Docker + nginx + MySQL + PHP
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############### XCDN启动脚本 ###############
####################### END #######################
function create_dir(){
mkdir -p /data/xcdn/conf/vhost;
mkdir -p /data/xcdn/conf/cdn;
mkdir -p /data/xcdn/conf/stream;
mkdir -p /data/xcdn/logs;
touch /data/xcdn/logs/error.log
mkdir -p /data/xcdn/ssl;
mkdir -p /data/xcdn/caches;
chmod -R 777 /data/xcdn/caches;
function run_check(){
if [ ! -f "/data/xcdn/logs/error.log" ]
mkdir -p /data/xcdn/logs;
touch /data/xcdn/logs/error.log
touch /data/xcdn/logs/stream-access.log
function start_run(){
sleep 2
/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -g "daemon off;"
#tail -f /data/xcdn/logs/error.log
run_check && start_run