id = $searchId; return $this; } /** * Getter of id * * @return int|null */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * Setter of searchName * * @param string $searchName Saved search name * * @return static */ public function setSearchName($searchName) { $this->searchName = $searchName; return $this; } /** * Getter of searchName * * @return string */ public function getSearchName() { return $this->searchName; } /** * Setter for criterias * * @param array|string $criterias Criterias of saved searches * @param bool $json Criterias are in JSON format * * @return static */ public function setCriterias($criterias, $json = false) { if ($json === true && is_string($criterias)) { $this->criterias = json_decode($criterias, true); return $this; } $aListFieldsToGet = [ 'criteriaColumn', 'criteriaSort', 'criteriaShow', 'criteria', 'criteriaAndOrRow', 'criteriaAndOrColumn', 'rows', 'TableList', ]; $data = []; $data['criteriaColumnCount'] = count($criterias['criteriaColumn']); foreach ($aListFieldsToGet as $field) { if (! isset($criterias[$field])) { continue; } $data[$field] = $criterias[$field]; } /* Limit amount of rows */ if (! isset($data['rows'])) { $data['rows'] = 0; } else { $data['rows'] = min( max(0, intval($data['rows'])), 100 ); } for ($i = 0; $i <= $data['rows']; $i++) { $data['Or' . $i] = $criterias['Or' . $i]; } $this->criterias = $data; return $this; } /** * Getter for criterias * * @return array */ public function getCriterias() { return $this->criterias; } /** * Setter for username * * @param string $username Username * * @return static */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; return $this; } /** * Getter for username * * @return string */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } /** * Setter for DB name * * @param string $dbname DB name * * @return static */ public function setDbname($dbname) { $this->dbname = $dbname; return $this; } /** * Getter for DB name * * @return string */ public function getDbname() { return $this->dbname; } /** * Save the search */ public function save(SavedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature $savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature): bool { global $dbi; if ($this->getSearchName() == null) { $message = Message::error( __('Please provide a name for this bookmarked search.') ); $response = ResponseRenderer::getInstance(); $response->setRequestStatus($message->isSuccess()); $response->addJSON('fieldWithError', 'searchName'); $response->addJSON('message', $message); exit; } if ( $this->getUsername() == null || $this->getDbname() == null || $this->getSearchName() == null || $this->getCriterias() == null ) { $message = Message::error( __('Missing information to save the bookmarked search.') ); $response = ResponseRenderer::getInstance(); $response->setRequestStatus($message->isSuccess()); $response->addJSON('message', $message); exit; } $savedSearchesTbl = Util::backquote($savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature->database) . '.' . Util::backquote($savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature->savedSearches); //If it's an insert. if ($this->getId() === null) { $wheres = [ "search_name = '" . $dbi->escapeString($this->getSearchName()) . "'", ]; $existingSearches = $this->getList($savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature, $wheres); if (! empty($existingSearches)) { $message = Message::error( __('An entry with this name already exists.') ); $response = ResponseRenderer::getInstance(); $response->setRequestStatus($message->isSuccess()); $response->addJSON('fieldWithError', 'searchName'); $response->addJSON('message', $message); exit; } $sqlQuery = 'INSERT INTO ' . $savedSearchesTbl . '(`username`, `db_name`, `search_name`, `search_data`)' . ' VALUES (' . "'" . $dbi->escapeString($this->getUsername()) . "'," . "'" . $dbi->escapeString($this->getDbname()) . "'," . "'" . $dbi->escapeString($this->getSearchName()) . "'," . "'" . $dbi->escapeString(json_encode($this->getCriterias())) . "')"; $dbi->queryAsControlUser($sqlQuery); $this->setId($dbi->insertId()); return true; } //Else, it's an update. $wheres = [ 'id != ' . $this->getId(), "search_name = '" . $dbi->escapeString($this->getSearchName()) . "'", ]; $existingSearches = $this->getList($savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature, $wheres); if (! empty($existingSearches)) { $message = Message::error( __('An entry with this name already exists.') ); $response = ResponseRenderer::getInstance(); $response->setRequestStatus($message->isSuccess()); $response->addJSON('fieldWithError', 'searchName'); $response->addJSON('message', $message); exit; } $sqlQuery = 'UPDATE ' . $savedSearchesTbl . "SET `search_name` = '" . $dbi->escapeString($this->getSearchName()) . "', " . "`search_data` = '" . $dbi->escapeString(json_encode($this->getCriterias())) . "' " . 'WHERE id = ' . $this->getId(); return (bool) $dbi->queryAsControlUser($sqlQuery); } /** * Delete the search */ public function delete(SavedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature $savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature): bool { global $dbi; if ($this->getId() == null) { $message = Message::error( __('Missing information to delete the search.') ); $response = ResponseRenderer::getInstance(); $response->setRequestStatus($message->isSuccess()); $response->addJSON('fieldWithError', 'searchId'); $response->addJSON('message', $message); exit; } $savedSearchesTbl = Util::backquote($savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature->database) . '.' . Util::backquote($savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature->savedSearches); $sqlQuery = 'DELETE FROM ' . $savedSearchesTbl . "WHERE id = '" . $dbi->escapeString((string) $this->getId()) . "'"; return (bool) $dbi->queryAsControlUser($sqlQuery); } /** * Load the current search from an id. */ public function load(SavedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature $savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature): bool { global $dbi; if ($this->getId() == null) { $message = Message::error( __('Missing information to load the search.') ); $response = ResponseRenderer::getInstance(); $response->setRequestStatus($message->isSuccess()); $response->addJSON('fieldWithError', 'searchId'); $response->addJSON('message', $message); exit; } $savedSearchesTbl = Util::backquote($savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature->database) . '.' . Util::backquote($savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature->savedSearches); $sqlQuery = 'SELECT id, search_name, search_data ' . 'FROM ' . $savedSearchesTbl . ' ' . "WHERE id = '" . $dbi->escapeString((string) $this->getId()) . "' "; $resList = $dbi->queryAsControlUser($sqlQuery); $oneResult = $resList->fetchAssoc(); if ($oneResult === []) { $message = Message::error(__('Error while loading the search.')); $response = ResponseRenderer::getInstance(); $response->setRequestStatus($message->isSuccess()); $response->addJSON('fieldWithError', 'searchId'); $response->addJSON('message', $message); exit; } $this->setSearchName($oneResult['search_name']) ->setCriterias($oneResult['search_data'], true); return true; } /** * Get the list of saved searches of a user on a DB * * @param string[] $wheres List of filters * * @return array List of saved searches or empty array on failure */ public function getList(SavedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature $savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature, array $wheres = []) { global $dbi; if ($this->getUsername() == null || $this->getDbname() == null) { return []; } $savedSearchesTbl = Util::backquote($savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature->database) . '.' . Util::backquote($savedQueryByExampleSearchesFeature->savedSearches); $sqlQuery = 'SELECT id, search_name ' . 'FROM ' . $savedSearchesTbl . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . "username = '" . $dbi->escapeString($this->getUsername()) . "' " . "AND db_name = '" . $dbi->escapeString($this->getDbname()) . "' "; foreach ($wheres as $where) { $sqlQuery .= 'AND ' . $where . ' '; } $sqlQuery .= 'order by search_name ASC '; $resList = $dbi->queryAsControlUser($sqlQuery); return $resList->fetchAllKeyPair(); } }