Column * @todo on the interface, some js to clear the default value when the * default current_timestamp is checked */ public static function generateFieldSpec( $name, string $type, string $length = '', $attribute = '', $collation = '', $null = false, $defaultType = 'USER_DEFINED', $defaultValue = '', $extra = '', $comment = '', $virtuality = '', $expression = '', $moveTo = '', $columnsWithIndex = null, $oldColumnName = null ) { global $dbi; $strLength = strlen($length); $isTimestamp = mb_stripos($type, 'TIMESTAMP') !== false; $query = Util::backquote($name) . ' ' . $type; // allow the possibility of a length for TIME, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP // (will work on MySQL >= 5.6.4) // // MySQL permits a non-standard syntax for FLOAT and DOUBLE, // see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/floating-point-types.html $pattern = '@^(DATE|TINYBLOB|TINYTEXT|BLOB|TEXT|' . 'MEDIUMBLOB|MEDIUMTEXT|LONGBLOB|LONGTEXT|SERIAL|BOOLEAN|UUID|JSON)$@i'; if ( $strLength !== 0 && ! preg_match($pattern, $type) && Compatibility::isIntegersSupportLength($type, $length, $dbi) ) { // Note: The variable $length here can contain several other things // besides length - ENUM/SET value or length of DECIMAL (eg. 12,3) // so we can't just convert it to integer $query .= '(' . $length . ')'; } if ($attribute != '') { $query .= ' ' . $attribute; if ($isTimestamp && stripos($attribute, 'TIMESTAMP') !== false && $strLength !== 0) { $query .= '(' . $length . ')'; } } // if column is virtual, check if server type is Mysql as only Mysql server // supports extra column properties $isVirtualColMysql = $virtuality && Compatibility::isMySqlOrPerconaDb(); // if column is virtual, check if server type is MariaDB as MariaDB server // supports no extra virtual column properties except CHARACTER SET for text column types $isVirtualColMariaDB = $virtuality && Compatibility::isMariaDb(); $matches = preg_match('@^(TINYTEXT|TEXT|MEDIUMTEXT|LONGTEXT|VARCHAR|CHAR|ENUM|SET)$@i', $type); if (! empty($collation) && $collation !== 'NULL' && $matches) { $query .= Util::getCharsetQueryPart( $isVirtualColMariaDB ? (string) preg_replace('~_.+~s', '', $collation) : $collation, true ); } if ($virtuality) { $query .= ' AS (' . $expression . ') ' . $virtuality; } if (! $virtuality || $isVirtualColMysql) { if ($null !== false) { if ($null === 'YES') { $query .= ' NULL'; } else { $query .= ' NOT NULL'; } } if (! $virtuality) { switch ($defaultType) { case 'USER_DEFINED': if ($isTimestamp && $defaultValue === '0') { // a TIMESTAMP does not accept DEFAULT '0' // but DEFAULT 0 works $query .= ' DEFAULT 0'; } elseif ( $isTimestamp && preg_match( '/^\'\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d(\.\d{1,6})?\'$/', (string) $defaultValue ) ) { $query .= ' DEFAULT ' . (string) $defaultValue; } elseif ($type === 'BIT') { $query .= ' DEFAULT b\'' . preg_replace('/[^01]/', '0', (string) $defaultValue) . '\''; } elseif ($type === 'BOOLEAN') { if (preg_match('/^1|T|TRUE|YES$/i', (string) $defaultValue)) { $query .= ' DEFAULT TRUE'; } elseif (preg_match('/^0|F|FALSE|NO$/i', $defaultValue)) { $query .= ' DEFAULT FALSE'; } else { // Invalid BOOLEAN value $query .= ' DEFAULT \'' . $dbi->escapeString($defaultValue) . '\''; } } elseif ($type === 'BINARY' || $type === 'VARBINARY') { $query .= ' DEFAULT 0x' . $defaultValue; } else { $query .= ' DEFAULT \'' . $dbi->escapeString((string) $defaultValue) . '\''; } break; /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */ case 'NULL': // If user uncheck null checkbox and not change default value null, // default value will be ignored. if ($null !== false && $null !== 'YES') { break; } // else fall-through intended, no break here case 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP': case 'current_timestamp()': $query .= ' DEFAULT ' . $defaultType; if ( $strLength !== 0 && $isTimestamp && $defaultType !== 'NULL' // Not to be added in case of NULL ) { $query .= '(' . $length . ')'; } break; case 'NONE': default: break; } } if (! empty($extra)) { if ($virtuality) { $extra = trim((string) preg_replace('~^\s*AUTO_INCREMENT\s*~is', ' ', $extra)); } $query .= ' ' . $extra; } } if (! empty($comment)) { $query .= " COMMENT '" . $dbi->escapeString($comment) . "'"; } // move column if ($moveTo === '-first') { // dash can't appear as part of column name $query .= ' FIRST'; } elseif ($moveTo != '') { $query .= ' AFTER ' . Util::backquote($moveTo); } if (! $virtuality && ! empty($extra)) { if ($oldColumnName === null) { if (is_array($columnsWithIndex) && ! in_array($name, $columnsWithIndex)) { $query .= ', add PRIMARY KEY (' . Util::backquote($name) . ')'; } } else { if (is_array($columnsWithIndex) && ! in_array($oldColumnName, $columnsWithIndex)) { $query .= ', add PRIMARY KEY (' . Util::backquote($name) . ')'; } } } return $query; } /** * Checks if the number of records in a table is at least equal to * $min_records * * @param int $minRecords Number of records to check for in a table */ public function checkIfMinRecordsExist($minRecords = 0): bool { $checkQuery = 'SELECT '; $uniqueFields = $this->getUniqueColumns(true, false); if (count($uniqueFields) > 0) { $fieldsToSelect = implode(', ', $uniqueFields); } else { $indexedCols = $this->getIndexedColumns(true, false); if (count($indexedCols) > 0) { $fieldsToSelect = implode(', ', $indexedCols); } else { $fieldsToSelect = '*'; } } $checkQuery .= $fieldsToSelect . ' FROM ' . $this->getFullName(true) . ' LIMIT ' . $minRecords; $res = $this->dbi->tryQuery($checkQuery); if ($res !== false) { $numRecords = $res->numRows(); if ($numRecords >= $minRecords) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Counts and returns (or displays) the number of records in a table * * @param bool $forceExact whether to force an exact count * * @return mixed the number of records if "retain" param is true, * otherwise true */ public function countRecords($forceExact = false) { $isView = $this->isView(); $db = $this->dbName; $table = $this->name; if ($this->dbi->getCache()->getCachedTableContent([$db, $table, 'ExactRows']) != null) { return $this->dbi->getCache()->getCachedTableContent( [ $db, $table, 'ExactRows', ] ); } $rowCount = false; if (! $forceExact) { if (($this->dbi->getCache()->getCachedTableContent([$db, $table, 'Rows']) == null) && ! $isView) { $tmpTables = $this->dbi->getTablesFull($db, $table); if (isset($tmpTables[$table])) { $this->dbi->getCache()->cacheTableContent( [ $db, $table, ], $tmpTables[$table] ); } } if ($this->dbi->getCache()->getCachedTableContent([$db, $table, 'Rows']) != null) { $rowCount = $this->dbi->getCache()->getCachedTableContent( [ $db, $table, 'Rows', ] ); } else { $rowCount = false; } } // for a VIEW, $row_count is always false at this point if ($rowCount !== false && $rowCount >= $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxExactCount']) { return $rowCount; } if (! $isView) { $rowCount = $this->dbi->fetchValue( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . Util::backquote($db) . '.' . Util::backquote($table) ); } else { // For complex views, even trying to get a partial record // count could bring down a server, so we offer an // alternative: setting MaxExactCountViews to 0 will bypass // completely the record counting for views if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxExactCountViews'] == 0) { $rowCount = false; } else { // Counting all rows of a VIEW could be too long, // so use a LIMIT clause. // Use try_query because it can fail (when a VIEW is // based on a table that no longer exists) $result = $this->dbi->tryQuery( 'SELECT 1 FROM ' . Util::backquote($db) . '.' . Util::backquote($table) . ' LIMIT ' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxExactCountViews'] ); if ($result) { $rowCount = $result->numRows(); } } } if ($rowCount) { $this->dbi->getCache()->cacheTableContent([$db, $table, 'ExactRows'], $rowCount); } return $rowCount; } /** * Generates column specification for ALTER syntax * * @see Table::generateFieldSpec() * * @param string $oldcol old column name * @param string $newcol new column name * @param string $type type ('INT', 'VARCHAR', 'BIT', ...) * @param string $length length ('2', '5,2', '', ...) * @param string $attribute attribute * @param string $collation collation * @param bool|string $null with 'NULL' or 'NOT NULL' * @param string $defaultType whether default is CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, * NULL, NONE, USER_DEFINED * @param string $defaultValue default value for USER_DEFINED default * type * @param string $extra 'AUTO_INCREMENT' * @param string $comment field comment * @param string $virtuality virtuality of the column * @param string $expression expression for the virtual column * @param string $moveTo new position for column * @param array $columnsWithIndex Fields having PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY indexes * * @return string field specification */ public static function generateAlter( $oldcol, $newcol, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $defaultType, $defaultValue, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $moveTo, $columnsWithIndex = null ) { return Util::backquote($oldcol) . ' ' . self::generateFieldSpec( $newcol, $type, $length, $attribute, $collation, $null, $defaultType, $defaultValue, $extra, $comment, $virtuality, $expression, $moveTo, $columnsWithIndex, $oldcol ); } /** * Inserts existing entries in a PMA_* table by reading a value from an old * entry * * @param string $work The array index, which Relation feature to check ('relwork', 'commwork', ...) * @param string $table The array index, which PMA-table to update ('bookmark', 'relation', ...) * @param array $getFields Which fields will be SELECT'ed from the old entry * @param array $whereFields Which fields will be used for the WHERE query (array('FIELDNAME' => 'FIELDVALUE')) * @param array $newFields Which fields will be used as new VALUES. These are the important keys which differ * from the old entry (array('FIELDNAME' => 'NEW FIELDVALUE')) * * @return int|bool */ public static function duplicateInfo( $work, $table, array $getFields, array $whereFields, array $newFields ) { global $dbi; $relation = new Relation($dbi); $relationParameters = $relation->getRelationParameters(); $relationParams = $relationParameters->toArray(); $lastId = -1; if (! isset($relationParams[$work], $relationParams[$table]) || ! $relationParams[$work]) { return true; } $selectParts = []; $rowFields = []; foreach ($getFields as $getField) { $selectParts[] = Util::backquote($getField); $rowFields[$getField] = 'cc'; } $whereParts = []; foreach ($whereFields as $where => $value) { $whereParts[] = Util::backquote($where) . ' = \'' . $dbi->escapeString((string) $value) . '\''; } $newParts = []; $newValueParts = []; foreach ($newFields as $where => $value) { $newParts[] = Util::backquote($where); $newValueParts[] = $dbi->escapeString((string) $value); } $tableCopyQuery = ' SELECT ' . implode(', ', $selectParts) . ' FROM ' . Util::backquote($relationParameters->db) . '.' . Util::backquote((string) $relationParams[$table]) . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $whereParts); // must use DatabaseInterface::QUERY_BUFFERED here, since we execute // another query inside the loop $tableCopyRs = $dbi->queryAsControlUser($tableCopyQuery); foreach ($tableCopyRs as $tableCopyRow) { $valueParts = []; foreach ($tableCopyRow as $key => $val) { if (! isset($rowFields[$key]) || $rowFields[$key] != 'cc') { continue; } $valueParts[] = $dbi->escapeString($val); } $newTableQuery = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO ' . Util::backquote($relationParameters->db) . '.' . Util::backquote((string) $relationParams[$table]) . ' (' . implode(', ', $selectParts) . ', ' . implode(', ', $newParts) . ') VALUES (\'' . implode('\', \'', $valueParts) . '\', \'' . implode('\', \'', $newValueParts) . '\')'; $dbi->queryAsControlUser($newTableQuery); $lastId = $dbi->insertId(); } return $lastId; } /** * Copies or renames table * * @param string $sourceDb source database * @param string $sourceTable source table * @param string|null $targetDb target database * @param string $targetTable target table * @param string $what what to be moved or copied (data, dataonly) * @param bool $move whether to move * @param string $mode mode */ public static function moveCopy( $sourceDb, $sourceTable, ?string $targetDb, $targetTable, $what, $move, $mode, bool $addDropIfExists ): bool { global $errorUrl, $dbi; $relation = new Relation($dbi); // Try moving the tables directly, using native `RENAME` statement. if ($move && $what === 'data') { $tbl = new Table($sourceTable, $sourceDb); if ($tbl->rename($targetTable, $targetDb)) { $GLOBALS['message'] = $tbl->getLastMessage(); return true; } } // Setting required export settings. $GLOBALS['sql_backquotes'] = 1; $GLOBALS['asfile'] = 1; // Ensuring the target database is valid. if (! $GLOBALS['dblist']->databases->exists($sourceDb, $targetDb)) { if (! $GLOBALS['dblist']->databases->exists($sourceDb)) { $GLOBALS['message'] = Message::rawError( sprintf( __('Source database `%s` was not found!'), htmlspecialchars($sourceDb) ) ); } if (! $GLOBALS['dblist']->databases->exists($targetDb)) { $GLOBALS['message'] = Message::rawError( sprintf( __('Target database `%s` was not found!'), htmlspecialchars((string) $targetDb) ) ); } return false; } /** * The full name of source table, quoted. * * @var string $source */ $source = Util::backquote($sourceDb) . '.' . Util::backquote($sourceTable); // If the target database is not specified, the operation is taking // place in the same database. if (! isset($targetDb) || strlen($targetDb) === 0) { $targetDb = $sourceDb; } // Selecting the database could avoid some problems with replicated // databases, when moving table from replicated one to not replicated one. $dbi->selectDb($targetDb); /** * The full name of target table, quoted. * * @var string $target */ $target = Util::backquote($targetDb) . '.' . Util::backquote($targetTable); // No table is created when this is a data-only operation. if ($what !== 'dataonly') { /** * Instance used for exporting the current structure of the table. * * @var ExportSql $exportSqlPlugin */ $exportSqlPlugin = Plugins::getPlugin('export', 'sql', [ 'export_type' => 'table', 'single_table' => false, ]); $noConstraintsComments = true; $GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query'] = ''; // set the value of global sql_auto_increment variable if (isset($_POST['sql_auto_increment'])) { $GLOBALS['sql_auto_increment'] = $_POST['sql_auto_increment']; } /** * The old structure of the table.. */ $sqlStructure = $exportSqlPlugin->getTableDef($sourceDb, $sourceTable, "\n", $errorUrl, false, false); unset($noConstraintsComments); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Phase 0: Preparing structures used. /** * The destination where the table is moved or copied to. */ $destination = new Expression($targetDb, $targetTable, ''); // Find server's SQL mode so the builder can generate correct // queries. // One of the options that alters the behaviour is `ANSI_QUOTES`. Context::setMode((string) $dbi->fetchValue('SELECT @@sql_mode')); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Phase 1: Dropping existent element of the same name (if exists // and required). if ($addDropIfExists) { /** * Drop statement used for building the query. */ $statement = new DropStatement(); $tbl = new Table($targetDb, $targetTable); $statement->options = new OptionsArray( [ $tbl->isView() ? 'VIEW' : 'TABLE', 'IF EXISTS', ] ); $statement->fields = [$destination]; // Building the query. $dropQuery = $statement->build() . ';'; // Executing it. $dbi->query($dropQuery); $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n" . $dropQuery; // If an existing table gets deleted, maintain any entries for // the PMA_* tables. $maintainRelations = true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Phase 2: Generating the new query of this structure. /** * The parser responsible for parsing the old queries. */ $parser = new Parser($sqlStructure); if (! empty($parser->statements[0])) { /** * The CREATE statement of this structure. * * @var CreateStatement $statement */ $statement = $parser->statements[0]; // Changing the destination. $statement->name = $destination; // Building back the query. $sqlStructure = $statement->build() . ';'; // This is to avoid some issues when renaming databases with views // See: https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/issues/16422 if ($move) { $dbi->selectDb($targetDb); } // Executing it $dbi->query($sqlStructure); $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n" . $sqlStructure; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Phase 3: Adding constraints. // All constraint names are removed because they must be unique. if (($move || isset($GLOBALS['add_constraints'])) && ! empty($GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query'])) { $parser = new Parser($GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query']); /** * The ALTER statement that generates the constraints. * * @var AlterStatement $statement */ $statement = $parser->statements[0]; // Changing the altered table to the destination. $statement->table = $destination; // Removing the name of the constraints. foreach ($statement->altered as $altered) { // All constraint names are removed because they must be unique. if (! $altered->options->has('CONSTRAINT')) { continue; } $altered->field = null; } // Building back the query. $GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query'] = $statement->build() . ';'; // Executing it. if ($mode === 'one_table') { $dbi->query($GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query']); } $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n" . $GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query']; if ($mode === 'one_table') { unset($GLOBALS['sql_constraints_query']); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Phase 4: Adding indexes. // View phase 3. if (! empty($GLOBALS['sql_indexes'])) { $parser = new Parser($GLOBALS['sql_indexes']); $GLOBALS['sql_indexes'] = ''; /** * The ALTER statement that generates the indexes. * * @var AlterStatement $statement */ foreach ($parser->statements as $statement) { // Changing the altered table to the destination. $statement->table = $destination; // Removing the name of the constraints. foreach ($statement->altered as $altered) { // All constraint names are removed because they must be unique. if (! $altered->options->has('CONSTRAINT')) { continue; } $altered->field = null; } // Building back the query. $sqlIndex = $statement->build() . ';'; // Executing it. if ($mode === 'one_table' || $mode === 'db_copy') { $dbi->query($sqlIndex); } $GLOBALS['sql_indexes'] .= $sqlIndex; } $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n" . $GLOBALS['sql_indexes']; if ($mode === 'one_table' || $mode === 'db_copy') { unset($GLOBALS['sql_indexes']); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Phase 5: Adding AUTO_INCREMENT. if (! empty($GLOBALS['sql_auto_increments']) && ($mode === 'one_table' || $mode === 'db_copy')) { $parser = new Parser($GLOBALS['sql_auto_increments']); /** * The ALTER statement that alters the AUTO_INCREMENT value. */ $statement = $parser->statements[0]; if ($statement instanceof AlterStatement) { // Changing the altered table to the destination. $statement->table = $destination; // Building back the query. $GLOBALS['sql_auto_increments'] = $statement->build() . ';'; // Executing it. $dbi->query($GLOBALS['sql_auto_increments']); $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n" . $GLOBALS['sql_auto_increments']; } unset($GLOBALS['sql_auto_increments']); } } else { $GLOBALS['sql_query'] = ''; } $table = new Table($targetTable, $targetDb); // Copy the data unless this is a VIEW if (($what === 'data' || $what === 'dataonly') && ! $table->isView()) { $sqlSetMode = "SET SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'"; $dbi->query($sqlSetMode); $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n\n" . $sqlSetMode . ';'; $oldTable = new Table($sourceTable, $sourceDb); $nonGeneratedCols = $oldTable->getNonGeneratedColumns(true); if (count($nonGeneratedCols) > 0) { $sqlInsertData = 'INSERT INTO ' . $target . '(' . implode(', ', $nonGeneratedCols) . ') SELECT ' . implode(', ', $nonGeneratedCols) . ' FROM ' . $source; $dbi->query($sqlInsertData); $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n\n" . $sqlInsertData . ';'; } } $relationParameters = $relation->getRelationParameters(); // Drops old table if the user has requested to move it if ($move) { // This could avoid some problems with replicated databases, when // moving table from replicated one to not replicated one $dbi->selectDb($sourceDb); $sourceTableObj = new Table($sourceTable, $sourceDb); if ($sourceTableObj->isView()) { $sqlDropQuery = 'DROP VIEW'; } else { $sqlDropQuery = 'DROP TABLE'; } $sqlDropQuery .= ' ' . $source; $dbi->query($sqlDropQuery); // Rename table in configuration storage $relation->renameTable($sourceDb, $targetDb, $sourceTable, $targetTable); $GLOBALS['sql_query'] .= "\n\n" . $sqlDropQuery . ';'; return true; } // we are copying // Create new entries as duplicates from old PMA DBs if ($what === 'dataonly' || isset($maintainRelations)) { return true; } if ($relationParameters->columnCommentsFeature !== null) { // Get all comments and MIME-Types for current table $commentsCopyRs = $dbi->queryAsControlUser( 'SELECT column_name, comment' . ($relationParameters->browserTransformationFeature !== null ? ', mimetype, transformation, transformation_options' : '') . ' FROM ' . Util::backquote($relationParameters->columnCommentsFeature->database) . '.' . Util::backquote($relationParameters->columnCommentsFeature->columnInfo) . ' WHERE ' . ' db_name = \'' . $dbi->escapeString($sourceDb) . '\'' . ' AND ' . ' table_name = \'' . $dbi->escapeString((string) $sourceTable) . '\'' ); // Write every comment as new copied entry. [MIME] foreach ($commentsCopyRs as $commentsCopyRow) { $newCommentQuery = 'REPLACE INTO ' . Util::backquote($relationParameters->columnCommentsFeature->database) . '.' . Util::backquote($relationParameters->columnCommentsFeature->columnInfo) . ' (db_name, table_name, column_name, comment' . ($relationParameters->browserTransformationFeature !== null ? ', mimetype, transformation, transformation_options' : '') . ') VALUES(\'' . $dbi->escapeString($targetDb) . '\',\'' . $dbi->escapeString($targetTable) . '\',\'' . $dbi->escapeString($commentsCopyRow['column_name']) . '\',\'' . $dbi->escapeString($commentsCopyRow['comment']) . '\'' . ($relationParameters->browserTransformationFeature !== null ? ',\'' . $dbi->escapeString($commentsCopyRow['mimetype']) . '\',\'' . $dbi->escapeString($commentsCopyRow['transformation']) . '\',\'' . $dbi->escapeString($commentsCopyRow['transformation_options']) . '\'' : '') . ')'; $dbi->queryAsControlUser($newCommentQuery); } unset($commentsCopyRs); } // duplicating the bookmarks must not be done here, but // just once per db $getFields = ['display_field']; $whereFields = [ 'db_name' => $sourceDb, 'table_name' => $sourceTable, ]; $newFields = [ 'db_name' => $targetDb, 'table_name' => $targetTable, ]; self::duplicateInfo('displaywork', 'table_info', $getFields, $whereFields, $newFields); /** * @todo revise this code when we support cross-db relations */ $getFields = [ 'master_field', 'foreign_table', 'foreign_field', ]; $whereFields = [ 'master_db' => $sourceDb, 'master_table' => $sourceTable, ]; $newFields = [ 'master_db' => $targetDb, 'foreign_db' => $targetDb, 'master_table' => $targetTable, ]; self::duplicateInfo('relwork', 'relation', $getFields, $whereFields, $newFields); $getFields = [ 'foreign_field', 'master_table', 'master_field', ]; $whereFields = [ 'foreign_db' => $sourceDb, 'foreign_table' => $sourceTable, ]; $newFields = [ 'master_db' => $targetDb, 'foreign_db' => $targetDb, 'foreign_table' => $targetTable, ]; self::duplicateInfo('relwork', 'relation', $getFields, $whereFields, $newFields); return true; } /** * checks if given name is a valid table name, * currently if not empty, trailing spaces, '.', '/' and '\' * * @see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/legal-names.html * * @param string $tableName name to check * @param bool $isBackquoted whether this name is used inside backquotes or not * * @todo add check for valid chars in filename on current system/os */ public static function isValidName($tableName, $isBackquoted = false): bool { if ($tableName !== rtrim((string) $tableName)) { // trailing spaces not allowed even in backquotes return false; } if (strlen($tableName) === 0) { // zero length return false; } if (! $isBackquoted && $tableName !== trim($tableName)) { // spaces at the start or in between only allowed inside backquotes return false; } if (! $isBackquoted && preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_$]+$/', $tableName)) { // only allow the above regex in unquoted identifiers // see : https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/identifiers.html return true; } // If backquoted, all characters should be allowed (except w/ trailing spaces). return $isBackquoted; } /** * renames table * * @param string $newName new table name * @param string $newDb new database name */ public function rename($newName, $newDb = null): bool { if ($this->dbi->getLowerCaseNames() === '1') { $newName = strtolower($newName); } if ($newDb !== null && $newDb !== $this->getDbName()) { // Ensure the target is valid if (! $GLOBALS['dblist']->databases->exists($newDb)) { $this->errors[] = __('Invalid database:') . ' ' . $newDb; return false; } } else { $newDb = $this->getDbName(); } $newTable = new Table($newName, $newDb); if ($this->getFullName() === $newTable->getFullName()) { return true; } // Allow whitespaces (not trailing) in $new_name, // since we are using $backquoted in getting the fullName of table // below to be used in the query if (! self::isValidName($newName, true)) { $this->errors[] = __('Invalid table name:') . ' ' . $newTable->getFullName(); return false; } // If the table is moved to a different database drop its triggers first $triggers = $this->dbi->getTriggers( $this->getDbName(), $this->getName(), '' ); $handleTriggers = $this->getDbName() != $newDb && $triggers; if ($handleTriggers) { foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { $sql = 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS ' . Util::backquote($this->getDbName()) . '.' . Util::backquote($trigger['name']) . ';'; $this->dbi->query($sql); } } /* * tested also for a view, in MySQL 5.0.92, 5.1.55 and 5.5.13 */ $GLOBALS['sql_query'] = ' RENAME TABLE ' . $this->getFullName(true) . ' TO ' . $newTable->getFullName(true) . ';'; // I don't think a specific error message for views is necessary if (! $this->dbi->query($GLOBALS['sql_query'])) { // TODO: this is dead code, should it be removed? // Restore triggers in the old database if ($handleTriggers) { $this->dbi->selectDb($this->getDbName()); foreach ($triggers as $trigger) { $this->dbi->query($trigger['create']); } } $this->errors[] = sprintf( __('Failed to rename table %1$s to %2$s!'), $this->getFullName(), $newTable->getFullName() ); return false; } $oldName = $this->getName(); $oldDb = $this->getDbName(); $this->name = $newName; $this->dbName = $newDb; // Rename table in configuration storage $this->relation->renameTable($oldDb, $newDb, $oldName, $newName); $this->messages[] = sprintf( __('Table %1$s has been renamed to %2$s.'), htmlspecialchars($oldName), htmlspecialchars($newName) ); return true; } /** * Get all unique columns * * returns an array with all columns with unique content, in fact these are * all columns being single indexed in PRIMARY or UNIQUE * * e.g. * - PRIMARY(id) // id * - UNIQUE(name) // name * - PRIMARY(fk_id1, fk_id2) // NONE * - UNIQUE(x,y) // NONE * * @param bool $backquoted whether to quote name with backticks `` * @param bool $fullName whether to include full name of the table as a prefix * * @return array */ public function getUniqueColumns($backquoted = true, $fullName = true) { $sql = QueryGenerator::getTableIndexesSql( $this->getDbName(), $this->getName(), 'Non_unique = 0' ); $uniques = $this->dbi->fetchResult( $sql, [ 'Key_name', null, ], 'Column_name' ); $return = []; foreach ($uniques as $index) { if (count($index) > 1) { continue; } if ($fullName) { $possibleColumn = $this->getFullName($backquoted) . '.'; } else { $possibleColumn = ''; } if ($backquoted) { $possibleColumn .= Util::backquote($index[0]); } else { $possibleColumn .= $index[0]; } // a column might have a primary and an unique index on it if (in_array($possibleColumn, $return)) { continue; } $return[] = $possibleColumn; } return $return; } /** * Formats lists of columns * * returns an array with all columns that make use of an index * * e.g. index(col1, col2) would return col1, col2 * * @param array $indexed column data * @param bool $backquoted whether to quote name with backticks `` * @param bool $fullName whether to include full name of the table as a prefix * * @return array */ private function formatColumns(array $indexed, $backquoted, $fullName) { $return = []; foreach ($indexed as $column) { $return[] = ($fullName ? $this->getFullName($backquoted) . '.' : '') . ($backquoted ? Util::backquote($column) : $column); } return $return; } /** * Get all indexed columns * * returns an array with all columns that make use of an index * * e.g. index(col1, col2) would return col1, col2 * * @param bool $backquoted whether to quote name with backticks `` * @param bool $fullName whether to include full name of the table as a prefix * * @return array */ public function getIndexedColumns($backquoted = true, $fullName = true) { $sql = QueryGenerator::getTableIndexesSql( $this->getDbName(), $this->getName(), '' ); $indexed = $this->dbi->fetchResult($sql, 'Column_name', 'Column_name'); return $this->formatColumns($indexed, $backquoted, $fullName); } /** * Get all columns * * returns an array with all columns * * @param bool $backquoted whether to quote name with backticks `` * @param bool $fullName whether to include full name of the table as a prefix * * @return array */ public function getColumns($backquoted = true, $fullName = true) { $sql = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $this->getFullName(true); $indexed = $this->dbi->fetchResult($sql, 'Field', 'Field'); return $this->formatColumns($indexed, $backquoted, $fullName); } /** * Get meta info for fields in table * * @return FieldMetadata[] */ public function getColumnsMeta(): array { $moveColumnsSqlQuery = sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM %s.%s LIMIT 1', Util::backquote($this->dbName), Util::backquote($this->name) ); $moveColumnsSqlResult = $this->dbi->tryQuery($moveColumnsSqlQuery); if ($moveColumnsSqlResult !== false) { return $this->dbi->getFieldsMeta($moveColumnsSqlResult); } // unsure how to reproduce but it was seen on the reporting server return []; } /** * Get non-generated columns in table * * @param bool $backquoted whether to quote name with backticks `` * * @return array */ public function getNonGeneratedColumns($backquoted = true) { $columnsMetaQuery = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $this->getFullName(true); $ret = []; $columnsMetaQueryResult = $this->dbi->fetchResult($columnsMetaQuery); foreach ($columnsMetaQueryResult as $column) { $value = $column['Field']; if ($backquoted === true) { $value = Util::backquote($value); } // If contains GENERATED or VIRTUAL and does not contain DEFAULT_GENERATED if ( ( str_contains($column['Extra'], 'GENERATED') || str_contains($column['Extra'], 'VIRTUAL') ) && ! str_contains($column['Extra'], 'DEFAULT_GENERATED') ) { continue; } $ret[] = $value; } return $ret; } /** * Return UI preferences for this table from phpMyAdmin database. * * @return array */ protected function getUiPrefsFromDb(?UiPreferencesFeature $uiPreferencesFeature) { if ($uiPreferencesFeature === null) { return []; } // Read from phpMyAdmin database $sqlQuery = sprintf( 'SELECT `prefs` FROM %s.%s WHERE `username` = \'%s\' AND `db_name` = \'%s\' AND `table_name` = \'%s\'', Util::backquote($uiPreferencesFeature->database), Util::backquote($uiPreferencesFeature->tableUiPrefs), $this->dbi->escapeString($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user']), $this->dbi->escapeString($this->dbName), $this->dbi->escapeString($this->name) ); $value = $this->dbi->queryAsControlUser($sqlQuery)->fetchValue(); if (is_string($value)) { return json_decode($value, true); } return []; } /** * Save this table's UI preferences into phpMyAdmin database. * * @return true|Message */ protected function saveUiPrefsToDb(UiPreferencesFeature $uiPreferencesFeature) { $table = Util::backquote($uiPreferencesFeature->database) . '.' . Util::backquote($uiPreferencesFeature->tableUiPrefs); $secureDbName = $this->dbi->escapeString($this->dbName); $username = $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user']; $sqlQuery = ' REPLACE INTO ' . $table . " (username, db_name, table_name, prefs) VALUES ('" . $this->dbi->escapeString($username) . "', '" . $secureDbName . "', '" . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->name) . "', '" . $this->dbi->escapeString((string) json_encode($this->uiprefs)) . "')"; $success = $this->dbi->tryQuery($sqlQuery, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_CONTROL); if (! $success) { $message = Message::error( __('Could not save table UI preferences!') ); $message->addMessage( Message::rawError($this->dbi->getError(DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_CONTROL)), '

' ); return $message; } // Remove some old rows in table_uiprefs if it exceeds the configured // maximum rows $sqlQuery = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $table; $rowsCount = (int) $this->dbi->fetchValue($sqlQuery); $maxRows = (int) $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['MaxTableUiprefs']; if ($rowsCount > $maxRows) { $numRowsToDelete = $rowsCount - $maxRows; $sqlQuery = ' DELETE FROM ' . $table . ' ORDER BY last_update ASC' . ' LIMIT ' . $numRowsToDelete; $success = $this->dbi->tryQuery($sqlQuery, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_CONTROL); if (! $success) { $message = Message::error( sprintf( __( 'Failed to cleanup table UI preferences (see $cfg[\'Servers\'][$i][\'MaxTableUiprefs\'] %s)' ), MySQLDocumentation::showDocumentation('config', 'cfg_Servers_MaxTableUiprefs') ) ); $message->addMessage( Message::rawError($this->dbi->getError(DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_CONTROL)), '

' ); return $message; } } return true; } /** * Loads the UI preferences for this table. * If pmadb and table_uiprefs is set, it will load the UI preferences from * phpMyAdmin database. */ protected function loadUiPrefs(): void { $uiPreferencesFeature = $this->relation->getRelationParameters()->uiPreferencesFeature; $serverId = $GLOBALS['server']; // set session variable if it's still undefined if (! isset($_SESSION['tmpval']['table_uiprefs'][$serverId][$this->dbName][$this->name])) { // check whether we can get from pmadb $uiPrefs = $this->getUiPrefsFromDb($uiPreferencesFeature); $_SESSION['tmpval']['table_uiprefs'][$serverId][$this->dbName][$this->name] = $uiPrefs; } $this->uiprefs =& $_SESSION['tmpval']['table_uiprefs'][$serverId][$this->dbName][$this->name]; } /** * Get a property from UI preferences. * Return false if the property is not found. * Available property: * - PROP_SORTED_COLUMN * - PROP_COLUMN_ORDER * - PROP_COLUMN_VISIB * * @param string $property property * * @return mixed */ public function getUiProp($property) { if (! isset($this->uiprefs)) { $this->loadUiPrefs(); } // do checking based on property if ($property == self::PROP_SORTED_COLUMN) { if (! isset($this->uiprefs[$property])) { return false; } if (! isset($_POST['discard_remembered_sort'])) { // check if the column name exists in this table $tmp = explode(' ', $this->uiprefs[$property]); $colname = $tmp[0]; //remove backquoting from colname $colname = str_replace('`', '', $colname); //get the available column name without backquoting $availColumns = $this->getColumns(false); foreach ($availColumns as $eachCol) { // check if $each_col ends with $colname if (substr_compare($eachCol, $colname, mb_strlen($eachCol) - mb_strlen($colname)) === 0) { return $this->uiprefs[$property]; } } } // remove the property, since it no longer exists in database $this->removeUiProp($property); return false; } if ($property == self::PROP_COLUMN_ORDER || $property == self::PROP_COLUMN_VISIB) { if ($this->isView() || ! isset($this->uiprefs[$property])) { return false; } // check if the table has not been modified if ($this->getStatusInfo('Create_time') == $this->uiprefs['CREATE_TIME']) { return array_map('intval', $this->uiprefs[$property]); } // remove the property, since the table has been modified $this->removeUiProp($property); return false; } // default behaviour for other property: return $this->uiprefs[$property] ?? false; } /** * Set a property from UI preferences. * If pmadb and table_uiprefs is set, it will save the UI preferences to * phpMyAdmin database. * Available property: * - PROP_SORTED_COLUMN * - PROP_COLUMN_ORDER * - PROP_COLUMN_VISIB * * @param string $property Property * @param mixed $value Value for the property * @param string $tableCreateTime Needed for PROP_COLUMN_ORDER and PROP_COLUMN_VISIB * * @return bool|Message */ public function setUiProp($property, $value, $tableCreateTime = null) { if (! isset($this->uiprefs)) { $this->loadUiPrefs(); } // we want to save the create time if the property is PROP_COLUMN_ORDER if (! $this->isView() && ($property == self::PROP_COLUMN_ORDER || $property == self::PROP_COLUMN_VISIB)) { $currCreateTime = $this->getStatusInfo('CREATE_TIME'); if (! isset($tableCreateTime) || $tableCreateTime != $currCreateTime) { // there is no $table_create_time, or // supplied $table_create_time is older than current create time, // so don't save return Message::error( sprintf( __( 'Cannot save UI property "%s". The changes made will ' . 'not be persistent after you refresh this page. ' . 'Please check if the table structure has been changed.' ), $property ) ); } $this->uiprefs['CREATE_TIME'] = $currCreateTime; } // save the value $this->uiprefs[$property] = $value; // check if pmadb is set $uiPreferencesFeature = $this->relation->getRelationParameters()->uiPreferencesFeature; if ($uiPreferencesFeature !== null) { return $this->saveUiPrefsToDb($uiPreferencesFeature); } return true; } /** * Remove a property from UI preferences. * * @param string $property the property * * @return true|Message */ public function removeUiProp($property) { if (! isset($this->uiprefs)) { $this->loadUiPrefs(); } if (isset($this->uiprefs[$property])) { unset($this->uiprefs[$property]); // check if pmadb is set $uiPreferencesFeature = $this->relation->getRelationParameters()->uiPreferencesFeature; if ($uiPreferencesFeature !== null) { return $this->saveUiPrefsToDb($uiPreferencesFeature); } } return true; } /** * Get all column names which are MySQL reserved words * * @return array */ public function getReservedColumnNames() { $columns = $this->getColumns(false); $return = []; foreach ($columns as $column) { $temp = explode('.', $column); $columnName = $temp[2]; if (! Context::isKeyword($columnName, true)) { continue; } $return[] = $columnName; } return $return; } /** * Function to get the name and type of the columns of a table * * @return array */ public function getNameAndTypeOfTheColumns() { $columns = []; foreach ( $this->dbi->getColumnsFull($this->dbName, $this->name) as $row ) { if (preg_match('@^(set|enum)\((.+)\)$@i', $row['Type'], $tmp)) { $tmp[2] = mb_substr( (string) preg_replace('@([^,])\'\'@', '\\1\\\'', ',' . $tmp[2]), 1 ); $columns[$row['Field']] = $tmp[1] . '(' . str_replace(',', ', ', $tmp[2]) . ')'; } else { $columns[$row['Field']] = $row['Type']; } } return $columns; } /** * Get index with index name * * @param string $index Index name * * @return Index */ public function getIndex($index) { return Index::singleton($this->dbName, $this->name, $index); } /** * Function to get the sql query for index creation or edit * * @param Index $index current index * @param bool $error whether error occurred or not * * @return string */ public function getSqlQueryForIndexCreateOrEdit($index, &$error) { // $sql_query is the one displayed in the query box $sqlQuery = sprintf( 'ALTER TABLE %s.%s', Util::backquote($this->dbName), Util::backquote($this->name) ); // Drops the old index if (! empty($_POST['old_index'])) { $oldIndex = is_array($_POST['old_index']) ? $_POST['old_index']['Key_name'] : $_POST['old_index']; if ($oldIndex === 'PRIMARY') { $sqlQuery .= ' DROP PRIMARY KEY,'; } else { $sqlQuery .= sprintf( ' DROP INDEX %s,', Util::backquote($oldIndex) ); } } // Builds the new one switch ($index->getChoice()) { case 'PRIMARY': if ($index->getName() == '') { $index->setName('PRIMARY'); } elseif ($index->getName() !== 'PRIMARY') { $error = Message::error( __('The name of the primary key must be "PRIMARY"!') ); } $sqlQuery .= ' ADD PRIMARY KEY'; break; case 'FULLTEXT': case 'UNIQUE': case 'INDEX': case 'SPATIAL': if ($index->getName() === 'PRIMARY') { $error = Message::error( __('Can\'t rename index to PRIMARY!') ); } $sqlQuery .= sprintf( ' ADD %s ', $index->getChoice() ); if ($index->getName()) { $sqlQuery .= Util::backquote($index->getName()); } break; } $indexFields = []; foreach ($index->getColumns() as $key => $column) { $indexFields[$key] = Util::backquote($column->getName()); if (! $column->getSubPart()) { continue; } $indexFields[$key] .= '(' . $column->getSubPart() . ')'; } if (empty($indexFields)) { $error = Message::error(__('No index parts defined!')); } else { $sqlQuery .= ' (' . implode(', ', $indexFields) . ')'; } $keyBlockSizes = $index->getKeyBlockSize(); if (! empty($keyBlockSizes)) { $sqlQuery .= sprintf( ' KEY_BLOCK_SIZE = %s', $this->dbi->escapeString((string) $keyBlockSizes) ); } // specifying index type is allowed only for primary, unique and index only // TokuDB is using Fractal Tree, Using Type is not useless // Ref: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/storage-engine-index-types/ $type = $index->getType(); if ( $index->getChoice() !== 'SPATIAL' && $index->getChoice() !== 'FULLTEXT' && in_array($type, Index::getIndexTypes()) && ! $this->isEngine(['TOKUDB']) ) { $sqlQuery .= ' USING ' . $type; } $parser = $index->getParser(); if ($index->getChoice() === 'FULLTEXT' && ! empty($parser)) { $sqlQuery .= ' WITH PARSER ' . $this->dbi->escapeString($parser); } $comment = $index->getComment(); if (! empty($comment)) { $sqlQuery .= sprintf( " COMMENT '%s'", $this->dbi->escapeString($comment) ); } $sqlQuery .= ';'; return $sqlQuery; } /** * Function to handle update for display field * * @param string $displayField display field */ public function updateDisplayField($displayField, DisplayFeature $displayFeature): void { if ($displayField == '') { $updQuery = 'DELETE FROM ' . Util::backquote($displayFeature->database) . '.' . Util::backquote($displayFeature->tableInfo) . ' WHERE db_name = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->dbName) . '\'' . ' AND table_name = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->name) . '\''; } else { $updQuery = 'REPLACE INTO ' . Util::backquote($displayFeature->database) . '.' . Util::backquote($displayFeature->tableInfo) . '(db_name, table_name, display_field) VALUES(' . '\'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->dbName) . '\',' . '\'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->name) . '\',' . '\'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($displayField) . '\')'; } $this->dbi->queryAsControlUser($updQuery); } /** * Function to get update query for updating internal relations * * @param array $multiEditColumnsName multi edit column names * @param array $destinationDb destination tables * @param array $destinationTable destination tables * @param array $destinationColumn destination columns * @param array|null $existrel db, table, column */ public function updateInternalRelations( array $multiEditColumnsName, array $destinationDb, array $destinationTable, array $destinationColumn, RelationFeature $relationFeature, $existrel ): bool { $updated = false; foreach ($destinationDb as $masterFieldMd5 => $foreignDb) { $updQuery = null; // Map the fieldname's md5 back to its real name $masterField = $multiEditColumnsName[$masterFieldMd5]; $foreignTable = $destinationTable[$masterFieldMd5]; $foreignField = $destinationColumn[$masterFieldMd5]; if (! empty($foreignDb) && ! empty($foreignTable) && ! empty($foreignField)) { if (! isset($existrel[$masterField])) { $updQuery = 'INSERT INTO ' . Util::backquote($relationFeature->database) . '.' . Util::backquote($relationFeature->relation) . '(master_db, master_table, master_field, foreign_db,' . ' foreign_table, foreign_field)' . ' values(' . '\'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->dbName) . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->name) . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($masterField) . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($foreignDb) . '\', ' . '\'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($foreignTable) . '\',' . '\'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($foreignField) . '\')'; } elseif ( $existrel[$masterField]['foreign_db'] != $foreignDb || $existrel[$masterField]['foreign_table'] != $foreignTable || $existrel[$masterField]['foreign_field'] != $foreignField ) { $updQuery = 'UPDATE ' . Util::backquote($relationFeature->database) . '.' . Util::backquote($relationFeature->relation) . ' SET foreign_db = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($foreignDb) . '\', ' . ' foreign_table = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($foreignTable) . '\', ' . ' foreign_field = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($foreignField) . '\' ' . ' WHERE master_db = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->dbName) . '\'' . ' AND master_table = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->name) . '\'' . ' AND master_field = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($masterField) . '\''; } } elseif (isset($existrel[$masterField])) { $updQuery = 'DELETE FROM ' . Util::backquote($relationFeature->database) . '.' . Util::backquote($relationFeature->relation) . ' WHERE master_db = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->dbName) . '\'' . ' AND master_table = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->name) . '\'' . ' AND master_field = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($masterField) . '\''; } if (! isset($updQuery)) { continue; } $this->dbi->queryAsControlUser($updQuery); $updated = true; } return $updated; } /** * Function to handle foreign key updates * * @param array $destinationForeignDb destination foreign database * @param array $multiEditColumnsName multi edit column names * @param array $destinationForeignTable destination foreign table * @param array $destinationForeignColumn destination foreign column * @param array $optionsArray options array * @param string $table current table * @param array $existrelForeign db, table, column * * @return array */ public function updateForeignKeys( array $destinationForeignDb, array $multiEditColumnsName, array $destinationForeignTable, array $destinationForeignColumn, array $optionsArray, $table, array $existrelForeign ) { $htmlOutput = ''; $previewSqlData = ''; $displayQuery = ''; $seenError = false; foreach ($destinationForeignDb as $masterFieldMd5 => $foreignDb) { $create = false; $drop = false; // Map the fieldname's md5 back to its real name $masterField = $multiEditColumnsName[$masterFieldMd5]; $foreignTable = $destinationForeignTable[$masterFieldMd5]; $foreignField = $destinationForeignColumn[$masterFieldMd5]; if (isset($existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['ref_db_name'])) { $refDbName = $existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['ref_db_name']; } else { $refDbName = $GLOBALS['db']; } $emptyFields = false; foreach ($masterField as $key => $oneField) { if ( (! empty($oneField) && empty($foreignField[$key])) || (empty($oneField) && ! empty($foreignField[$key])) ) { $emptyFields = true; } if (! empty($oneField) || ! empty($foreignField[$key])) { continue; } unset($masterField[$key], $foreignField[$key]); } if (! empty($foreignDb) && ! empty($foreignTable) && ! $emptyFields) { if (isset($existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5])) { $constraintName = $existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['constraint']; $onDelete = ! empty( $existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['on_delete'] ) ? $existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['on_delete'] : 'RESTRICT'; $onUpdate = ! empty( $existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['on_update'] ) ? $existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['on_update'] : 'RESTRICT'; if ( $refDbName != $foreignDb || $existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['ref_table_name'] != $foreignTable || $existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['ref_index_list'] != $foreignField || $existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['index_list'] != $masterField || $_POST['constraint_name'][$masterFieldMd5] != $constraintName || ($_POST['on_delete'][$masterFieldMd5] != $onDelete) || ($_POST['on_update'][$masterFieldMd5] != $onUpdate) ) { // another foreign key is already defined for this field // or an option has been changed for ON DELETE or ON UPDATE $drop = true; $create = true; } } else { // no key defined for this field(s) $create = true; } } elseif (isset($existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5])) { $drop = true; } if ($drop) { $dropQuery = 'ALTER TABLE ' . Util::backquote($table) . ' DROP FOREIGN KEY ' . Util::backquote($existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['constraint']) . ';'; if (! isset($_POST['preview_sql'])) { $displayQuery .= $dropQuery . "\n"; $this->dbi->tryQuery($dropQuery); $tmpErrorDrop = $this->dbi->getError(); if ($tmpErrorDrop !== '') { $seenError = true; $htmlOutput .= Generator::mysqlDie($tmpErrorDrop, $dropQuery, false, '', false); continue; } } else { $previewSqlData .= $dropQuery . "\n"; } } $tmpErrorCreate = false; if (! $create) { continue; } $createQuery = $this->getSQLToCreateForeignKey( $table, $masterField, $foreignDb, $foreignTable, $foreignField, $_POST['constraint_name'][$masterFieldMd5], $optionsArray[$_POST['on_delete'][$masterFieldMd5]], $optionsArray[$_POST['on_update'][$masterFieldMd5]] ); if (! isset($_POST['preview_sql'])) { $displayQuery .= $createQuery . "\n"; $this->dbi->tryQuery($createQuery); $tmpErrorCreate = $this->dbi->getError(); if (! empty($tmpErrorCreate)) { $seenError = true; if (substr($tmpErrorCreate, 1, 4) == '1005') { $message = Message::error( __( 'Error creating foreign key on %1$s (check data types)' ) ); $message->addParam(implode(', ', $masterField)); $htmlOutput .= $message->getDisplay(); } else { $htmlOutput .= Generator::mysqlDie($tmpErrorCreate, $createQuery, false, '', false); } $htmlOutput .= MySQLDocumentation::show('create-table-foreign-keys') . "\n"; } } else { $previewSqlData .= $createQuery . "\n"; } // this is an alteration and the old constraint has been dropped // without creation of a new one if (! $drop || empty($tmpErrorCreate)) { continue; } // a rollback may be better here $sqlQueryRecreate = '# Restoring the dropped constraint...' . "\n"; $sqlQueryRecreate .= $this->getSQLToCreateForeignKey( $table, $masterField, $existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['ref_db_name'], $existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['ref_table_name'], $existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['ref_index_list'], $existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['constraint'], $optionsArray[$existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['on_delete'] ?? ''] ?? null, $optionsArray[$existrelForeign[$masterFieldMd5]['on_update'] ?? ''] ?? null ); if (! isset($_POST['preview_sql'])) { $displayQuery .= $sqlQueryRecreate . "\n"; $this->dbi->tryQuery($sqlQueryRecreate); } else { $previewSqlData .= $sqlQueryRecreate; } } return [ $htmlOutput, $previewSqlData, $displayQuery, $seenError, ]; } /** * Returns the SQL query for foreign key constraint creation * * @param string $table table name * @param array $field field names * @param string $foreignDb foreign database name * @param string $foreignTable foreign table name * @param array $foreignField foreign field names * @param string $name name of the constraint * @param string $onDelete on delete action * @param string $onUpdate on update action * * @return string SQL query for foreign key constraint creation */ private function getSQLToCreateForeignKey( $table, array $field, $foreignDb, $foreignTable, array $foreignField, $name = null, $onDelete = null, $onUpdate = null ) { $sqlQuery = 'ALTER TABLE ' . Util::backquote($table) . ' ADD '; // if user entered a constraint name if (! empty($name)) { $sqlQuery .= ' CONSTRAINT ' . Util::backquote($name); } foreach ($field as $key => $oneField) { $field[$key] = Util::backquote($oneField); } foreach ($foreignField as $key => $oneField) { $foreignField[$key] = Util::backquote($oneField); } $sqlQuery .= ' FOREIGN KEY (' . implode(', ', $field) . ') REFERENCES ' . ($this->dbName != $foreignDb ? Util::backquote($foreignDb) . '.' : '') . Util::backquote($foreignTable) . '(' . implode(', ', $foreignField) . ')'; if (! empty($onDelete)) { $sqlQuery .= ' ON DELETE ' . $onDelete; } if (! empty($onUpdate)) { $sqlQuery .= ' ON UPDATE ' . $onUpdate; } $sqlQuery .= ';'; return $sqlQuery; } /** * Returns the generation expression for virtual columns * * @param string $column name of the column * * @return array|bool associative array of column name and their expressions * or false on failure */ public function getColumnGenerationExpression($column = null) { if ( Compatibility::isMySqlOrPerconaDb() && $this->dbi->getVersion() > 50705 && ! $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['DisableIS'] ) { $sql = "SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` AS `Field`, `GENERATION_EXPRESSION` AS `Expression` FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA` = '" . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->dbName) . "' AND `TABLE_NAME` = '" . $this->dbi->escapeString($this->name) . "'"; if ($column != null) { $sql .= " AND `COLUMN_NAME` = '" . $this->dbi->escapeString($column) . "'"; } return $this->dbi->fetchResult($sql, 'Field', 'Expression'); } $createTable = $this->showCreate(); if (! $createTable) { return false; } $parser = new Parser($createTable); $stmt = $parser->statements[0]; $fields = []; if ($stmt instanceof CreateStatement) { $fields = TableUtils::getFields($stmt); } if ($column != null) { $expression = isset($fields[$column]['expr']) ? substr($fields[$column]['expr'], 1, -1) : ''; return [$column => $expression]; } $ret = []; foreach ($fields as $field => $options) { if (! isset($options['expr'])) { continue; } $ret[$field] = substr($options['expr'], 1, -1); } return $ret; } /** * Returns the CREATE statement for this table * * @return mixed */ public function showCreate() { return $this->dbi->fetchValue( 'SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . Util::backquote($this->dbName) . '.' . Util::backquote($this->name), 1 ); } /** * Returns the real row count for a table */ public function getRealRowCountTable(): ?int { // SQL query to get row count for a table. $result = $this->dbi->fetchSingleRow( sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS %s FROM %s.%s', Util::backquote('row_count'), Util::backquote($this->dbName), Util::backquote($this->name) ) ); if (! is_array($result)) { return null; } return (int) $result['row_count']; } /** * Get columns with indexes * * @param int $types types bitmask * * @return array an array of columns */ public function getColumnsWithIndex($types) { $columnsWithIndex = []; foreach ( Index::getFromTableByChoice($this->name, $this->dbName, $types) as $index ) { $columns = $index->getColumns(); $columnsWithIndex = array_merge($columnsWithIndex, array_keys($columns)); } return $columnsWithIndex; } }