/** * Server Status Processes * * @package PhpMyAdmin */ // object to store process list state information var processList = { // denotes whether auto refresh is on or off autoRefresh: false, // stores the GET request which refresh process list refreshRequest: null, // stores the timeout id returned by setTimeout refreshTimeout: null, // the refresh interval in seconds refreshInterval: null, // the refresh URL (required to save last used option) // i.e. full or sorting url refreshUrl: null, /** * Handles killing of a process * * @return {void} */ init: function () { processList.setRefreshLabel(); if (processList.refreshUrl === null) { processList.refreshUrl = 'index.php?route=/server/status/processes/refresh'; } if (processList.refreshInterval === null) { processList.refreshInterval = $('#id_refreshRate').val(); } else { $('#id_refreshRate').val(processList.refreshInterval); } }, /** * Handles killing of a process * * @param {object} event the event object * * @return {void} */ killProcessHandler: function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var argSep = CommonParams.get('arg_separator'); var params = $(this).getPostData(); params += argSep + 'ajax_request=1' + argSep + 'server=' + CommonParams.get('server'); // Get row element of the process to be killed. var $tr = $(this).closest('tr'); $.post($(this).attr('href'), params, function (data) { // Check if process was killed or not. if (data.hasOwnProperty('success') && data.success) { // remove the row of killed process. $tr.remove(); // As we just removed a row, reapply odd-even classes // to keep table stripes consistent var $tableProcessListTr = $('#tableprocesslist').find('> tbody > tr'); $tableProcessListTr.each(function (index) { if (index >= 0 && index % 2 === 0) { $(this).removeClass('odd').addClass('even'); } else if (index >= 0 && index % 2 !== 0) { $(this).removeClass('even').addClass('odd'); } }); // Show process killed message Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.message, false); } else { // Show process error message Functions.ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false); } }, 'json'); }, /** * Handles Auto Refreshing * @return {void} */ refresh: function () { // abort any previous pending requests // this is necessary, it may go into // multiple loops causing unnecessary // requests even after leaving the page. processList.abortRefresh(); // if auto refresh is enabled if (processList.autoRefresh) { // Only fetch the table contents processList.refreshUrl = 'index.php?route=/server/status/processes/refresh'; var interval = parseInt(processList.refreshInterval, 10) * 1000; var urlParams = processList.getUrlParams(); processList.refreshRequest = $.post(processList.refreshUrl, urlParams, function (data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty('success') && data.success) { var $newTable = $(data.message); $('#tableprocesslist').html($newTable.html()); Functions.highlightSql($('#tableprocesslist')); } processList.refreshTimeout = setTimeout(processList.refresh, interval); }); } }, /** * Stop current request and clears timeout * * @return {void} */ abortRefresh: function () { if (processList.refreshRequest !== null) { processList.refreshRequest.abort(); processList.refreshRequest = null; } clearTimeout(processList.refreshTimeout); }, /** * Set label of refresh button * change between play & pause * * @return {void} */ setRefreshLabel: function () { var img = 'play'; var label = Messages.strStartRefresh; if (processList.autoRefresh) { img = 'pause'; label = Messages.strStopRefresh; processList.refresh(); } $('a#toggleRefresh').html(Functions.getImage(img) + Functions.escapeHtml(label)); }, /** * Return the Url Parameters * for autorefresh request, * includes showExecuting if the filter is checked * * @return {object} urlParams - url parameters with autoRefresh request */ getUrlParams: function () { var urlParams = { 'server': CommonParams.get('server'), 'ajax_request': true, 'refresh': true, 'full': $('input[name="full"]').val(), 'order_by_field': $('input[name="order_by_field"]').val(), 'column_name': $('input[name="column_name"]').val(), 'sort_order': $('input[name="sort_order"]').val() }; if ($('#showExecuting').is(':checked')) { urlParams.showExecuting = true; return urlParams; } return urlParams; } }; AJAX.registerOnload('server/status/processes.js', function () { processList.init(); // Bind event handler for kill_process $('#tableprocesslist').on('click', 'a.kill_process', processList.killProcessHandler); // Bind event handler for toggling refresh of process list $('a#toggleRefresh').on('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); processList.autoRefresh = !processList.autoRefresh; processList.setRefreshLabel(); }); // Bind event handler for change in refresh rate $('#id_refreshRate').on('change', function () { processList.refreshInterval = $(this).val(); processList.refresh(); }); // Bind event handler for table header links $('#tableprocesslist').on('click', 'thead a', function () { processList.refreshUrl = $(this).attr('href'); }); }); /** * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page */ AJAX.registerTeardown('server/status/processes.js', function () { $('#tableprocesslist').off('click', 'a.kill_process'); $('a#toggleRefresh').off('click'); $('#id_refreshRate').off('change'); $('#tableprocesslist').off('click', 'thead a'); // stop refreshing further processList.abortRefresh(); });